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Why do Obama supporters keep saying Bush's tax cuts only helped the rich?

In their fight against McCain Obama supporters keep saying that McCain supports Bush's tax cuts and these tax cuts only helped the rich and not the middle class while Obama will make tax cuts that will help the middle class (this is their "answer" when they are asked how can Obama give "tax cuts" to those in the lower class that don't even pay taxes to begin with).

My wife and I have been making between $35,000 to $50,000 a year over the last 10 years (it has been going up ever year and has mostly gone up over the last 5 years yet I have been working a lot less the last several years then before). Anyhow, since Bush's tax cuts we have been paying less taxes then ever. Last year we made about $50k and our tax bill was something like $537 (compared to 10 years ago $30k in income gave us a $1,500 tax bill). The main tax cut that has helped us was Bush's increase in the child tax deduction (from $500 per child to $1,000), not to mention the increase in individual deductions per person. The child tax deduction was a reduction in the amount of taxes owed, not a deduction from taxable income, so it's impact had more of an effect on what we ended up owing. I think the cut off for the deduction is something like $75,000 (i.e. if you made more then that you did not get the deduction, only those making less then that would get the deduction). Plus the last time I looked $75,000 was not in the "rich" catagory.

I know Bush's tax cuts had additional stuff that was meant to help businesses recover after 9/11 but it also included stuff that helped those making less like my wife and I and we are far from being "rich".

So why do Obama supporters keep saying that Bush's tax cuts only helped the rich when that is not true?


While watching the news the last couple of days when talking about "Joe the Plumber" it was asked how can you cut taxes for 95% of the people when something like 35 to 40% don't pay any taxes to begin with I've heard several Obama supporters reply that Obama's tax cuts would help the middle class as Bush's tax cuts did nothing for them. 3 so far did this today alone. They blew off the original question by responding to it with a comment about Obama helping the middle class. What has the middle class have to do with cutting taxes to people that don't pay any taxes to begin with?

Judging by most of the "answers" to my question I clearly see it has gone over their heads as it was not about how the "world revolves around me". Nor did I say "all" Obama supporters are saying this. The last 2 days this is what several Obama supporters are saying on TV. They clearly state "all", not most, of Bush's tax cuts helped the rich and none helped the middle class. Why? Can you at least answer that?

Update 2:

Winnie - send me a message that I can reply to and I will try to answer your question the best I can.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your'e right. The Bush tax cuts cut 4% off of every single tax payers bill. The increase in child deduction was for people who made less than 75k- so it actually helped the under 75k crowd more than the over 75k crowd if they had kids. As for helping the businesses after 9/11 that was a good move- can you imagine if he hadn't? The Obots do not understand much of anything in my opinion. Also if Obama removes the Bush tax cuts, won't that hurt the poor & middle class the most????

    Edit: To GJL- no one is stopping you from paying more taxes- in fact the government would welcome your contribution, and Obama will give it to someone- probably someone who is on crack.

    Source(s): Obama Who?
  • GJL
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Where? Who said that? Of course tax cuts helped all of us, but the rich were able to obtain more of the wealth in America than everyother income bracket, while on average the middle class lost out (real wages stagnated, while the cost of living went way up. The cost of living going up had a lot to do with oil speculation, which drove the cost of oil up, which benefitted Exxon Mobile.). Remember this is an average, so there will be outliers on both sides of the standard deviation. You might be one of those outliers.

    In the meantime, we are borrowing from China to pay for Iraq, so your children will be less well off than you when the bill finally comes due. There has been little attention paid to infrastructure, and its crumbling, so your tax cut should have gone to keep our bridges and roads from crumbling.

    I make a pretty good living, but I feel I'm not paying enough tax, and my president isn't asking me to sacrifice in the way FDR did during the World War. You can't have government services WITHOUT PAYING FOR THEM (did you get on an airplane this year? Who paid for the security to keep terrorists off our plane...the government did.)

  • winnie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hi Ruppster!

    I just want to know who are all of these people not paying their taxes? Do they not work? How the bloody heck do they get away with that? I'm totally serious, I don't understand how people don't pay taxes. I've been paying taxes like mad, believe me, I made a dent in the national debt (ok, maybe a door ding), when my Mom died, Uncle Sam had his hand out, and it friggin' hurt, but I sent him his big fat check, because that's what you do, or so I thought.

    Anyway, to answer, it's probably a tunnel vision thing. People want to see things the way they want to see them. The 'all' or 'always' thing is almost 'always' an exaggeration. Or perhaps they are repeating what they heard from others? I don't know.

