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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Only to ppl against Obama ........What scares you and sickens you if Obama gets voted in?

Like to hear ppl's views against Obama


I only want to hear ppl AGAINST Obama! He's a Socialist thats is gonna kill this country!

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everything about him sickens me. Especially the first thing he would do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not as afraid of Obama as I am of the same party controlling the senate, congress, and presidency. Every time it has happened in history there has been hard times for the country. You could look at the first few years of the Bush administration when he had both houses. I'm a republican, but I don't vote for people based on parties, and I wouldn't be confortable with seeing a republican majority congress, senate, or president either. I like it better when both sides have to fight for power and change so they must compromise.

    The main problem I have is that the speakers of the house and senate are very liberal and with the president guaranteed to sign the bills they pass they can easily change a lot in the next 4 years. Usually the president doesn't have all the power people fear he does, but this time I can see that they will have the power to perform substantial changes, many of which I do not agree with. I am also afraid because Obama is new in poltics and owes a lot of favors. If he was older he would've had time to pay them off, but he went from an intrastate representative status to a presidential candidate. Don't get me wrong I'm sure McCain isn't clean and pure, but I'm afraid that someone with that little experience could be used and manipulated by the big wigs in the democratic party. (I would have these same views if he was a republican too, no one party is uncorrupted).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everything about him.

    Redistribution of wealth, which is Marxism, plain and simple, and that is a fact.

    Overruling the constitution that our forefathers wrote into the constitution.

    Pro infanticide by letting babies that have survived botched abortions die in a hospital room without food and water.

    His Tax Plan

    His economic plan will be the ruination of our economy

    National Health Care

    Teaching sex education to K-12th grade



    Rev Wright



    Chicago Politician climbed the ladder with the aid of the corrupt Chicago Politican Machine, eliiminating his competition thru technicalities

    Father Michael Pleger'

    George Soros

    Rashid Khalidi

    Frank Marshall Davis

    Studied the teachings of Saul Alinsky, an infamous Marxist from 1830's-1972

    Thinks he is above the law-Refuses to turn over a "vault" long version, certified birth certificate to qualify to be our president=currently being sued in 8 states with 8 different lawyers for his bc.

    Could not pass a security clearance, yet, he will have access to our nation's national security with Ayers looking over his shoulder

    Clueless in foreign policy

    Will dismantle the military, just like Clinton did.

    Will take away certain freedoms, like the freedom of speech

    Source(s): I read, listen to radio news, listen to cable TV news, and do research
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is neither scary or sickening, he's simply a fraud. If given any opportunity he will impose his radical ideology on America. He is neither pro-American or demostrated a love for this country. What he has demonstrated and said along the way represents a very different America. If he gets voted in, how long will America suffer, especially those Obama claims he supports.

    Vote for fraud, vote Obama!

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    possibly because of the fact they, too, see Obama's many weaknesses and don't choose them uncovered. Exposing his faults forces human beings to talk approximately fact fairly of the intently cultivated projected photograph the democrats and the media choose definitely everyone to work out. If the human beings call for fact, the media, too, will could desire to start reporting the fact. it incredibly is form of like the great oz..telling Dorothy, the tin guy, the scarecrow, the lion and Toto, to "pay no interest to the guy in the back of the curtain" that's in the wonderful interest of the rustic to challenge all politicians. Giving one social gathering or individual too plenty administration or blind truthful help could be a disaster. we choose assessments and balances. fact could be uninteresting notwithstanding it incredibly is actual. Horses will on no account fly because of the fact all of them whinny in unison: "confident we are able to".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama doesn't bother me as a person...

    As a President I do not agree with his position on virtually every issue

    Abortion. He believes all forms of abortion should be legal and that it is okay to smuggle a minor out of state to have an abortion without the parent's consent. This means even your child. He is for partial birth abortion as well, and voted against making a law to mandate providing lifesaving treatment to babies that survive abortions.

    Illegal Immigration Amnesty - he is for allowing illegals to have driver's licenses, which is used to open accounts, apply for social security...which allows illegals to rent apartments, get jobs and live here illegally, with the appearance of legality.

    Taxing Businesses more, Taxing married couples more, taxing the wealthy more (who "are" the business owners and employers for all of working class America) He is against abolishing income tax as are all Democrats in exchange for a flat tax, whereby everyone "would actually" be taxed according to their means, according to what they spend, not what they make and it would be a true fair tax where even those who were here illegally would have to pay taxes for everything they buy while living here illegally. Under Democrats illegals pay nothing and gain everything at taxpayer expense.

    Affirmative Action is in fact a racist idea yet he promotes it. It maintains that a person of African American or minority status are incapable of competing in the marketplace on their own merit and therefore must be given a helping hand from Democrats...a boost in order to be "raised" to meet the level of the playing field in order to have an equal chance to succeed and excel. I do not believe this for one second. It keeps the African American community dependent upon Democrats.

    Second Amendment rights - I do not believe in a ban on firearms in any sense of the word because when you ban guns, the only ones who will then have weapons are the people who are already getting them illegally. In Great Britain, the ones with the guns are the criminals because they get them on the black market.

    Health-care - socialized family is in health-care and Obama's ideas are not new, they have failed in Canada, Great Britain and Europe.

    I don't agree with his policy on education nor on community organizing, which all amount to welfare, and have failed utterly in his home state of Illinois despite Obama being a state senator there for 8 years. Google, "worst and Illinois" and you will see what I mean.

    I do not agree with his opinion on ethanol - he wants to save the world and feed the hungry yet he still wants to use food to make fuel despite the international food crisis, which ethanol use is a major conributor.

    I do not agree with allowing our military personnel to be tried in foreign courts during times of war as Obama does.

    I do not agree with Obama wanting to turn over the authority of our nation to declare war on an enemy state or nation to the U.N. security council.

    I do not agree with Obama wanting to give U.S. taxpayers dollars to the U.N. in the hundreds of billions of dollars that he has already maintained he wants to do to fix the world food crisis.

    I do not agree with Obama because I believe his ideas are dangerous and are completely unwise.

    Take Care.

  • 1 decade ago

    The main two things that worry me about him being voted in is his taxing and that I don't think he will live long enough to finish his first term and if he doesn't then look at who is going to take his place in office. That worries me a lot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    His socialist policies. Also he will push to have the few restrictions against abortion done away with. He wants to pull out of Iraq and wave the white flag of surrender when the war is 90% completed-thats about like pulling out of a baseball game you are winning in the 7th inning.

    I could go on and on.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    His stopping the BAIPA. His arrogance that he is above the law. His career choice(trial Lawyer). His disdain for hard working successful Americans. His mockery of the Bible. I could go on and on...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What scares me is that it doesn't matter who is the next President because when the depression soon hits it won't really matter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You guys are pretty stupid when you say he hates white people. First of all his mother was White. Second, he was raised by his WHITE grandparents. Third, he picked a White man to be his V.P.

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