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Kimbo asked in SportsSwimming & Diving · 1 decade ago

Need help with salt water pool?

My salt water pool has turned green tried everything but go to a pool shop. Is there anything that I can do that will help get it normal again. It takes about 6000 litres of water. The pool is cleaned every day. But it still stays green, filter gets cleaned twice a day.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check levels of everything: Salinity, ORP, Chlorine, Ph, Calcium Hardness, Total Alkalinity and Phosphate levels.

    If I remember the order correctly you are supposed to work in the order above if anything is off fix it wait the recommend time, recheck and continue down the list as needed.

    We had this problem last year after our pool tech left (110,000 gallon pool) we found that the phosphate levels were way too high and our CH levels were to low, once we balanced everything, did a backwash and vacuumed the pool it was back to normal in 36 hours.

    Good luck I know how frustrating it is to try and fix!

  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, check your water chemistry and the salinity. At least one of those parameters is out of whack to cause your pool to go green. Secondly, check the cell on your salt unit. It may require cleaning. Thirdly, check the operation of your filter

    It's going to be one of the above or all three.

    Source(s): former pool tech
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we have a saltwater pool, and try putting shock into, and then cleaning it. if that doesnt work check the pump

    Source(s): i have a saltwater pool
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