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Is everyone really entitled to their opinion?

In light of the new research, what do you think?

CHICAGO—In a surprising refutation of the conventional wisdom on opinion entitlement, a study conducted by the University of Chicago's School for Behavioral Science concluded that more than one-third of the U.S. population is neither entitled nor qualified to have opinions.

"On topics from evolution to the environment to gay marriage to immigration reform, we found that many of the opinions expressed were so off-base and ill-informed that they actually hurt society by being voiced," said chief researcher Professor Mark Fultz, who based the findings on hundreds of telephone, office, and dinner-party conversations compiled over a three-year period. "While people have long asserted that it takes all kinds, our research shows that American society currently has a drastic oversupply of the kinds who don't have any good or worthwhile thoughts whatsoever. We could actually do just fine without them."

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am surprised it is only one-third

  • Jon J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Now the question is which one third?

    I have to admit, I was doing some work the other day, fixing computers at a beauty salon. They had one woman who worked there, she was not the owner, maybe 40ish, and I am not sure how to say this, but looked very very over weight and did not keep her self up very well based on her old clothing and lack of knowing how to make herself look presentable for business I felt.

    But anyways, I hear this woman go on and on to two Spanish employees on how they need to vote Republican, because if they don’t and on how Obama will raise the taxes, they will be out of a job. Now you have to remember, here in the Detroit area, there are strip malls in decent areas that are 1/2 empty, never been like this in the history of Detroit in my 50 years. But anyways, this woman went on and on about the democrats are going to make the economy go bad, and will tax to death any small business making over $250,000 and there going to be out of a job if they do and how you need to vote republican, When she kept mentioning about the taxes thing and insulting Democrats,

    I told her, I own a small business, I do very well thank you, have a 4 bedroom house in West Bloomfield and drive a Lexus and thought if you can actually make over $250,000 after write offs, you can afford a little more in taxes, 94% of people make less than $250,000, this woman, probably made 20,000, After I mentioned that about the 250K and I told her, you know you really might not want to talk politics or voice your STRONG opinions in front of customers because you might alienate people who maybe Bush has left a sour taste in there mouth.

    Then she really went off on how evil the Democrats and saying all these things that just are not true and factually incorrect, and on how the Republicans have made this country great and are burdened with the Democrat wasteful spending, you know what they say about if you argue with a fool. While I am not a Bush fan in any sense, I also liked McCain, I make no preferences here. But I do think that woman wasn’t a very smart woman and should not be able to talk, put Joe the unlicensed plumber on the list also.

    To tell you the truth, I like independents thinkers, following one Political Party blindly nowadays is not wise, you really wont look at both sides of the issues.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is hilarious. It's the kind of thing that is "true" but we like to pretend doesn't exist because "it's a free country." Based on what I see hear in YA, I couldn't agree more with this study's conclusions. But that only means that there are deeper problems to be addressed, not that certain people need to shut up. Ignorance is only the tip of the iceberg.

    Immanuel Kant said: Argue as much as you will, only obey. This was how he described the public space, where ideas and goods are "freely" shared. Of course, the trick is: how do we maintain an educated society so that we don't get to this point where so many uninformed opinions exist? Is our "public" rotting from the inside-out? Or, is that what American society has actually wanted all along? A "mass" of uninformed people who are willfully ignorant and willing to sit back and let the politicians and corporations run things?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes and no. Yes, if people want to hear it and no, not if they don't. It heavily depends on one's audience and their intelligence. Let's say you are intelligent and are speaking to an intelligent circle of people, they will often entertain your thoughts even if they oppose yours. However, the operative word is 'entertain'.

    Much of what is accepted as truth these days is a sham of corruption and immorality blended with a subejctive view of how the world "should be" according to any Tom, ****, or Reggie.

    The funny thing is that we, as a society, have steered us--or allowed people in positions of influence to steer us- into a dark gravel road paved with intellectual potholes and speed bumps. Do you see where I'm coming from? They paved these roads to be rough. Why? There's something happening that fewer and fewer people are willing to ackowledge openly. It's the looming spiritual battle. And none of us are on the sidelines.

    It seems that in many people's minds, there is a sense of class superiority that hovers above our heads. Nobody talks about it either, but it is a heated issue in this very presidential race. One seems to cater to this controversy so he can win votes while the other simply wants citizens to be treated like Americans.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone is in fact entitled to their own opinion. This doesn't mean that anyone has to agree with it, or even like it. Yes, opinions can hurt others by stating them, especially in cases such as civil and gay rights. That is the American way. We all are free to have and express our opinions, even if they will not amount to anything, or go on to change the world. Lots of opinions are offensive. But not allowing them to be stated, and trying to control someone else's opinions takes away freedoms that we are all entitled to, and would put our state of democracy in jeopardy.

  • Jim
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion! Even though Mr. Fultz may have concluded that over one-third of the opinions that he heard on what he considers to be critical concerns were invalid, you have to realize that his perception of acceptable opinions is biased by his own opinion. My opinion of border security being a vital concern and me being in favor of reinforcing our borders with fences and electronic monitoring my seem invalid to someone who believes that the world population should be able to migrate at will without any government oversight or control. That on makes my opinion invalid to someone with an opposing view. The only legitimate observation of Mr. Fultz's study would be that people often try to participate in conversations on subjects that they have little knowledge or data and therefore render an uninformed opinion.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    some human beings could in simple terms stay quiet. comments are entitled while the guy is conscious of what they are speaking approximately or has a historic past on the subject to hand. i'm unable to stand people who've an opinion on each little thing yet have not any concept what something means. lack of understanding is so stressful. yet thats in simple terms my opinion :)

  • 1 decade ago

    There's a time and place to state your opinions.

    I how ever think its wrong for those of non titles can not have an opinion that matters. I think if those with titles would actually lesson the world would be a better place and America who be actually United as one nation. But, the question remains "How can it be done with so many different cultural beliefs in the world?"

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, in answer to your question, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But some people's opinions are a lot more developed due to their own life experiences. Some opinions just aren't as important on CERTAIN topics i.e.

    A four year old might have their own "opinions" on abortions but they obviously have not been alive long enough to have much learnt about the PROs & CONs of this topic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like someone has been reading the Onion again.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Sure everyone is entitled to have an opinion, just not to share it. It seems that everything has to be so politically correct these days that you pretty much can't say anything. The only ones that seem to have the right to voice themselves is the extreme left. It seems to me that those that have a conservative opinion are considered "outdated" or "naive". Why is it that only the radicals can have a voice any more?

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