    Take care!

  • 5 years ago

    sure. happens consistently. enhance taxes and human beings spend much less. The Democrats do no longer look to charm to close that or merely choose that certain funds. They actual do no longer care approximately how i've got self belief when I can extremely pay my taxes in long island State. BTW: the coolest 5% ability absolutely everyone over 145K, no longer 250K. I choose the media might question this. in addition they pay lots of the Federal funds NOW, yet for some reason unquestionably everyone seems to be effective with "different" human beings paying the invoice. never innovations how lots attempt is going into making 145K+. do no longer forget approximately he plans to enhance capital effective factors taxes and payroll taxes (over 250K). enable's do the mathematics on that one: Payroll tax for the self employed is 13.5% in case you're making $a million Million (I choose), you will could pay one extra $one 0 one,250 in tax. do no longer forget approximately the $4 hundred,000K those individuals already pay (Liberals like to forget approximately approximately internet income). it extremely is a million/2 basically for federal. State is 7%, so another35-50K, and property taxes are 30-40K for those individuals. superb residing, yet holy cow. There you have it. Socialism. Watch how those human beings flow their funds off shore. that would desire to create jobs. Edit: for sure Obama's plan will usher in extra gross sales on paper! those human beings pay all the taxes. the backside 50% in this u . s . pay 3% of the federal funds. those analyses do no longer account for financial activity.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its rediculious, Just like how everyone is blaming bush for whats going on with the Loan/housing crisis in our country now. If you look back to the Clinton years it was him that made it easier for people who couldnt afford to get loans to get them... he made it easier for minorities with low incomes to get loans easier. It was all fall out of the Clinton years... Im not a huge fan of Bush but I will tell you this.. Obama with all his high hopes and promisses is only going to bring this country further down. You know all the mom and pop business he will put out when he imposes his "every employer must offer insurance" polices. I know a few business myself. My husband Makes slightly more then what Obama says is the TOP 5% and we employee plenty of people. I have people who cut my grass. My husband highers day laboroers everyday to take out to job sights and while I have been sick I have highered a Cleaning person to help me around the house every other week. If Obamas tax plan goes into effect I wont be able to do any of those things. Should I not be able to have those things? Because my husband chooses to work 17 hour days to make a decent living... maybe he should have to share his money... Maybe he should be penilized for being a hard worker .We are also by no means "rich" either. This election makes me sick. Obama is a typical actor... sounds good, looks good... you know... Id like to say Barack... you can put lipstick on a pig...... but you know how it goes!

    Also, Id like to add its absolutely insain that someone somehow thinks that someone making half what one makes pays more tax... youve lost your mind and you are truely a jealous person... take a person making a million dollars a year... you think he pays the same tax at resturaunts when hes out spending more... do you think he doesnt pay more tax for his home that cost more... or how about his cars... that probably cost more... and his big screen tvs and boats and vacation homes, or just vacations in general, his clothes and so on.... what about all that hes contributing... instead...make it where people cant afford luxuries. If you are talking strictly about income tax... first off he wouldnt pay less and even if he somehow did... who cares he contibutes way more to tax for other things!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not that we said it only helps the rich

    It's just that's who it was made to help the most.

    By the way Obama is giving a tax deudction to the middle class. McCain is not

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the world does not revolve around you? If you go to the tax tables and people who analyze this stuff will tell you that. And by the way, we don't say Bush's tax cuts went *only* to the rich, they just went disproportionately to the rich, or we say that the budget was wrecked because Bush cut taxes on his wealthy friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    He took 3 million people from the tax roles. And still the losers want more.....

    Now along with not taxing them, they want Obama to give them welfare checks too. And he's more than willing to implement new socialist wealth redistribution to achieve it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what bush's tax cut do is give big corporations options to move there business elsehwere and avoid paying taxes all together.. and that hurts you and me, so instead of lots of companies paying taxes, all of american misses out on that money, and they are big companies so its a lot of loot..

    Tell me this, how the f&*^ has bush helped any.....person in the middle class?? WHy would u vote for a party that wants to make it easier for the rich to hide their money?? Why not vote for the guy who wants to give the middle class more money to spend on those rich mofos???

  • 1 decade ago

    because it only did help the rich! why did the annual income go down by 7,000 a year when bush was in office? he dont care about middle class cause he aint middle class! he dont struggle for anything! why would he care about those who do?

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