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Lv 5
bksamz asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Whom of you really take this election serious?

I see so many nasty re-marks on this site it makes me sick. Folks we have problems here in America, an we need to take this serious, don't vote on the color of a mans skin, but vote on his merit an what he wants to do for the country. Think what you are doing an what's best for the country.

12 Answers

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I take this election very seriously. That's why I plan to vote for Mr. Barack Obama. He plans to focus his economic program on the middle and working classes of this country, the people who work for a living. We are the ones who actually create the wealth of this great nation and the ones who pay the vast bulk of the taxes. If we lose our jobs, as is happening now with many jobs being shipped overseas by corporations greedy for ever-greater profits, there can be no larger and larger bailouts. We simply won't have the money to pay the taxes to create those bailouts.

    Obama is also going to see to it that the worthy students have a chance to go to college, not just rich kids; that people who are sick and injured get medical treatment, not just rich people; that the ill-advised wars in Iraq and Afghanistan come to an end and our occupation of those countries does not become another Hundred Years War (yes, there once was such a war, in Europe during the Middle Ages and it was terribly devastating for all concerned).

    Obama has the support of most of the generals of our armed forces; the support of over 60 Novel prize-winning scientists; of many ranking Republicans as well as Democrats; and of many of our allies overseas in Europe and in Asia. He has a good chance to restore the prestige and integrity that this nation so woefully lost under the last Republican administration.

    I don't care what color other folks think his skin is. The palm of his hand is the same color as mine -- flesh colored. So put 'er there, Mr. Obama! I'm with you!

    Source(s): Little old lady with her head on straight (and Mr. Biden ain't half bad, neither)
  • 1 decade ago

    I take this election very seriously. I do not want to see four more years of the same failed policies. I think this country needs a change, and I think Obama is the best man for the job. I do not dislike John McCain. I think that the 2000 John McCain was such a better man, I think during this campaign, he has sold his soul to try and come ahead. Sarah Palin was an abominable choice for V.P., and when you think about John not having much time left in the world, the choice of Palin seems even more horrible. I want the best for my country, because of that, I can not vote for McCain.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are some very nasty people here, but that is only to be expected. People can say nasty things and no one really knows who they are. This election is very serious, and contrary to popular belief, I am not voting Obama because he is black. Yes, I am very proud of him for coming this far, and the work he has done throughout his life. I think he is a good person, and worthy of my vote. I had considered McCain, but I can not do that any longer because of Sarah Palin. Obama will receive my vote this election.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do take it seriously. I am democrat and probably would vote that way regardless...usually. This year, however, I debated on voting at all! NOT because of color of Obama's skin! Just because I am sick of politicians. UNTIL Palin was brought in. That really is scary. IF McCain/Palin were to win...and McCain couldn't carry through; OMG. We would really be in trouble. She is no where close to my choice of a President. She can't even discuss issues; all she does is down Obama.

    She is the main reason I decided to go ahead and vote!

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do take this seriously, and I have already voted, have contributed to my candidate, and have volunteered to work at their campaign office. I think this is the first time I've been so thoroughly involved in presidential politics since I have been eligible to vote, roughly 30 years. I have never thought I had so much to lose until seeing just how badly Bush has run the country and placed us in disgrace. Until and unless Mr. Obama disappoints me, I will NEVER vote republican again. For ANY political office. They are all underhanded losers in my book.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    What a man wants to do for this country? You can't go by a man's word...they say the same thing everytime...

    Promises, promises....I want some one that I can trust.The house is corrupt and needs cleaned ...we can't fix any problems until we clean house. McCain has said we would do away with the corruptness.

    Obama is we would be adding to the fire. But dont take my word for it...check it out, listen to what is being said about him.The documentation is there to prove the accusations. That man is not ready nor fit to run this country....I smell another Hitler.

    nasty remarks are not my thing...but truth is. And if the truth hurts, grin and bear it like the rest of the BS

  • T S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When I look at the past eight years (no it is not all Bush's fault) I agree, we need to take this election very seriously. The corruption taking place in our government has become sickening. Our elected officials are supposed to be public servants for crying out loud! Every American eligible to vote needs to be doing their homework.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am taking it seriously. But i can't vote, I'm not 18. But i listen to the news everyday. Some people have their opinions on the candidates. and that's there right. We shouldn't be judging them for what they think.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm not really into politics, but of course I care. I don't want someone who's going to drive our country even deeper into the ground... I plan to get more into politics in the future, because every vote really* does count.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am voting on character. I am voting for John McCain.

    Obama is a racist, anti-american with very unsavory friends and a socialist agenda.

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