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Hey, everyone. I'm Kiya, I'm 21...about to go back to school for nursing, have another year to go. I live in Florida as well. I enjoy giving advice and answering questions, if I can help just one person out then I feel like I have made some bit of difference even if it's only in a small way. My interests include books, music, movies, astrology (I'm a Leo, btw), relationships, etc. ;D Anyone want to shoot me a question personally, go ahead and email me. I like helping people. ;]

  • Boyfriend Not Talking To Me?

    On Thursday I text my bf asking him if he wanted to hang out, he said no, he'd rather take the night to himself. I said that's fine and went about my business because he never said anything after that. At midnight he said, so you just not going to talk to me, whatever. Threw this attitude. In the morning I tried to apologize, he threw more attitude and I asked him if he wanted me to leave he alone, he said that's fine.

    It's Saturday now, not a word from him when we talk everyday all day and have been together for four years. This petty immature crap is ridiculous but I'm leaving him alone like he asked. Should I be the bigger person or leave him alone until he gets out of his funk?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend Not Talking To Me?

    On Thursday I text my bf asking him if he wanted to hang out, he said no, he'd rather take the night to himself. I said that's fine and went about my business because he never said anything after that. At midnight he said, so you just not going to talk to me, whatever. Threw this attitude. In the morning I tried to apologize, he threw more attitude and I asked him if he wanted me to leave he alone, he said that's fine.

    It's Saturday now, not a word from him when we talk everyday all day and have been together for four years. This petty immature crap is ridiculous but I'm leaving him alone like he asked. Should I be the bigger person or leave him alone until he gets out of his funk?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I waste my time and money buying Dvds?

    I'm always a little slow with the times. When Cds started getting popular, I was just getting into tapes. When Dvds were starting to get popular, I got hooked on buying VHS. Now I just got a new Tv and plan on getting speakers to make a nice little set up in my room and would like to get my Dvd collection up but it's like, is it worth it now that Blue-ray discs have come out? I know it's not widely popular but eventually it will replace the Dvd. Is it worth spending the money to have a nice Dvd collection when they might be going out of style in the next year or two? Or is blue ray discs a thing that won't catch on until much later when it's more affordable to a wider audience of consumers? Just wondering before I waste my money and then I have to go replacing them with Blues Rays in a little while.

    Thanks in advance. ;]

    4 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • At what point in your marriage or relationship did you argue most?

    Was it when you were dating, in a commited relationship, newlyweds? They say that year 2-4 are times that you argue or disagree most with your partner and I say that's true for my relationship, why do you think so and what were the most argumentive times in your relationships? What kind of issues effected your marriage or relationship most and have you overcome them or is it still an ongoing issue?

    I asked this yesterday, but just would like a bigger response.

    Thanks. ;]

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • At what point in your marriage or relationship did you argue most?

    Was it when you were dating, in a commited relationship, newlyweds? They say that year 2-4 are times that you argue or disagree most with your partner and I say that's true for my relationship, why do you think so and what were the most argumentive times in your relationships? What kind of issues effected your marriage or relationship most and have you overcome them or is it still an ongoing issue?

    Thanks. ;]

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Has being in a relationship made you anti-social?

    I'm definitely not blaming the relationship, my guy encourages me to go out and have friends, etc, he's not controlling in any way. But recently I've felt like I either want to be with him or no one at all. I have no real desire to have a bunch of friends, though one good one would be nice. I think I have my expectations high because my significant other is my best friend and I'd want a friend I could trust and could actually talk to and I don't trust easily.

    I just don't want my relationship to be the center of my world, though I have a great relationship but I've noticed I've gotten a little needy with his attention. I plan on finding a couple of activities to do like joining a gym or maybe taking a class so I'm not up my guy's a** all the time. But I'm wondering if anyone else has ever gotten like this pretty much on their own? Is there any way to get out of this frame of mind so I can just have aquaintances to go out with and not always expect some deep friendship?

    Thanks! ;D

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If you had to stay within 15 feet of each other, could you survive?

