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rockchick asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 decade ago

Are you a competitive person?

Have you been OR do you THINK you are?

Do you think there's anything wrong with competition? At any age.

Many times nowadays, especially with kids under 12, caregivers tell kids everybody's a winner!! Even the kid who didn't do anything---isn't that socialist thinking? And do you think THAT'S fair?

Kids see things very clearly so I'm sure they recognize the unfairness of this. What about you? What are your thoughts on competition?

I think it's a fact of REAL life and people do a dis-service to children by these statements and could cause real disillusionment as they get older. I am a competitive person, btw, always have been. I also didn't have that propaganda told me.


Mmmmm, Sewaters, I like Candy!

Oh, L--hahaha--ignorance is bliss, y'know! But, you're mixing up competition with that "win at all costs--I'll step on your face" mentality. So who's really been propagandized?! Not I !!!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes very competitive. Just makes you want to do your best and win. Makes it very exciting being competitive.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's begin by saying you're ignorant of what Socialism stands for. It has nothing to do with calling everyone a winner even if they do nothing.

    Let's follow by saying that you're also ignorant of what propaganda really is. Being told by TV that you should compete with everyone in every level to the point where you ignore their basic rights, is in itself a form of propaganda, which, by your own words, I can tell you've been exposed to plenty.

    Do I think that kids should be told that everyone is a winner? Definitely not, because not everybody is a winner. The real winners are those that at the end of the day put the competition aside and do the right thing even if they have to "lose."

    Competition can be healthy or unhealthy. When it's done for the purpose of acquiring power, it's unhealthy and useless. When it's used for the purpose of acquiring wisdom, it's not only healthy but essential.

    That's the difference between Socialism and Capitalism when it comes to competition. Capitalism says "let's all jump on the pie like animals and try to get the biggest piece we can get." Socialism says, "there's more than enough resources for everyone, so let's just share it and better spend our time trying to improve society." Capitalism says "overcome thy neighbor," Socialism says "overcome thyself."

    I'm not sure you're capable of comprehending this as you've been exposed to so much propaganda.

    I'm extremely competitive, but I compete against myself so that I go to sleep at night a better person than I was when I woke up in the morning. Then I use my achievements to help other's overcome themselves, that is, assuming they're intelligent enough to understand how overcoming oneself is far more important than just getting the bigger piece of the pie.


    I'm not the one who has accepted the propagandized view of Socialism expressed by capitalist media.

    And by doing so you've already proven that you were.

    I know fully well about the qualities and flaws of both systems. Have analyzed both, seen the consequences of both. My opinions are based on objective observation of theories and attempts to turn these theories into practice.

    You would never hear me say something like:

    "caregivers tell kids everybody's a winner!! Even the kid who didn't do anything---isn't that socialist thinking?" because I know what socialism is.

    As for talking about a "win at all costs - step on your face mentality" that too is based on objective observation. The very crisis the U.S. is facing now is a result of a few people attempting to and being allowed to jump for the biggest piece of the pie at any cost. It's not a "propagandized" opinion, it's a fact.

    Source(s): Help me build a better world at:
  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, I am a competitor. I am competing every micro second of my life with my ego, jealousy, selfish attitude, lethargy, temptation to hog and distractions of every kind and I have almost, always been on top of affairs wherever I went and in whatever I did.

    Previously when I was relating or comparing my self with others and competing I was never actually able to keep the momentum.The fear and feel of losing took the front seat when I compared with others but after I started competing with my shortcomings, I am really happy and content with the astronomic results.

    About the teachers misleading the kids, you will agree with me that they are professionally trained on how to nurture children of that age. Maybe they want the child himself to evolve his idea of competition as he grew up, just as how you learnt about it, to the level of debating about it now. If you were to know that only one or two can win and that there is a marked difference between a winner and others at that tender age, you probably, would have hated going to school. Actually there is no permanent winner. Some win at an early age, some begin winning later. You will agree that a person who has been average or below average at school or college may emerge as a winner at job and so on. For instance when we began learning science or geography for the first time, we were told that the shape of the earth was not a perfect round, but as we grew up we learnt that the shape of the earth was an oblate spheroid. This cannot be taken that the teachers misguided us when we were young. It is only after extensive research and experience that they decided to limit the info about the shape of the earth when we were young.

  • 1 decade ago

    Out of 15 yes/no answers, the best I could interpret some of them, only 4 say they are not competitive. That's about 27% of the sample. So 73% answered yes.

    I think most people say what they believe you want to hear. Being non-competitive is usually linked to weakness. People generally don't want to admit that they are weak, so most answer in the affirmative.

    Even this very minute sample shows that. If I told my boss that I'm not competitive in any way, that would pretty much be the end of my advancement. So while I HATE competition, I always put on the act at work.

    We usually react socially in the manner which we percieve will benefit us most.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am extremlyyy competitive, I have been since the beggining.

    And I totally agree with you- it's sooo lame when they tell little kids that everyone's a winner. It almost takes out the fun of the whole game. And, things like that never happen in real life when they grow up.

  • 1 decade ago

    competition is awesome...

    its better than the people that are just sitting there

    and doing nothing

    at least your are into the game

    and at least you are involved.

    Not everybody is a winner

    its not possible

    if it was the word LOSER wouldn't be a word

    because it wouldn't exist

    I think the problem that they see developing

    is the things the kids say

    after they win

    That's what they don't like

    it isn't fair

    and it isn't right

    But in the end

    We all get candy


  • 1 decade ago

    I am competitive and I agree with most of what you say.

    However there is another extreme where parents make complete fools out of themselves yelling at officials at sporting events. You may remember a quarterback named Todd Marinovich at USC. His dad would not allow him to eat Mc Donalds. He ended up abusing drugs and any aspirations for a successful career were wasted literally.

    Competition is a good thing at any age but unfortunately its the ones that get out of hand that ruin it for many.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am very competative and I'm not certain as to whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. I do agree though that care givers/ teachers tell children that everyone is a winner, and that is a crock of cr@p. You should have to work hard to be a winner... and everyone is not a winner.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not competitive. In fact, let's have a contest right here and now to determine who is the lease competitive.....cause I will wipe the floor with all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a VERY competitive person, especially at swimming!!!

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