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whats a ballpark price for a family of 5 (6 but the baby is under 2) to fly from phx to ny roundtrip?

we anticipate going feb 2010 for 10 days.2 adults 3 kids (10,7,3,1). ive tried going on the cheap ticket websites, but i don't see where it would indicate round trip or if the prices they are giving me is per person or what? Maybe im just a little slow this morning...thanks for any help

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    RT for 2 from Texas to NY on a red eye on Christmas morning and returning three days later is $810.

    I use expedia and they have an option to search for RT prices.

    Source(s): Hope that helps!
  • 1 decade ago

    About $430 per person. Children over 2 pay adult fares. They use the whole seat that an adult would use, therefore the same price. I picked Newark, NJ to fly into because I figured there would be a direct flight there on AmericaWest from Phoenix - which low and behold there is.

    Who knows what tickets will cost by 2010, you can't buy them more than 365 days in advance.

  • Dave
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Way too early to be checking legitimate Airline pricing when it's about 16 months away! Based upon fuel costs, further merges etc. it could vary drastically. Therefore, I'd wait until maybe May or June before I'd started to make a through search for the best flight deals. I'd use either: and probably

  • 1 decade ago

    About $1500

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  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of things could change what it would cost from now to 2010, but I know jetblue has direct flights and with 3 kids, u will want to be on a jetblue plane. check out there website

    Source(s): Flight attendant
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