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Just wondering what your views on this story would be?

This story was covered, October 7, 2008, in the Lufkin Daily News (Lufkin, TX) I received a heads up about it from a friend who emailed me the link and this statement: "I was on duty with the Army in Panama a few months after 'Just Cause'. I was talking with a local bar owner who told be that if you were at a bar or in public & you told a joke about Noriega or any of his cronies in the Government, the police would drive out & question you. Something to think about."

What do you all think about Obama's "campaign police"?


mccainsq...."don't believe" what? It's from a newspaper, dude. "None so blind as those who will not see".

Kimberly....I have no idea what your non-answer means.

Update 2: the article...she made no threat...she said she opposed Obama's stand on late term abortion. I wasn't referring to the Secret Service as "campaign police", but to the campaign worker who falsely reported what the woman said.

Update 3:

miaja200....actually, I do have much more information, from the woman in the article, herself, in an email. However, it is loquacious and more to do with her encounter with the Secret Service. I was more concerned how people felt about her not being able to state her views without investigative questioning.

Update 4:

In case anyone wonders how I got details.....I contacted her. I am not a person who passively believes everything I read. My sense was that she is honest and totally incensed that the campaign worker made a false report about her.

Update 5:

Noah H, no, I don't use "buzz" words. Never heard the phrase before, but it IS what came to mind when I first heard this story. For a campaign worker to take it upon herself to make false accusation because she did not like the answer she got, is scary to me.

Canam, I so agree with you about the plumber. I can't believe how Obama supporters are attacking him.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think Obama's "campaign police" are the closest thing we've seen to Orwell's "Big Brother" since the "Red Scare" of McCarthy in the late 1940's through the late 1950's. Obama is more like McCarthy than any other politician that I have ever seen in this country. His "campaign police" remind me of Hitler's Gestapo, and their brand of investigating is just as dangerous.

    mccainsgoindown...Obama is not a "constitutional lawyer". He is a lawyer and a Senator who happened to be a guest lecturer (not a professor) discussing Constitutional law.

    Hi there yes I am Peachy 92's "friend". I called Obama's campaign headquarters last night. After asking the volunteer a few questions about the good Senator's position on several issues, I was informed "Sir you obviously do not understand how our government works." After explaining to the young lady that I hold a Master's Degree in Economics and a Doctoral Degree in Political Science, I enjoyed hearing her backpedal and say "I meant you obviously understand." However the 10 minutes it took her to remove her foot from her mouth were priceless.

    It is true I compared Obama to McCarthy. The comparison is valid. Obama, his supporters, and liberals (not all democrats) in general have shown very little tolerance for diverse ideas in the realm of government. Obama is a socialist any way you look at it. However he, like McCarthy is a zealot in his ideals. He is blinded by the light the media and the Obamabots have shed on him. He is so blind that he cannot see how wrong for America he truly is. Many people are caught up in the fact that for the first time in our history a man other than a Caucasian, stand a chance at the presidency, and it's about time. This has been way over due. However, this man is not the "hope" or "change" our "future" needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely horrible! The Secret Service had to check it out, but it's a shame that Obama supporters can't or don't think. What ever happened to common sense and the ability to understand frustration? Why is it OK for the Obama supporters to promote dissent against Bush but we can't dissent against Obama? Freedom of Speech is for everyone! That's why Jefferson and his supporters did all they can to rid of the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1802!

    I with my friend could answer this question with reference to the call he made to the Obama campaign last night. He had a good story about how the girl couldn't connect the dots of his point.

    Edit: miahj2002, that's a complaint made by the woman in the article. Had the conversation been recorded, the truth would be known rather or not had she made that threat or the phone worker was just spiteful. The recording of the call would be beneficial to both sides.

  • Tina
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is not the campaign police, the Secret Service investigates any threats or perceived threats to both Presidential candidates. Obviously most of them are not true but still have to be checked out.

    If you were overheard making any kind of threat (serious or not) about President Bush you would receive a visit from the Secret Service. It is their job to protect!

    Claudiac, I know she said that she made no threat, but since the person making the call said she did is was perceived as a threat. I am not saying it is right but the way things are done.

  • Noah H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think you miss the point. Our country, after eight years of the Bush Junta and the ideology of the neo-conmen who compose the high command of the current GOP is swifty losing traction. Many people, possibly folks that you know, are hurting BECAUSE of these people. I suspect the term 'campaign police' is another buzz word cooked up by one of the many right wing think tanks that aided, abetted and encouraged this kind of behavior. Personally I'm more concerned about the Homeland Security Gestapo tossing my underwear stash without a warrant than whatever this current chop against Sen. Obama is. An out of line campaign worker may be a big deal to some people, but the antics of our George Bush/Republican party home grown STASI needs to be explained a lot more. The 'campaign' is over in three weeks......these government thugs are fairly close to institutionalized already! Who knows...someday telling a joke about El Presidente may get YOU your very own interrogation.

  • canam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In many respects we do have a similar situation. Not with law enforcement but with Obama's real police force, The MSM. Look at what they have tried to do to Joe the Plumber. They have delved into his background and made it public just because he asked an honest question about Obama that has profited the McCain Campaign. The MSM have lost all credibility and are no longer reporting news, but stumping for Obama. On GMA this am, Sawyer interviewed Gingrich. When she did not like what Gingrigh said, she felt it necessary to defend Obama at a totally inappropriate time and fortunately, Gingrich called her on it. Are we to believe freedom of speech would be less limited when it comes to obama if he should win?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think we're hearing only part of the story. I'm uninclined to lean one way or another without hearing the whole story, including what the Secret Service were told and the volunteer's own account. She could have said that comment and denied it later, but no one knows because the conversations aren't recorded.

    Source(s): EDIT: To Peachy: I agree. My point was that it is no use arguing "he said - she said" in this case (or rather she said-she said) without actual proof to back it up. Without evidence, it's only hearsay. EDIT: To canam and claudia - This whole Joe the Plumber thing is overblown. Blame it on both candidates for vaulting him into the spotlight when it should have been just an honest question asked by an inquiring voter. Everyone knows, once you become the center of attention, the media will empty your closet of any and all skeletons. It also did not help any that he decided to use his 15 minutes of fame as a soapbox against Obama's policies. You start taking sides and you'll get a backlash. It is as simple as that.
  • 1 decade ago

    You can't seriously believe this. Obama is a constitutional lawyer. He has great respect for and understanding of constitutional rights - unlike our present administration, which has used the Constitution as toilet paper.

  • 1 decade ago

    Add that to Michelle's comments to the API . . . insisting that their message should only support African Americans . . . these people are ridiculous

  • 1 decade ago

    I think your chances to be mistaken for a wolf, from a helicopter are greater

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, are you serious? Are you the lady at the McCain/Palin rally that called Obama an Arab? Honey give the microphone back, please.

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