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Is it possible to not feel like you're missing out?

When I ask a question or see questions about people getting married earlier or get involved in serious relationships young...most responses are filled with statements that you'll regret it because you're going to miss out on oppurtunities with other people. My boyfriend is my first serious relationship and my first everything as I am to him. We're not kids, I'm 20, he's 23 and we have plans for a future together. I've dated around, he really hasn't but I can say that there isn't much out there and when it comes to having the experience of sleeping with more than one person, that doesn't bother me because I feel like I found true love and a good thing and I want to hold on to it.

Has anyone else had their partner be their first serious relationship or the first person they have been with sexually and have not regretted it? Has the thought ever come up? Do you wish you had experienced more relationships? Just looking for some insight.

Thanks in advance. ;]


Asked before, wanted a bigger response. ;]

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Can you crave the taste of Ice Cream if you never ate Ice Cream to begin with? NOPE but you could wonder what everyone liked in the ice cream so much that you would want to try it.

    As for sleeping with others, all that "stuff", let it go. I do not think, if you are totaly happy with your love that you would ever wonder what someone else would be like.

    I do not think anyone needs experience with sleeping with anyone other that the ONE you love.

    My first husband was my first. We did not divorce over me wanting someone else. On the other hand, he had many before, during and after me.

    I think different folks are just set up different. Be happy with what you have and do not worry about the "what if's" if there is nothing there.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was married young, and when I think of the experiences I missed, I think of life, not of people I would have slept with. I would have made decisions that did not require me to think of someone else first. I was 23. I would have lived more, studied more, gotten the job I wanted and seen the world. Those experiences help to formulate who you are, what you really like, and the way you think.

    Besides, did you know your brain does not stop growing until your are 25? That means new neural connections aren't even finished yet. You could be a different person in 3 years.

    Go out and live a little. See the world, have an adventure. If he's with you at the end then it's meant to be, but no need to lock it up with him just yet. Life is not a race.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My husband and I are in that situation. We married young, and I don't think sexually that I regret being with him and only him. It's not like I sit around and think about it all the time, but at the same time, there come small flashing moments when I wish that I would have had more experience with me. However, since that isn't the case, I'm not saying that I regret anything. I just sort of know that I haven't had that experience and move forward. Because to tell you the truth, no matter what you do or don't do, you're always going to wonder what the grass is like on the other side of the fence. sometimes it's going to be greener, sometimes it's just going to look greener. You know what I mean?

    I think you have to decide in your life that you're not going to regret the decision that you made to be with your boyfriend and only your boyfriend. Like I said, it's normal for you to wonder what it would be like to be with other men, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you regret it.

    Hang in there, and just keep loving this man. You won't regret that! :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    You cannot know what you have or don't have because you don't have enough experience. This is not about sex but above knowing that he is the person that you fit best with. Do you have the same morals and values? Want the same things in life? Have things in common? Are best friends?

    You say you are not kids but you are - marriage is a serious commitment and needs real work to stay exciting, fresh and alive. You had better have your eyes open to this going in.

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  • True
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I started dating my fiance at 20, he was 23 =)

    I don't regret a thing. I had maybe one other boyfriend besides him and maybe two or three guys I dated casually.

    However, I would have not agreed to marriage at all at that age because I wasn't mature enough to be a wife...and he wasn't mature enough to accept one. We waited. We "grew up" together. We were with each other for four years before moving in and then for another year before proposal. I knew from day one he was my guy. There was no need to rush into things. We took our time and we are better people for it.

    I am 26 and he is 29 now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even people who get married when they are older can feel like they are 'missing out' on continuing to have sex with multiple partners. Quite honestly, only having had sex with one person is NEVER the whole reason for a divorce. If you've both found what you're looking for AND you both continue to work on your relationship, then what's to regret? Starting to wonder 'what it could have been' is usually symptomatic of feeling unloved and unappreciated.

    My best friend got married when she was 20 and they've been married for 17 years. That was the right decision for her. For me, the right decision was to wait until now (my late 30s).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know what you mean, this means your truely in love.

    When i dated my partner (whos now my ex) i just felt like theres nothing else out there, and that i want only this for the rest of my life. At the time it seemed good, but i was young and i wish i would of looked around more because i would of seen alot of other guys.. for you its diffrent because you're older in your 20's basicly your an adult and have a better understanding of what you really want. If i could go back, i wouldnt change it because for the time it made me happy and felt like i was so in love so no i dont regrett it at all, plus now were still great friends so it worked out.

    hope this helped! hahah

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My friends have been together since they were 14 firsy everything together 15 years later married 3 children they are still as happy as ever no regrets.

    I wish that the way my life had panned out, how can you miss something you not had, they say the grass is always greener on the otherside...but i don't think it is

    carry on be happy

  • 1 decade ago

    The only meaningful point here is that marriage is a promise made to your spouse, and its the most serious promise that an adult can ever make. If anyone is at all feeling like they might "miss out" on any aspect of single life, well, that person should NOT marry anyone until and unless they *stop* thinking and feeling such narcissistic nonsense.

    People who are concerned with "missing out" are unmarryable.


  • 1 decade ago

    I think that if he is who you are comfortable with and really love, and feel like the spark will still be there in the long term future, there's no reason to go have sex with a bunch of people if you are already happy. But just don't let him come in the way of you enjoying your youth/having fun with friends, etc. :)

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