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What are some early labor signs to watch for?

I am 35 weeks pregnant now, and was just wondering what are some early labor signs to watch for. I know there are different old wives tales about going into labor and I am just curious as to some things to watch for in anticipation of the big day. Also any fun stories you want to share about you going into labor.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can start off with some Braxton Hicks Contractions which are non-painful tightening. Your body starts to prepare itself. You may feel the baby lying lower in your abdomen, more pelvis pressure. Signs of labor, losing your mucous plug. It is a thick, mucousy "plug" that comes out as your cervix might be beginning to open. Some women don't really notice it. Early labor as you get closer, you might have contractions that you notice more, maybe slightly painful, but not anything regular and some don't last very long. It is a good idea to continue with increase hydration and keep your bladder empty. Find a balance of resting, and doing some walking. True labor is when you are contracting regularly for at least an hour, 2-3 minutes apart with increasing intensity and the contractions lasting about 1- 1 1/2 minutes. The contractions will get powerful that it is difficult to talk through them. You may also start having a "bloody show" bloody discharge from the vagina as the cervix starts to open.(and blood vessels break as it stretches causing the blood). It is mixed with a little mucous and is NOT frank bleeding (that is something you should be seen right away for!) Also, if your water breaks (big gush or feeling a constant wetness) contact your doctor or midwife.

    Enjoy your last weeks of pregnancy and your labor. It is the most incredible experience you'll ever have (at least it was for me). I have five babies and if I were younger, I'd do it again!

    Source(s): Mother of five gorgeous children, former Labor and Delivery nurse.
  • 1 decade ago

    I started to experience what felt like period cramps. I also felt nauseous and had to use the bathroom frequently. The best advice that I could give any expectant mom to be is to walk, walk, walk. I also took a warm bath and a Tylenol 8 hour during the beginning stages of labor which seemed to help the pain. I know this sounds weird but I had my husband squeeze my foot when I knew a contraction was coming because I would focus on that instead of the contraction and it kept my mind busy. It also relieved a lot of discomfort when I leaned over the back of the couch and swayed my hips back and forth. I was told that this also helps labor progress quickly because it eases the baby into the birth canal. Labor was so much easier than I expected that by the time I got to the hospital my son was born 13 minutes later with no drugs and 2 pushes. I was in labor for a total of 5 hours. I honestly believe that it went so smoothly because I worked with my body instead of making it do all of the work while I laid in bed. Trust your instincts. Your body knows what to do and if anyone does something at the hospital that you don't understand ask questions! Good luck! You will do great as long as you take care of yourself. P.S. A heating pad also helped a lot when the contractions got stronger.

    P.S.S. Get all of the rest that you can right now because you will be missing it in a few months.

  • 5 years ago

    Pelvic Pressure Sign Of Labor

  • Kitty
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I do not know personally but here is some stuff off a website that may help...Nesting Instinct, Braxton Hicks Contractions,

    Dropping/Lightening - As labor draws closer, your baby will begin to descend lower into your pelvis. Every mom carries her baby a little differently, and some who have carried low will not notice this change as readily as a mom who might have carried high. As your cervix softens, the baby will begin dropping until his head is fully applied to the cervix. One of the labor symptoms to watch for is an increased heaviness or pressure in your pelvis. You may experience the need to urinate more frequently, and bowel movements may be more difficult. Another uncomfortable side effect of the baby dropping is increased swelling in the legs and feet due to added pressure on the blood vessels. The upside to lightening is that it does take pressure off of your diaphragm, allowing easier breathing. You may also get a break from heartburn at this point., Changes in Cervix,

    Vaginal Discharge -

    As the cervix continues to soften and dilate, many women will experience the loss of their mucous plug in what is often referred to as the "bloody show." The mucous plug, which sealed the cervix throughout the pregnancy, may be passed as a clump, or over several days, indicated by an increase in mucous discharge. As the cervix dilates, blood vessels break and may tinge the mucous plug brown, pink or red. Passing the mucous plug is typically a sign that labor is imminent in the next few hours or days, though it may be dislodged a few weeks prior to labor due to intercourse or a doctor's exam. If you experience this before 37 weeks, or the bleeding is heavy, and a consistent bright red, contact your doctor or midwife.

    and there is much more at

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The week before I went into labor this is what happened to me:

    I felt a heaviness in my pelvic area which I hadn't felt before. I was having trouble eating because my nausea was getting worse. 2 days before i gave birth I had loose stools. Also, i was much more tired than usual in that last week but the night before I gave birth I couldn't sleep at all and I had a "feeling" I was going to give birth the following day. Also, I couldn't think clearly at all. All I could think about was housework & I spent a couple of days, folding & re-folding the baby clothes. Very unusal for me because I am so far from pedantic when it comes to housework, it's not funny.

  • louie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    with my first one, i didnt have any pre-labor signs... mine started with a contraction.

    with my second one, i was woke in the middle of the night to go pee, when i stood out of bed there was a trickle, and i was like what the hell is that...i thought i went to the batheroom, then to bed, and kept getting up and everytime i got up this trickle happend...i had no pains, and never though of it being my water since i always pictured it like the movies as a gush on the floor...

    At noon the next day i went to the hospital to get checked still with no pains at all, and they said i was to admit my self into the hospital that night and i would be induced at 8am the next morning. Midnight came i started contracting on my own, and at 3am she was born.

  • 1 decade ago

    early labour signs for me was being extra organised - like getting everything clean and sterilised, getting the moses basket ready, i found myself talking to my bump more and that my daughters movements were slowing down - also it felt like id been kicked in the girly area down below and i lost my appetite

    Source(s): mum of 2yr old and 36wks preg
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