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Lv 7
Amber asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 1 decade ago

Why do the people who love Twilight?

think that everyone else on the planet has to worship it too? I don't like it. I think the writing is poor, the plot is generic, and the characters are flat. But that's just me. If you want to read it, fine, doesn't make a difference to me. We all have different preferences, I just don't understand why a lot of you seem to care so much what I do and don't like and why some of you even send hate mail over it. Seriously, grow up.


Clink93: note the question mark at the end of the first sentence.... that's a question.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    (Sorry. Making fun of the typing is just too much fun).

    Yeah, I get hate mail a lot. Not as much as I used to, though-- I think they've learned that whining to me about it won't change my mind, lol. From what I've seen, a lot of Twilight fans don't like reading in the first place and don't have much appreciation for literature, so a lot of them don't take things like a good plot, character development, messages, etc as seriously many of the anti-Twilighters do (again, just generally speaking. That's not true for everyone). So I think it boggles a lot of Twilighters' minds that we don't like Twilight, because most of them don't see the problems in Twilight that we do and think everyone should just worship Edward and forget the literary elements of the book.

    I agree with Just Kels, though-- not all of the Twilight fans are annoying. I like some of them. But there are the select few who give them all a bad name.

    Source(s): Lovable: I know. But that's seriously how most of the obsessive fans on this site type. And a lot of them are the little preppy things. Not all, but a lot. As Kels said, though, there are the select few (like that) who make you all look silly. About the well written thing... no, Twilight is not well written. But that kind of proves the point I was making earlier that Twilight fans are willing to forgive the literary aspects the book is lacking, whereas most people who dislike Twilight are not. A lot of the Twilight fans realize it's not well written but like the book anyways; I can't read a book that's not well written. I can't forgive bad writing, lol.
  • Aki F.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Just For Kelsey is right.

    Those people who do treat Twilight like a religion are often possessive. They've read no other books. A girl at my school loves Twilight, and when I told her that I thought Stephenie Meyer was a horrible writer, she looked at me like I was stupid and said, "No. No. Don't talk about her like that." And her voice was rather deep and sort of snarling. She acted as though Ms. Meyer was her sister or mother!

    But again, people who are generally so far obsessed have never read another book.

    Carolinee is w/Team Edward--You don't understand what it means to have a three-dimensional character in the first place. Being 3-D means you have developed. Bella did not develop. Did she grow up because she had a child? No. Did she become less dependent on Edward? No. She remained the same throughout the entire series and did not change.

  • Aly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Bcuz its lyk da bestest book ever!!!! OMG I LYK LUV EDWARD! IM GONNA MARRY HIM!!!

    Kidding. I agree with you 200%. The book has no depth, the plot has more holes than swiss cheese, and the characters are cliche in the extreme. Twilight readers think that the book is amazing, and anyone who does not think so is 'dumb'.I have been called dumb, jealous (of what, I don't know), and narrow-minded because I read the whole series and didn't like it. Some fans just don't seem to see anything other than Twilight.

    And if they have a problem with me not liking the book, they can hate mail me all they want. But it will never change the fact that I don't like Twilight, and it only shows how immature and petty they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all people who love (or hate) Twilight act so immaturely. As in any group, there are those who give the rest a bad name by being rather crass. They are usually ignorant, close-minded beings, and if there are two things that don't go well together, they're ignorance and an unwillingness to experience. If everyone would act like decent human beings, we would all get along. I think it's sad that one (badly-written, non-developed, round-characterless, plot-hole-riddled, cliche-filled, silly) book series has divided us so. Lovers: Twilight good-- read it, love it, live it, or suffer! Haters: Twilight bad-- if you like it, you're stupid and we hate you!

    I personally don't care for the books, but I try to be as fair as I can. I've never gotten any hate mail for my Twilight comments, even though I criticize the books-- that's terrible that people are so rude as to send things like hate mail! If someone has a problem with something I say, I don't mind if they email me with the respect I gave them (if I had been really rude to them and used all CAPS and gotten really nasty, then I would expect that right back), but hate mail? Ridiculous; this is Books and Authors, not Trolls and Ranters.

    Source(s): Carolinee is w/ Team Edward!! :), darling, it's people like you who I was refering to when I said "close-minded" and "crass" (I don't think you're ignorant, but I don't know you). Saying that you don't care what the people who oppose your views say or think is the kind of thinking that got us into this mess. Now, I don't mean to offend you, but don't you see what I mean? About the flat characters, look at this: Textbook Twilight characters.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I understand where your coming from, I have friends who hate the book because that's all people ever talk about anymore. I love the book series and I know its weird but its a good book. To the girls out there who wish there boyfriends could be as perfect as Edward. Its just good and some just really wish Edward was real, I know I do :) but hey I am a girl that may explain why.

    Source(s): Twilight fan! TEAM EDWARD!
  • JAM
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I like Twilight, and that's totally cool that you don't.

    I agree that it's definitely overrated. I like it, but a million different fansites for Bella and Edward? Now that's over the top.

    I honestly don't give a care who likes what book. I recommend books to people sometimes, but never do I shove it down their throat.

    Those people that 'worship' it are losers with nothing better to do with their lives but to live vicariously through fictional characters. Ha!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. I liked Twilight, really I did. But I don't see why people care what other people do. Let them read it if they want to. I mean it's not a crime to read is it????? Of course not! But I mean come on! I don't why people are so obsessed with Twilight! I mean it's just a book for god sakes. I wish people would just find another book to read, and let this Twilight thing shimmer down. They have really worn it out!

    Source(s): Me
  • 1 decade ago

    i love the twilight books but i am also personally getting tired of the stark raving mad enthusiasts.....

    the only thing that bothers me is that some twilighters are just so into the whole 'OMG EDWARD' thing that they don't see that other people have an opinion and that that opinion matters just as much as someone elses......

    for the anti twilight side, some of them can be just plain nasty with the comments....

    they make some of us twilighters feel stupid and unimportant.....our opinion matters too

    i am also getting tired of all of the twilight themed questions....

    and to the person above me:

    twilight may not be very well written but some people have opinions as well as you do......

    you make it sound like everyone that reads twilight is some giddy little preppy kid that is just a little air head and thats not true

  • 1 decade ago

    I totally agree. It's the new teen obsession; they don't have Harry Potter any more. What I can't believe is that adults like this stuff. It's clearly for teens: pretty much all plot, drama, drama, drama... I'm a teen myself, and I don't even like it.

    Also, have you noticed that every new teen book out there now is about vampires? Interesting......

  • 1 decade ago

    um. what was the question? You never asked a question in that whole rant.

    But to reply to the statement, Twilight get's people rilled because some people have dreams based around magic creatures such as vimpires or wherewolves so they feel they must protect anything that relates to it and as such they feel they are protecting their dream.

    People just have diffrent pov's on things as for your rant I find it distasteful and pathetic, see? That's my opinion, but someone who has been chewed out by a fan probably agries with you.

    It's all a matter of opinion.


    "Why do the people who love Twilight

    think that everyone else on the planet has to worship it too"

    Ah I see the question now, thank you for clearing that up for me.^^*

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