    I read that a Buddist couple vowed to stay within 15 feet of each other. They do and go everywhere together.

    Do you think you could survive that for a year, let alone the rest of your life without going crazy and killing your spouse? ;]

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Has your spouse/SO changed for better or for worse over time?

    I know people change over time, I can barely recoginize the person I was a couple of years ago from where I am now. But has your spouse or significant other changed for better or for worse as the years have gone by? This question is really for those who have been together since they were young and now are much older, or if you've just been together for a while. People can be one way one year and a totally different person two or three years later later, but have those changes made your grow as a couple or grow apart? How have you adapted?

    Thanks in advance, would love to hear everyone's stories!

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • All you need is respect?

    A friend of mine said that's all you need in a relationship and everything else will follow, communication, intimacy, etc.

    Do you think that statement is true and what does that statement mean to you?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to not feel like you're missing out?

    When I ask a question or see questions about people getting married earlier or get involved in serious relationships young...most responses are filled with statements that you'll regret it because you're going to miss out on oppurtunities with other people. My boyfriend is my first serious relationship and my first everything as I am to him. We're not kids, I'm 20, he's 23 and we have plans for a future together. I've dated around, he really hasn't but I can say that there isn't much out there and when it comes to having the experience of sleeping with more than one person, that doesn't bother me because I feel like I found true love and a good thing and I want to hold on to it.

    Has anyone else had their partner be their first serious relationship or the first person they have been with sexually and have not regretted it? Has the thought ever come up? Do you wish you had experienced more relationships? Just looking for some insight.

    Thanks in advance. ;]

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to not feel like you're missing out?

    When I ask a question or see questions about people getting married earlier or get involved in serious relationships young...most responses are filled with statements that you'll regret it because you're going to miss out on oppurtunities with other people. My boyfriend is my first serious relationship and my first everything as I am to him. We're not kids, I'm 20, he's 23 and we have plans for a future together. I've dated around, he really hasn't but I can say that there isn't much out there and when it comes to having the experience of sleeping with more than one person, that doesn't bother me because I feel like I found true love and a good thing and I want to hold on to it.

    Has anyone else had their partner be their first serious relationship or the first person they have been with sexually and have not regretted it? Has the thought ever come up? Do you wish you had experienced more relationships? Just looking for some insight.

    Thanks in advance. ;]

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Marrying after age 25 gives you a higher chance of success?

    I was reading in a magazine different things to lower your chances of divorce and one of the things was if you marry after 25 you have a higher chance of not having a divorce simply because you've had more dating experience and life experience in general and most people have a career at that age and the issue of money doesn't get brought up much.

    I feel the two people involved are really the ones who have control over whether they will divorce or not...but I just wondered if anyone who got married under 25 or the partner was their only dating experience, what are the pros and cons of getting married earlier in your view or not having that dating experience? Do you think it helped or hurt your relationship and would you have gotten married later in your life?

    I'm 20 and been in a relationshipwith my guy for three years and I don't feel I've missed out and I feel we're learning and growing together as a couple. Just wanted to get everyone else's views.

    Thanks in advance! ;]

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is hot water or cold water best when washing your face?

    I know hot water opens up your pores and I usually use that when washing my face because I suppose my pores would absorb the medicine in the face wash better...but am I right in my thinking?

    Cold water constricts your pores so is that better when you're putting on make-up and heading out? And is hot water better when you're just going to sleep? Or does it make no difference at all?

    Thanks in advance. ;]

    18 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Motivation to Exercise?

    I'm not overweight at all, and skinny by most people standards, but even though I'm skinny (5'3 115lbs), I'm very out of shape. The meat I do have on my body is all flab and I'd like to get toned a bit. I used to be very into exercising, used to do yoga exercising on top of that like 5 times a week. That was when I was a teenager, now as an adult when I feel it's more important to keep a healthy metabolism and such, it just seems now I have a lack of motivation just to even start again. It seems being healthy should be motivation enough, but it's not. I think about waking up 20 min early to get in a little exercise before work, but I can't move out of the bed in the morning (not a morning person)...then I think about trying to fit in some exercise after work, but I'm just am too tired to do it.

