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Theists : Do you share your religious beliefs with your parents/guardians ?

If not, and your parents are atheists, what event lead you to religion ?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jein. That's a German word for yes/no. My father was an Anglican priest and my mother worshipped my father. I had access to literature from many religions. It's called comparative religion.

    Having been brought up in a true Christian environment, I became disillusioned with people who confessed to be Christians. Maybe I learnt Jesus' message too well. I just can't accept Christians who are aggressively opposed to other religions, races and people of a different ethnicity.

    I am a mono-theist. I believe in an all-seeing God. What I don't believe in is a God who ever said 'kill in my name.' That goes for Christians, Muslims and all other religions who kill, maim, torture in the beleif that God is on their side.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My dad believes in aliens lol and my mum is more into new age philosophies.- they are both free thinkers even though they hate each other and have never agreed on anything.

    I'd say we share the odd belief in common, neither of them were church goers that's for sure and neither were my grandparents.

    The up side is that I've probably experimented with more religions than I'd care to mention. I've learned a good bit along the way that can help me to understand other people better. So there's something to be gained from every experience as I see it

  • 1 decade ago

    No, my parents are non-religious.

    I was an atheist from the time I was born until young adulthood....with the exception of about 3 months at age 12.. I was neither looking for nor interested in my gods when I met them, and the cognitive dissonance alone made it suck.

    But if my gods wanted you, they'd ask for you, so the event's details are not your concern.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me and my mother, who currently live together, are both Jehovah's Witnesses.I have a few close friends in the religion too and have quite an active social life.I went to my first meeting at the age of 6, when both my parents were still alive(my dad died when I was about 33).

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    D - different i'm extremely comfortable sharing my beliefs with others. although, i think no neee to promote it. If it comes up clearly in communique, then i'll communicate it. IF we enter a religious communicate, i'll honestly aspect out it. yet in basic terms because you aspect out God or faith doesn't unavoidably recommend i will aspect out my faith. it would want to totally remember upon the context. as an celebration, if we narrowly neglected being in an coincidence and also you reported "God could were searching for us!" there's no clarification for me to contradict or debate you on the point. that would want to easily be rude on my aspect and searching for an difficulty.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a friend a uni who was raised by a Pagan white witch, when she came to uni she found God and is now an Anglican. I don't think there was an "event" that led to it, I think is was more like youthful rebellion

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    My parent's are Christians, and my step-mom is a super strict one at that. I mean, they won't even let me buy a pack of tarot cards.

    So, the fact that I'm not, and am Pagan, would NOT be good.

    I would probably be forced to "covert to Christianity".



  • 1 decade ago


    I was raised Christian

    stopped believing when I was about 17

    and some experiences led me to believe in a God again when I was 29

    but I did not return to Christianity

  • Frizby
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes i do share the Christian belief with my parents, luckily for me i was taught the truth from my parents at an early age..

  • 1 decade ago

    no.. my parents aren't religious... i believe in what i believe in thanks to a spiritual experience

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