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Can this make you feel blue?

It seems like everyone is getting married and getting pregnant..I have been waiting 4 years and Im a Little blue that we are still boyfriend and girlfriend..we are happy and do things and are enjoying each other but I do I being crazy..I hear it from all angles are you getting married..soon..ugh! If I knew I would tell I guess I have to just live life and see what happens..but please if this has happened to you please share your stories..I would appreciate it..Im leaving to get my hair done..this should make me feel have a good day everyone..= )

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's understandable to feel a little sad about it. It can sort of feel like everyone else is passing you by a bit. But I just have to commend you with trying to be content with what you have now. After four years so many women would be stomping and screaming and demanding a ring. And that's so not healthy. You sound like someone who is secure with themselves, and is willing to put the time into creating a lasting marriage. Good for you and your man!

    Source(s): Army Wife, Psychologist, Nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    You have to realize that some of these women that you probably see beat their guys over the head just to get a ring and that's not the way to get one. You end up with a man who feels like he got trapped in a relationship and would probably do anything for some freedom. Don't rush when you have your whole life ahead of you to get married and have children. Enjoy the fun, free spirited times now because when you're married (not that marriage can't be fun), but you'll be boggled down with so many responsibilities and stress that having some fun or doing what you want to do is sometimes just out of the question. I feel four years is long enough to have a talk about where you two are going in your relationship. Sit him down and discuss your desire to marry him, have a family and grow old together and see how he feels as well...but don't rush someone into something they are not ready for and just enjoy being together. If his feelings are different from yours though and he isn't willing to give you that commitment, then don't waste forever with him, I'm saying be patient if you both have the same future goals in mind but if not, then you are wasting your time.

    You don't have to compare your lives with others though, it's leap year so everyone is pregnant. The most pregnancies happen during leap year. ;]

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honey, Why are you guys waiting so long? I think the question here is are you willing to gamble with your future? I stayed with a guy for 10 years hoping that "one day" we would get married. I was patient, didn't want to "pressure" him, tried to be understanding....blah,blah, blah. He left me when I decided 10 years was enough. He robbed me of my 20's. I am now in my 30's and time is precious to me. Don't waste time on guys who are not willing to commit. This guys knows if you are the one....if you are ready for marriage and children why are you waiting on him? Sit down with him and discuss your concerns in an adult fashion. Explain to him that the relationship does not work for you like it is and you have been together for 4 years now. Explain that it is your wish to be married someday and you would like it to be him that you marry but you do not wish to date into oblivion. Explain to him that you really need to know where the relationship is headed for both of you....this isn't about pressure it's about gaining insight and clarity. Then listen to what he has to say. Explain to him that you will give him xxx amount of days to make a decision about moving forward otherwise you will have to start dating other men that want the same things that you do.

  • mrs
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    sure. it makes all women blue. i think they are in fear that all of their girlfriends will "grow up" and leave them in the dust alone or with a lifetime of boyfriends. you should want to get married b/c of this. you should do it when you and your boyfriend are ready. people can be together for much longer before they're ready. some may get married after a year. it depends on the maturity of the 2 people and of the relationship. does your boyfriend know that you feel this way? if not, please talk to him about it. b/c as far as he knows, everything is fine and dandy in the relationship. maybe he hasn't even thought about marriage yet, and you bringing it up will force him to.

    good luck

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My husband and i dated for 2 years and then lived together for 1 year, so kinda the same, however we have now been married for 7 years, and i told him im tired of waiting around..... so he asked!

  • 1 decade ago

    Before my boyfriend asked me to marry him I did feel that way.. Dont worry and dont be sad!! You guys will have a baby and get married soon enough heheehe Just time is a hard thing to handle..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes anything could make you feel blue, but don't worry I think you both will hook up for good at some point in time, just be patient. Me & hubs were together for years before we got serious

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    quit comparing your life to others' lives. you will have it when you're ready for it, and not a moment sooner.

    good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thanks for sharing

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