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Has your spouse/SO changed for better or for worse over time?

I know people change over time, I can barely recoginize the person I was a couple of years ago from where I am now. But has your spouse or significant other changed for better or for worse as the years have gone by? This question is really for those who have been together since they were young and now are much older, or if you've just been together for a while. People can be one way one year and a totally different person two or three years later later, but have those changes made your grow as a couple or grow apart? How have you adapted?

Thanks in advance, would love to hear everyone's stories!

7 Answers

  • jelle
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My husband has definitely changed for the better. He is a better man than he was 15 years ago; better today than two years ago. I believe I am too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My husband has changed completely for the worst. He's so different then when we first met it's like living with a stranger. We have three children and the only reason we're together is because he is a good financial provider which allows me to continue my education. My children and I have our life and he has his. In the beginning everything was great we were so in love, after the children were born he became distant because I couldn't devote all my time to him. He claims to love us but he continues to put his friends and his extended family before us. I still care about him in a buddy sort of way the love is just not there anymore.

    Source(s): In a loveless marriage
  • 1 decade ago

    My honey and I have grown significantly in the last 5 years we've been together. In my situation the change has been for the better, we've been through so much BS in the beginning and now we're on a much better path. We were only 19 when we got together, a year later we brought a child into the world and now almost 4 years later we're doing quite well. Change is good for the most part................

  • 1 decade ago

    my husband has way changed for the better since I met him...people are still the same person when they change they are just letting theor good side come out so they can be with the person they love, i think that people do not really change, completely but simply take what they have and turn it into soething better and that is a very hard thing to do....yeash we have only been together one year lol, but considering the depression he was in before we met, he has become much better, and happier

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  • 1 decade ago


    He just takes me and the kids for granted. He thinks he is so perfect - I have just about had it. The only reason I hang on is for the sake of the children. I am a paralegal who has done a lot of domestic relations. The children are the big losers in a divorce.

    Source(s): life been there - done that
  • KJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    people can change how they treat others, but who they are in their core does not change.

    if you love someone for how they treated you, or loved someone for what they did for you (emotionally and physically), that is going to change.

    if you love someone for who and what they are, how they treat you don't matter.

    the other night, my wife said "you laughing is music to my ears".

    i had a very bad couple of weeks...

    that is love.

  • 1 decade ago

    Defiantly worse but i've adjusted

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