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do you think its ok to give baby a pacifier??? and is it ok to smoke cigarettes wile breast feeding?

what do you think my baby is 3 weeks old and i give her a pacifier a few times a day??? would you say its a bad thing for baby's??

and i just started smoking like 4 days ago, is dad bad for my milk??? what about marijuana?? i haven't smoked any Sens i had my little one does it do anything to my breast milk milk, or to my baby??


23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pacifiers are fine. Mine happened to hate one - but if yours is fine with it, then go for it. Some studies showed that babies who had a pacifier were less likely to die from SIDS. They don't know why, but say that pacifiers seem to be beneficial in that regard. As far as smoking, unfortunately all that stuff does pass through breast milk... hence to the baby. Even nicotine patches (if you are trying to quit) will enter through your system and into your breast milk.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pacifiers are fine. They do recommend that you wait 6 weeks so that the baby dosnt get nipple confusion. But if your baby is already used to the pacifier and is still feeding from you then there is no problem. The good thing about pacifiers is that if a baby is sucking they remember to breath so it is actually now thought that pacifiers can help reduce the chance of SIDS

    Now as for cigaretes this will increase the chances of SIDS. even if you do not breastfeed baby will breath it in off your clothes. My advice is try and stop. But apparently it is still best to breastfeed even if you smoke! strange I know but that is what I am told.

    Absouletly do not smoke marijuana. It crosses into the milk and will effect your baby. Your little baby is growing so fast and developing so many brain connections. You do not want to take any substance that is going to interfare with this development and marijuana could.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pacifier is fine , when i was in the hospital after having my baby girl they had already put a pacifier in her mouth just the day after she was born.

    Which really pissed me off though, because i asked them not too. Seeing how i was breast feeding as well and then afterwards she wouldn't even take the breast, so i had to start pumping an feeding her with bottles.

    So yes, pacifier is fine.

    As for smoking , i would be careful with that.

    maybe regular cigarettes are okay , but marijuana? hell no, you shouldn't even be doing that anyway. You have a child now, time to grow up and be responsible. I dont know how old you are, but i am only 17 and i could have told you that.

  • 1 decade ago

    You get a thumbs up for asking some really important questions. Congratulations for wanting to give your baby breast milk. During the first 3-4 weeks, while you are building your milk production, if you offer the breast instead of the pacifier it will help guarantee that you will make enough milk for your baby and that your baby will drink plenty of milk. Smoking tobacco is not good for the baby as it does get into your milk and it can decrease the amount of milk you make. But...your breast milk will still be much, much better for your baby than formula. Quit if you can, but if not, limit the number of cigarettes and watch your baby- he may get jittery and make sure your baby is getting plenty of milk. Plenty of heavy wets diapers and 3-4 poopy diapers per day. Marijuana? No, not a good idea. Your baby can get very sleepy if you smoke marijuana and it stays in the baby's body for a long time--2-3 weeks!

    Source(s): Thomas Hale Medications and Mother's Milk
  • 1 decade ago

    Pacifiers are fine but the smoking absolutely not. You should not smoke anything while you are breastfeeding and never around the baby at all around Everything you put into your body affect your breast milk. Stop being selfish and think of your little one first

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think smoking weed would be a good idea , i used a pacifier for my daughter and she stop by her self at 8 months but when i couldnt find it or i was cleaning them she would freak out and she also wouldnt sleep with out it either , i dont think ill be giving my second baby a pacifier

  • 1 decade ago

    With regards to pokeys answer - smoking and breastfeeding is still better than feeding with formula, its not recommended but there are still far more benefits from the breastmilk regardless.

    I would however stay away from smoking marijuana.

    As for the pacifier if works for you go for it, but I would try and hold off until you and baby are well established with breastfeeding to avoid any nipple confusion and refusal of the breast.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, pacifiers are not a bad thing for babies. No one would say that they were.

    Any kind of smoking or substance use, like alcohol or any drug, is NOT GOOD FOR YOUR BABY. If it was known that you were taking substances and breastfeeding, it is very likely that you would be reported to child protective services. And rightly so.

    If you smoked when pregnant, guess what, you hurt your baby!

    Go take a parenting class since you don't have a clue.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    pacifiers are very common for babies so i personally do not think there is anything wrong with that. it is natural for them to want to have them.

    as far as the smoking goes, i would defenitely NOT smoke, at least around your child. your baby is still so young and that would not be good for its health at all. when marijuana is inhaled it goes into your blood stream. your baby could ultimately get high off of it. i wouldnt raise your child around that whether or not its bad for it personally.

    Source(s): my mom is a nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    Pacifiers cut down on the risk of SIDS. They are actually recommended by the AAP.

    No, it is not safe to smoke and breastfeed, nicotine passes through breast milk. Also, smoking around your child increases the risk of SIDS, so, its really not a good thing to do.

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