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  • My Philips 37PF7321D/37 model tv screen is not in color anymore, please help?

    I do not know if it is coincidence or not but my dog sat on the remote and at the same time the screen went to black and white. It is not the original remote(it is a universal) that for some reason I can not access the menu options from. Anyone that has any idea on how to get the color back please let me know. Thanks!

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Difference between vegan and raw vegan diet?

    Just wondering what the difference between a vegan and raw vegan diet is.

    Not something I am pursuing just something I am interested in learning about. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Name of made for tv Movie?

    Looking for the name of a movie, thought it was a hallmark movie but can not seem to find it in their database.

    It is about a baby boy who is asian american who is found(or brought to) american military personal on a ship I believe after the Korean war or vietnam. The baby boy is adopted by the ships doctor.

    I can not remember when I first saw this movie, but it would have been between 1994 and 2000.

    Any help with the name of the movie would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • My Western Digital external hard drive will not show up on my computer.?

    I have tried to restart the computer, unplug the hard drive and plug it back in, have used both the firewire and usb cords to no avail. When I plug it in I get the WD Button Manager but am unable to do anything with it, other than unplug the hard drive. It was working yesterday no problems. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Need help on name of book?

    The book was about an adult that was kidnapped as a child and is kept in the back of a semi-truck. She is freed by the kidnappers son. As an adult she is "blind" and sees another child getting kidnapped from a toy store by a man dressed as santa. It turns out that it is the same man. The son who rescued her as a child is now a cop and they work togethor to find the child. Any help in the name of the book would be great. Thank You.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Cat does not get along with dog, Any help would be appreciated.?

    We have three dogs in the house a 4 year old lab, a year old husky and a year old shepard mix. The cat gets along great with the lab and the husky but not my shepard, they fight constantly. One of the dog’s nips and bites at the cat, but the cat never does anything back. Yet when my dog even comes near the cat, he starts hissing and growling and out come the claws. Yet my dog has never growled, barked or nipped at the cat. I will say that he is quite dumb though because he endures the cat clawing him and still wants to play with the cat. Any suggestions on how to get the cat to get along with the dog?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Year old dog has begun to eat paper, how do I get him to stop?

    He is a Shepard mix and I have had him since July, in the last couple of weeks he has begun to eat/tear up paper in the house. While home he has chew toys/bones to play with and I come home 3 times each day to let him out and play with him, along with my roommates being in and out throughout the day. Any ideas on how to get him to stop chewing up paper would be greatly appreciated.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago