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Why are there so many militant and bolshie Atheists on the web?

Please watch the link before answering.

Update 2:

Hi Solomon,

Most Christians consider it common knowledge that the book of Job is the oldest book of the Bible. It is believed that Job was contemporary with Abraham. I’m sorry that you received abuse; it just shows that people are not really reading their Bible these days.

Update 3:

Hi Saint Lilith,

When we examine history we can see that it only takes a ‘few’ to sway the multitude. I agree with you that it is very sad. Apart from a few short years of advances towards freedom, there is this underlying thread and pattern in Mankind’s history that shows that indeed a few control the masses, unfortunately. Democracy, from its birth has always ebbed and flowed and has always survived only through tension and demand, because people are selfish, proud and greedy and power exasperate this..

Update 4:

Thanks Solomon,

The following link is from the highly regarded Biblical scholar Matthew Henry around 1790 AD. Which proves that back in the 1800’s it was widely accepted. So if you feel motivated and if your questions is still open why not post this link for all the people who lambasted you.

Update 5:

Hi Solomon, I agree mate, I am British. Have you seen the news about Barclays Bank. The Arabs now have a 18% share of one of our biggest banks! It is the thin end of the democracy wedge, and very scary. My advice is get out of Europe... I believe it will fall to Islam in certain major regions. The USA, although it will lose much of its power and the Dollar will almost certainly drop in its control, it will still be a lot more free that Europe and free speech will be allowed to a great extent.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Come on!

    It works both ways. Today for instance, I was attacked for asking a question about the book of Job. I wasn't ridiculing anyone; I simply asked if it was the oldest book in scripture, using the fact that it appears to be set before the law, when the man was the priest in the family and performed sacrifices. Eventually someone posted a link saying that a lot of scholars agreed with me, though I asked after reading Job for myself and not going blindly by what someone trys to teach me, I do have a mind and am capable of rational thought.

    However, some Christians took the opportunity to attack me and treat me as an heretic; though they only offered one line unqualified answers. Now if Christians have the spirit of truth within them, they should be able to discern between an honest enquiry and mockery. Yes some atheists "bash", but you must admit if you are honest a good percentage of Christians attack any enquiry that they don't understand.

    If you treat me with respect, then I will treat you with respect also.

    P. S.

    Thanks for acknowledging my point in a fair way, I appreciate that. Also, I did watch your link, but I honestly do not think that any group should be removed from society. Whether I agree with you or not, you shouldn't worry too much. Your church is an anvil that has worn out many hammers. Extremes of all kinds get people nowhere, so please don't fall into the trap of thinking all questioners and non believers are evil.

    Thanks. It is closed now, but Ashes for beauty set them straight with a link anyway, so these things do have a way of working themself out

    However, if you think things are bad in the United States, then don't come to England. There are many things going on that even I don't agree with, such as the homogonising of cultures and the gradual surrender of our sovereignty to foreign powers, all by stealth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've never heard the term before. I don't hate religion. I just don't see why religious laws should be forced on me. You don't have to get married to someone of the same sex. We're 6-11% of the population, not .5%.

    We're not violent. We use the legal system. Christians bomb abortion clinics to get their point across.

    I am not a "militant atheist whom seek to destory" anything. I'm not sure what "destory" even means, but people should be allowed to think what they want, without being bullied by a majority, just as much as a majority should not fear bullying at the hands of a minority. And how exactly would Atheists cram 80% of the population into concentration camps? Think it through, a**.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Watched 30 seconds, he made a few false claims, stopped watching.

    I'm very open to the possibility that there is a God. I'm not making claims about the nature of a possible higher power, whether it exists or not, theists are. I merely point out that they are setting up a system of beliefs about God that falls down under scrutiny. 'THAT' God does not exist. I make no claims about a deist God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly if 90+% of the population is being controlled by 4% of the population then you must truly be a pathetic majority.

    Really I don't care if you have your religion. If you want to be religious then by all means be religious but I just want people to be equally representative.

    Also this guy is a moron.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The loudest, most immature people are noticed a lot more than the intellectuals, even though the immature ones are largely outnumbered.

    I bet not many people on here know who I am, but they'd certainly recognize the name 'Fireball' or 'Pastor Winthrop'.

    Source(s): Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    Why are their so many?

    -We are no longer persecuted as strongly as we have been in the past, and thus we begin to speak up and out so that we are no longer oppressed.

    Why on the web?

    -A quick, easy forum of communication that is known and used on a global scale.

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It was faith, not atheism, that led to planes hitting the twin towers. Nothing is more dangerous than beliefs held without evidence, the definition of both faith and delusion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like to rile up the theists cause it makes it more likely they will say something that I can post of Fundies Say the Darndest Things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many atheists know how to use computers. As a side note, a lot of them can also program vcrs.

  • pab
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    because the loud ones stand out more, even when they're wrong

    it goes both ways

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