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Why do schismatics, Catholics think they[re better than everyone else ]?

Ever met a schismatic Catholic? Those Catholics who do not follow the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and practice the Catholic religion as it was before the changes. My experience with them, they make it sound as though they're the only holy ones that are going to heaven ... and that everyone else is going to hell. They really hate other religions and hate the Pope especially. They subscribe to the notion that the last "legitimate" Pope was Pius X -- schismatics, and not in communion with the Church. I cannot support their disobedience, and some do come across as rather arrogant,. Why are they like this?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Like all schismatics, apostates, and heretics, they have to justify their rebellion against the Church. They do so by pretending that everyone else is wrong except themselves. They certainly aren't alone in that practice: look at all the other apostates who insist that they are the only "true" Christians and everyone else is headed to Hell.

    Don't worry about them. Jesus Himself said that the gates of Hell won't prevail against His Church, and if all the powers of Hell can't harm the Church, a few schismatics don't stand a chance.

    Source(s): Catholic convert who is obedient to the teachings of the Magisterium
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In actual fact, there is no essential difference in the authentic truths and practices of the Catholic religion, as it was practiced before the 2nd Vatican Council, and today.

    Parts of the liturgy, and some of the non-essential practices of the Church were officially changed or augmented. That's about all.

    But there's no doubt that a widespread falling away from the true faith occurred after Vatican II.

    Bishops, priest, nuns, and laymen were all affected by it. Confusion reigned for quite some time afterward, and the world has suffered much, from the consequences.

    The "schismatics" of which you write came to the mistaken conclusion that such a result could not logically follow in the wake of an authentic council that was called by an authentic Pope, so they ended up in a bad spot, separated from the true Church.

    Now, some 40 years later, things are finally starting to get better.

    Regarding arrogance ... there's plenty of that going around on both sides ... so charity must remain the order of the day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Persons affiliated with the SSPX (Society of Pope Pius X) do not regard Pope Pius X as the last legitimate Pope. Most traditionalist Catholics not in communion with Rome regard Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) as the last legitimate Pope.

    There are other traditional Catholics who still practice the rites of the so-called Tridentine Latin Mass who are in communion with Rome--e.g. persons associated with the FSSP and Institute of Christ the King. They are in full communion with Rome and accept Vatican II as a valid Council.

    On the side of the canonical Latin Church, the SSPX seems disobedient. However, these persons consider themselves obedient to Tradition, to the teachings of the Popes from since the beginning of the Church, etc. They see Vatican II as being doctrinally unsound. Unfortunately, the liturgical and ecumenical abuses of the past forty years have for them only confirmed their charges against the validity of Vatican II.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not know.

    "Traditional" Catholics who pick and choose the teaching of the Church to follow are just as bad the "Liberal" Catholics who do the same.

    There are Catholics in full communion with the Pope and the Catholic Church and there are "cafeteria Catholics" who pick and choose what they want to believe and practice.

    The term "Cafeteria Christians" refers to people who view Christianity like a cafeteria where one picks and chooses only those beliefs that appeal to them and reject a genuine interpretation of Christian doctrine and the teachings of Jesus.

    The term "Cafeteria Catholics" is similar. It is used to describe people who dissent from certain teachings of the Catholic Church while maintaining an outward identity as Catholics.

    In Los Angeles in 1987, Pope John Paul II said: "It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the magisterium is totally compatible with being a "good Catholic," and poses no obstacle to the reception of the Sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching of the Bishops in the United States and elsewhere."

    Heresy is the obstinate denial after Baptism of a truth which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith.

    "Cafeteria Catholics" in denial of certain truths are in danger of committing heresy.

    With love in Christ.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm familiar with them. The Church has dealt with many schismatics in it's 2000 year history. It's really nothing new.

  • 1 decade ago

    Every religion kinda thinks they're better than everyone else in their own way, not just schismatic Catholics.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I incredibly have been scanning in direction of the R&S internet site for over a year now and have made some observations. whilst it consists of specific religions, the posters make statements consisting of "that's a cult" or "they are brainwashed". All religions use brainwashing. To set your self different than for different Christians with the help of different denominations provide human beings an undesirable satisfaction and self-righteousness. i've got seen it time and time lower back. those denominations will twist scripture or concentration on specific scriptures on an identical time as ignoring others to examine their desires. whilst Jesus rebuked the Pharisees He spoke against such habit. human beings get so caught up in following the letter of the regulation, yet their motivation is all incorrect. He reported "your hearts are some distance from me". human beings could comprehend scripture and verse yet their hearts lack love. human beings can do solid issues for the incorrect reason and incorrect issues for the properly suited reason. God is drawn on your motivations for the acts which you do no longer no count in case you have got here upon a thank you to "be holier than thou".

  • 1 decade ago

    It's because they set themselves up as the authority on religion, and they're also greatly lacking in charity. Sadly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They forgot that Jesus said''

    Love your God with your whole heart and mind and love your neighbor as yourself''

    ''the profit who leads astray on of these it would be better that a stone was tied around their necks and thrown into the sea''. or something like that

  • 1 decade ago

    The self-righteous have always behaved thus.

    There are thousands of such break-away groups.

    They will be surprised when they get to Heaven.

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