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How would you handle this?

This is a bit of a long one so thank you for being patient!

I have known my best friend for 17 years now (we were at secondary school together) so as you can imagine we are very close. More like sisters. I have an 8 year old who I had when I was 21. At the beginning of this year my best friend told me she was pregnant. The man is question was someone who she was casually dating and stupidly had not used protection with on one occasion. She'd taken the morning after pill after 2 days but this had failed to work.

When she first told me about the pregnancy she told me that she wanted to keep the baby. We're both Catholic so in part that made sense. She also was in a good profession (not bringing in tons of money but enough), owned her own house (very very small mortgage as it had been left to her) and her own car. The father however would not be around.

Not to cut a long story short, after having been around the houses with this issue for a coupe of weeks she decided to go to an abortion clinic, initially just to get some facts and she asked me to go with her. I did and unfortunately I suffered a very strong negative reaction to the place. I found all these women coming in to get advice or actual abortions quite disturbing and I couldn't help thinking they were treating the life they had created rather cheaply. Some of them looked like they almost had pre written forms that they handed in on a monthly basis! You may think that I am being judgemental but it is just the way I felt about it. I'm not aniti abortion in some circumstances but I do believe that if it is a case of a 'mistake' happening then you should take responsibility.

When we left we went for a drink and met another friend of ours who knew what was going on. They started talking about how abortion wasn't bad and how you're not even ending a life its just a bunch of cells. Now maybe i was wrong in what I said next, but I had had a bit to drink and couldn't control myself. I got really cross and said tta if my friend wanted to have an abortion then fine, but she shouldn't lie to herself about what she was doing. If she didn't terminate the pregnnacy, in 7 months time she would have a baby, if she did terminate then she wouldn't. i.e she had to do something active to not have a baby and she had to do nothing to have the baby - this must mean life is present.

I then realised I felt too strongly about what she should do and I could no longer be impartial and supportive. I told her I had to take a step back and if she wanted to terminate the baby then someone else had to be there when she did this. She asked this other friend to go with her and the baby was aborted.

Wind forward a few months and our friendship is simply not the same. we tried to talk about it one night and I told her that I thought I had done what i had to do considering how I felt about this. I never mentioned the baby again after she terminated it and I thought that was best. She thought i should have put my principles aside in order to accompany her to the abortion and support her. Was she right?

I am now pregnant with my son and would in any other year have asked her to be godmother to my child. She has however shown no interest in my pregnancy or the baby (understandable considering what she went through?? IDK). Is she still the right person to ask?

Mostly I just would love us to get back to the friendship we used to have but I fear this is impossible. Any advice?


Totally Blunt - Yes I do know what I would have done in her position because I was in her position 9 years ago and I didn't have a job, house or car at that time. I looked ionto abortion decided it wasn't for me and had my beautiful daughter. I went back to Uni and now have a great job, house, car, a wonderful partner and a new baby. This is why I felt so strongly about it - because i know you can cope if you try hard enough!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you were in the same position i was in about a month ago. my best friend has PCOS and its a miracle she even got pregnant. long story short she ended up getting an im currently 9 months pregnant and like i said i this only happened a month ago. her and I are both 19 years old but she's a few months older than me. she told me she wasnt ready for a baby because she doesnt want to settle down and she likes not working. she gets money handed to her 24/7 by her grandmother so she doesnt have a bill to pay...mean while im working my *** off and buying my baby everything he needs all by myself. it really made me mad that she killed a miricle baby because she wasnt ready to "settle down". me and her got into an argument and it wasnt pretty. things havent been the same since but I realized its too late now there's nothing I could do now. I would have tried to stop her from getting it but she didnt tell me she was getting an abortion till the day she had it done. I even asked her why she didnt tell me and she said "because I know how you feel about abortions". well YA!!! if i agreed with abortions i wouldnt be 9 months pregnant! it still makes me mad till this day but you just have to set things aside...i told her god is judging her not me. im not the one to make the final decision and she's the one that'll have to live with it forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is easy to have opinions about somebody else's life changing decisions. You don't know that you would decide differently if it were you. Abortion must be a difficult decision and procedure for a woman with those convictions. Yes, I think you should have stuck by her. I am saying this as a person who has acted like you in similar circumstances. I still regret the decision.

    Having said that, I believe you were right in asking her. 17 years of friendship isn't an easy thing to dismiss. I hope and believe you two will get together, after giving some time to heal matters. Good luck!

  • I personally would have done the exact same thing as you did...actually I had a similar situation about 3-4 years ago with my sister in law (Husband's sister). She was pregnant and wanted to have an abortion...I told her I thought this was wrong and I could not and would not support her in this...we got into a huge fight about it and she ended up having the abortion and her mom went with her...we don't talk about it much anymore but she says she regrets it and wishes she would not have done this..... I told her I love her no matter her choice but that I would not and could not support her but that it would not change the way I feel about her and that I still love her like a sister and always would....Maybe you need to make sure your friend knows this and if she is still bitter towards you then I would say to end the friendship....friendship should be about love and support but I would never expect my friend to compromise hr morals for me...I hope your friend would not expect that either....

    as for the Godmother you know what a Godmother is supposed to do? she is the person who is supposed to be there for your child in a spiritual and religious way...She is to be the one to make sure the child knows and cares about God and his son and what Jesus did for us, especially if something were to happen to you or your this something this person can do? is this what your thinking when you say "GODmother"? if so then I would say she is not deserving in this title....if it is not the way you think then if that what you want to do then that is okay...Good luck and God Bless..

    Source(s): 22 weeks 6 days pregnant with #1...a Baby Girl!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    I personally feel very strongly about abortions. In my opinion I think that if you are willing to have unprotected sex, you know what could possibly happen. In that case if something does happen, you need to take full responsibility. Your child didn't get ask to be made so I believe that it should have a chance at life. If she wasn't ready for a baby should could have always gave it up for adoption to a family that can't have babies. I do believe that it is basically murder a life you creatied, whether you wanted to or not.

    Anyway, about your friendship, I don't know how long this has been but maybe time will help or you can maybe take her out to lunch and just talk to her about it completely but in a good manor. If she really cared about you, she'll listen and she'll talk with you. Let her know that you don't hate her you just didn't approve of what she did but if she felt that it was the best for her then you can understand.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think this is a fairly serious subject, but be that as it may, everyone disagrees on things so I would just be like "I don't agree with it but I can still be your friend." If she changes her mind on abortion down the road then good, if not don't worry about it to much. I think it was fine that you didn't go with her to the clinic. If she can't get beyond that fact then that isn't your problem. I wouldn't go to a satanic church just because a friend thought I should come to support them in some way. I know that example is a little exstream but you get the point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! I feel for both of you. To be fair, there is always a small possibility that your friend may have miscarried...but even though she was considering abortion, was she drinking alcohol? Anyway, this is in the past, and no one can judge another. If she is a good person, and she consents--make her the godmother. It may make her feel better than you'll ever know.

  • 5 years ago

    that's a not ordinary one to grant a single answer to yet rather demands some exploring. In concept you attempt to adhere to the suitable approaches of coping with detrimental circumstances, well mannered, civil, calm etc.... yet whilst it comes all the way down to it if the themes are provoked to the element that they grow to be burning subjects then the survival instinct kicks in and that i continually wish that once that occurs that I even have not made an entire and utter disaster of issues with my reaction. i'm asserting that I emotionally show myself, might would desire to cry, might would desire to rant, might would desire to confront and then blow off the steam based... whether that's something unhappy like maximum cancers or a coronary heart attack ending yet yet another life then for me in my opinion that's internalizes. I take that to coronary heart and it differences and consequences my each theory and action yet below the exterior and that i don't administration, that's an instinctual reaction telling me to stay my life as authentic as i will because you will properly be long previous in an instantaneous. shop smiling back at you....:)

  • 1 decade ago

    My friends was in a similar situation, im even wondering if your my friend writing this. yea you where right if you don't feel comfortable she cant make you go with her, plus as a real friend you had to tell her how you felt about the whole situation. things are not going to be the same because you told her the truth and the truth hurts. at least if she regrets it later in life you told her so. don't feel bad.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you are totally right. i would have done what you did. i think you were brave on getting your opinion out. its a shame that your friendship is not the same.i reckon if you are having douts or are not sure about asking your friend to be godmother then ovioulsy she is not right for the job.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thats sad, and you really need to talk. i think it mihgt be a bit late, but you should try.

    imagine how she felt at the time.

    i really don't know what else to tell you, and i can't really judged, because i haven't been through what you have, but talking is thee only thing i would do.

    or maybe do something nice for her

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