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Should convicted murderers have to register like sex offenders do?

I was just watching Cold Case Files, and one story was about a guy who had murdered, was convicted and sentenced to prison, and was later released only to kill again. Why shouldn't convicted murderers be forced to register after release, so people can be aware that there's a murderer in your neighborhood? They require sex offenders to, so as to warn the residents in the area obviously because they could be a repeat offender. The same reasons could be applicable to murderers, so why not have them register also?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're preaching to the choir. I don't know, sounds like a good idea. Write to your Congressman, if he or she is a Republican.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Criminal Records Search Database :
  • 5 years ago

    Because it can be justified to invade the privacy of sexual offenders. Pedophiles can not be rehabilitated (no matter what anyone says - the only way to stop them is castration). They have done study upon study, and the conclusion is that child molesters always have the "urge" and will not stop. So in the best interest of children's safety, parents need to know where they are at. Rapists typically offend again. Their rate of rehabilitation is better than the pedophile, but not much better. Rape is not a crime of sex - it is a crime of power over the victim, and typically rapists have issues with women. For the safety sake of women, they are tracked as a part of their sentence. The other criminals you listed, according to studies, rehabilitation is more of a chance with them, and they are not made public knowledge, but they are still tracked typically by a probation officer or a court reporting system. The police know where to find them, so if there is a crime committed that follows their pattern, they can be questioned. I think it all comes down to invasion of privacy. I know what your next shot is - well, isn't it an invasion of privacy for the sex offenders, too? Yes, but the good of the many outweigh the good of the one. As a parent, I want to know about any sex offenders that are around where I live so I can protect my child. A child is a helpless victim, and should be afforded all the protection possible. Rapists are also more of a risk. With the chance of rehabilitation low, the chance of repeating is great. The public has a right to be aware - women living alone or that are alone for long periods of time are prime targets, and if they are better informed, they can take steps to protect themselves. Rapists have also been known to escalate to either murder or pedophelia, so the best interest of the public is served. In Wisconsin, and some other states, offenders of Drunk Driving are made public as a form of punishment (much to the shagrin of the ACLU). And anyone's criminal record is a matter of public record, and can be checked out at any local courthouse (the freedom of information act). Anyone's criminal record can be found, and unless sealed due to judicial order, is a matter of public information.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's no reason why they shouldn't - the sex offender laws were legislated. Citizens insisted they be enacted, and they were.

    However, many murderers are already placed on post release supervision or parole following prison sentences of about 15-25 years. For some, that supervsion can last a lifetime. Parole includes much of what the registry laws seek to accomplish.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think that murderers should have to register and there should be the same community notification/right to know just like with the sex offenders. I would even say the same for those convicted more than once of crimes such as breaking into other people's homes for the purpose of robbing it. Decent people should have the right to know about the dangers that might move into their community.

  • 1 decade ago

    i get the concept of the whole registration thing, but people forget that the best safety measure they can take is to be aware of their "surroundings". people become complacent and just believe that since there are not offenders in our area they are safe. how do you know your neighbor isn't some psychopath serial killer?

    my point is...just b/c they have a registry of convicted criminals doesn't mean that there aren't a whole bunch of psychos walking around that haven't been busted yet. people need to take more personal responsibility for their safety and not just rely on a registry of offenders.

    besides a lot of states/counties make offenders on probation register with the local police stations. find out if it if the list is available to the public.

    Source(s): I'm a probation and parole officer.
  • Kim G
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I understand why you would ask this question. But in my opinion (and I think the records would back it up), sex offenders don't easily change their behavior, even with therapy.

    On the other hand, it's not as widespread for someone who takes another's life to repeat the behavior. I know it sounds simplistic, but it's also true.


    I know it sounds like a good idea to post flyers, etc, if murderers or serial criminals live in your area. But think of it - do you realize they would be posting flyer over flyer, continuously sending out reports to neighbors, etc. I doubt there is enough manpower for this scope of notification. And pretty soon, your neighbor beautification folks would start complaining about how the posters just detract from the well-manicured lawns, parks, and businesses.

  • Personally I think all violent convicted felons and any sex offender should register.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think murderers should ever be set free. What's to stop them from killing again? Here in Texas, we strongly believe in the death penalty - equal punishment for the crime, although not nearly as heinous as the initial crime, since most death penalties are carried out in a non-painful manner.

    If they must be let out - why not send them off to fight our wars where they can kill people legally or to one big island where they can all eliminate each other?

  • 7 years ago

    I personally would want to know if a violent criminal lived next door before I bought a house, for sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about someone that deals drugs to children? They can live next to a school !

    What about arsonists? They love to set fires just to watch it burn.

    What about anyone with violent tendencies, so you know not to let your dog crap in their yard?

    How about anyone with Aids, Herpes or Hepatitus? So if you date them, you will know if they can give you a disease?

    How about recovering alcoholics, so you know not to offer them a beer?

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