    With all these excuses I have (haha), how do I just get the motivation to be healthy again?

    Help! Any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Motivation to Exercise?

    I'm not overweight at all, and skinny by most people standards, but even though I'm skinny (5'3 115lbs), I'm very out of shape. The meat I do have on my body is all flab and I'd like to get toned a bit. I used to be very into exercising, used to do yoga exercising on top of that like 5 times a week. That was when I was a teenager, now as an adult when I feel it's more important to keep a healthy metabolism and such, it just seems now I have a lack of motivation just to even start again. It seems being healthy should be motivation enough, but it's not. I think about waking up 20 min early to get in a little exercise before work, but I can't move out of the bed in the morning (not a morning person)...then I think about trying to fit in some exercise after work, but I'm just am too tired to do it.

    With all these excuses I have (haha), how do I just get the motivation to be healthy again?

    Help! Any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Ideas for a Special Birthday?

    My boyfriend turns 23 next month and we've been dating for almost three years now. Frankly, every birthday and major holiday that has passed, I've been dead broke or something has come up to ruin something I had in mind to do for him.

    This time I want to plan ahead and do something really special for his birthday. Also around the same time will be our 2 1/2 year anniversary (we celebrate like every month or atleast acknowledge it). I really want to make it a special birthday for him since I've never had the chance before.

    Any ideas?

    And he's not much of a sports fan, so that's out.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Ideas for a special Birthday?

    My boyfriend turns 23 next month and we've been dating for almost three years now. Frankly, every birthday and major holiday that has passed, I've been dead broke or something has come up to ruin something I had in mind to do for him.

    This time I want to plan ahead and do something really special for his birthday. Also around the same time will be our 2 1/2 year anniversary (we celebrate like every month or atleast acknowledge it). I really want to make it a special birthday for him since I've never had the chance before.

    Any ideas?

    And he's not much of a sports fan, so that's out.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Taking a step back?

    My boyfriend and I lived together for a year, up until last night. We had been having alot of conflicts lately, and I think last night was just did it. Mostly we've been having conflicts about our current circumstances, both of us are in debt, mine more seriously...I was inbetween jobs, trying to finish school...he was trying to decide whether he wanted to leave his job because he was unhappy. Really, we weren't ready to live together, but we had been practically living together before at his place, so we just decided to get our own place together.

    We sat down and talked though, both came to the conclusion that our three year relationship was worth saving and we didn't want to just throw it away. Our circumstances are becoming better and are getting solved and we just figured we needed time to get our lives together first.

    Has anyone ever taken a step back in a relationship or marriage and had it work? Or can anyone offer advice to not let taking a step back ruin the relationship?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Taking a step back?

    My boyfriend and I lived together for a year, up until last night. We had been having alot of conflicts lately, and I think last night was just did it. Mostly we've been having conflicts about our current circumstances, both of us are in debt, mine more seriously...I was inbetween jobs, trying to finish school...he was trying to decide whether he wanted to leave his job because he was unhappy. Really, we weren't ready to live together, but we had been practically living together before at his place, so we just decided to get our own place together.

    We sat down and talked though, both came to the conclusion that our three year relationship was worth saving and we didn't want to just throw it away. Our circumstances are becoming better and are getting solved and we just figured we needed time to get our lives together first.

    Has anyone ever taken a step back in a relationship or marriage and had it work? Or can anyone offer advice to not let taking a step back ruin the relationship?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What's the best affordable scar removal cream?

    I was in a bad car accident last year and I ended up skinning my head on the windshield, so I have a medium sized abrasion that I would really love to see either gone or to see diminish a bit. I just wanted to know what's the best and most affordable scar cream that has worked for you? Something you can find either in a drug store or something like Wal-mart. I know Merderma supposedly works well, and I've heard of something called Bio-Oil that I was going to look into, but I want to know what worked for you.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago