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  • Considering a dutch oven purchase?

    One of my local stores has an excellent buy right now on a high-quality dutch oven. I already have a crock-pot for stews and an enamel-over-metal heavy-duty stockpot for soups and quick-cook stews and such (all of which I do make a ton of). Should I make the splurge and get the dutch oven? Or is it sort of redundant given the crock-pot & stockpot?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How long is too long for clothes left in the washer?

    Sometimes I wash clothes at night, then forget to put them in the dryer. So I end up rewashing them the next day. But really - how long can the clothes sit in the washer before needing to be rewashed before going in the dryer? (hope that makes sense)

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Bilingual speakers - what language do you "think" in?

    If you are fluent in say, both English and Spanish, do you find yourself thinking in one language more than another? Like when you are driving in your car and think in your head, "I am hungry. Maybe I'll stop at that restaurant." Do you ever find yourself sometimes speaking in both languages in the same sentence? e.g. Buenos dias, my name is Naztazia.

    15 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What is this type of head wrap called?

    Trying to figure out what this type of head wrap is called. I'd also like to know where I can either buy or make one (I can sew, knit, crochet if there are any patterns out there). Thanks.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How low do you think the Dow Jones average will go?

    Over the next year or two - how much lower do you think it will go? Have we hit bottom yet? Any speculation on when we will?

    5 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Any reason why the Obama campaign doesn't respect folks?

    6 months ago when I was getting tons of calls from the Obama campaign I asked them to place me on their internal "do not call list." Yet I still got them. In the past 2 months, again, I asked "please place me on your do not call list." Now in the past 3 days, I have received 15 - and I am NOT kidding - I have a tally right next to the phone and caller ID to prove it - 15 freakin' calls for the Obama campaign. I'm on the federal do not call list, and I know that doesn't apply to political stuff - but when a consumer asks to be placed on their own internal do not call list, the callers have 30 days to comply with the request (per the law). It's been 6 months!!! BTW, I asked the McCain camp not to call here 6 months ago too, and never once received another call. Is anyone else getting this ridiculous harrassment?

    32 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Yarn in [1] Super Fine and [2] Fine recommendations?

    I bought a couple of nice crocheting and knitting magazines, and quite a few patterns are calling for yarn weights in both [1] and [2]. Any recommendations for yarn in these weights that I can get at either Walmart, AC Moore, Michaels or Joann Fabrics? I would prefer not to order online for these (want to see them in a store)... but if I absolutely have to, I will. Also, if there is some other trick (e.g. using 2 or 3 strands of a particular size of crochet thread) please let me know.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Biden and Scranton, PA?

    Why does Biden and the rest of the Democratic party keep referring to "Scranton, PA" as a poor, desolate, coal country, low class place that he was born in? I quote, "Joe Biden left blue-collar, bare-knuckles Scranton for the greener pastures of Delaware." Anyone else really think we're that bad of a place?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • My left mouth cheek is swollen - causes?

    Two nights ago I fell asleep in an awkward position (I put my forehead down on the computer desk and it stayed that way for about 2 hours). Eventually went to bed and the next day I had alot of discomfort in my left inner cheek of my mouth from the part where the gums meet the cheeks inside to about half way down. Today my whole left cheek is swollen on both - the outside and inside. (the outside looks like I have a golf ball in my mouth) I feel a couple of pimple type things inside my left cheek. Granted, I have a horrible tendency to bite the inside of my cheek when I'm asleep, esp in awkward positions. Could this swelling/discomfort be from this bad position? Or is it just a cooincidence? Do I really have something else going on like an absess tooth, gum infection, or a problem with a blocked gland? I don't feel any toothaches in any of my teeth, my gums look normal pink, and I don't have a fever. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to see if I feel any better - but I don't know whether to go to a dentist or a regular doctor. I put this question in Dental, but am putting it here as well. Thanks.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • My left mouth cheek is swollen - causes?

    Two nights ago I fell asleep in an awkward position (I put my forehead down on the computer desk and it stayed that way for about 2 hours). Eventually went to bed and the next day I had alot of discomfort in my left inner cheek of my mouth from the part where the gums meet the cheeks inside to about half way down. Today my whole left cheek is swollen on both - the outside and inside. (the outside looks like I have a golf ball in my mouth) I feel a couple of pimple type things inside my left cheek. Granted, I have a horrible tendency to bite the inside of my cheek when I'm asleep, esp in awkward positions. Could this swelling/discomfort be from this bad position? Or is it just a cooincidence? Do I really have something else going on like an absess tooth, gum infection, or a problem with a blocked gland? I don't feel any toothaches in any of my teeth, my gums look normal pink, and I don't have a fever. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to see if I feel any better - but I don't know whether to go to a dentist or a regular doctor.

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Video showing "warnings" about the financial mess?

    I found this on YouTube - it's a FoxNews report. It states that McCain and the Bush admin have been warning about the collapse of Freddie & Fannie - and McCain actually tried to push for regulation... but the Dems stopped it? Is this true? I keep hearing it's just the opposite on places like CNN.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Leggings - in style again?

    I see alot of leggings in the stores... reminds me of my 80s days. Back then, we used to wear them with a long sweater or a really big shirt and short skirt paired with a big belt. I'm assuming leggings are in style this year? How do you wear them these days?

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How to organize stand-alone freezer?

    I have one of those large chest freezers in my basement that opens from the top. There are no compartments in there - just a big ol' box type of thing. Needless to say I package everything nice and neatly, but still can't seem to easily get to the stuff all the way on the bottom. Are there compartments you can buy to organize the stuff more efficiently? Or better techniques?

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Finally got a crock pot - easiest recipes to start with?

    There are millions of recipes on the 'Net for Crock Pots and I'm overwhelmed. What are 3-5 easy meals I should try first? I can look up recipes if need be, I'm just trying to narrow choices down. We like pretty much anything (meats, veggies, grains, etc.) Thanks.

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Toddler playing grandma's home casino slot machine?

    My 2 yr old likes to go over grandma's and play with her slot machine - it's a real casino type machine, but uses fake tokens. I took a picture of her and wanted to send it to the relatives, but I stopped and thought, is this legal??? Now before I get all the comments of "this might create a gambling addiction when she's older" - read up on the psychological term "Satiation Principle" before you post anything about that and you'll see why I don't mind her playing it. Anyway, I'm just more worried if there are any legal issues about the picture.

    5 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Need help poofing out hair in the front (half updo)?

    I have long straight hair almost down to my belly button. When I pull some or all of it back into a pony tail, it slicks back and takes the shape of my head (like from the front it looks like I'm bald). How do I make it poof up a little from my head? Like in these pictures (1) and (2) I'm trying to avoid hairspray and other hair products and would prefer to do it with either a special hair barrette, pins, elastics, something like that if possible.

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • To caulk or not to caulk new vinyl windows?

    We just got new vinyl replacement windows installed. Our contractor, who has done tons of great work for us over the years, told us not to caulk these windows between the window and the extension jam. Is this correct? All of our older windows are caulked, but he said no, let the window expand and contract at will. Opinions?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Flooring product with easy installation like laminate, beauty of real hardwood?

    My husband and I would never attempt installing real hardwood flooring between the glue and all that. However, laminate (Pergo) is easy to install for us. Is there any product out there that is either real wood or bamboo or some other natural material that looks great yet still is just as easy to install like pergo (no glue). Thanks.

    5 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Do friends come in thru your house's front or back door?

    Don't know if it's just my area, but we all have a front door that's in our foyer/living room, and a back door to the outside in the kitchen. I don't think I've ever been through my friends'/relatives' front door... always the back door. When the front door bell rings, we know it's someone that doesn't know us. Is this true all around the USA?

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Freezer temperature was at 25 degrees?

    A couple of weeks ago I got a new GE side-by-side refrig/freezer and am still trying to get used to it. I keep thermometers in both parts. I have the freezer set to -5, and it usually is around that temperature when I open it. Today, I opened the freezer during a time when normally I don't, and the temp was about 25 degrees and there was condensation all along the sides of the freezer and on almost all of my packages. I closed the door and the motor kicked on. Is this normal?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago