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Lv 6
Allie asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What do you really think Joe Biden was trying to warn us about?

This is a serious question - I'm not trying to invoke incendiary discussion. I ask because two Muslim women told me yesterday that some Muslims believe Barack Obama abandoned Islam, simply because his father was Muslim, and Obama chose not to remain in the Muslim faith. Obama was not raised by his father, but these women tell me that doesn't matter. Some radicals believe a person who abandons Islam is worse than Christian, and must die. This makes me worry that we will be subject to these radicals, more than if McCain wins, simply because they might attack us severely to punish Obama. They said this is what Joe Biden is warning us of. What do you think?

Signed: Allen's wife

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your concerns have merit. Obama being a novice on governmental affairs will be challenged inside and outside of the continental US. Foreign adversaries will be most anxious to test his meddle, and there is much concern over this, especially when you analyze his reaction and response to the Russian invasion of Georgia.

    I believe he initially avoided any response at all, and when he finally did respond he suggested that it was a UN or NATO issue, and should be put in their laps. It's as though our leadership was not important in this matter and the US should defer to international paper tigers, instead !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not Obama as you're assuming.

    The ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee parted ways with his party’s presidential nominee Wednesday by endorsing Democrat Barack Obama ’s approach to diplomacy.

    In a lengthy speech at the National Defense University, Indiana Sen. Richard G. Lugar weighed the benefits of talking to foreign leaders, including U.S. enemies, against other actions, such as military force. The issue marks one of the sharpest divides between Obama and John McCain , who has called the Democratic nominee naive for suggesting that he would sit down with leaders such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Lugar, however, praised Obama, noting that isolation often does not resolve contentious issues.

    “He correctly cautions against the implication that hostile nations must be dealt with almost exclusively through isolation or military force,” Lugar said in a prepared remarks released before his speech. “In some cases, refusing to talk can even be dangerous.”

  • CD
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There are other reasons to worry. Like Obama's appeasement mentallity towards terrorists. Saying he would attack another sovereign nation (Pakistan) that has nukes. You don't think they wouldn't use them on our troops if we crossed their border? Think again. Libs also have a habit of cutting funds to the military and Intellegence community which makes us weak. These are only a few reasons to worry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nice answer MAC Attack , me I think its loose libbers sink shippers.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    IF you would read the rest of what Biden said, he was talking about WHOEVER is elected will be tested - NOT Obama specifically. Geez.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Biden will be our next president

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