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Whats your best friends Zodiac sign?

and how does their sign astrologically effect the relationship?

Note: if your not into astrology then simply don't answer cause you wasting my answer space * thanks*

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Girls: Aries, Capricorn

    Guy: Pisces

    With the Aries, I'm a Sagittarius so we're both fire signs, we get each other but our fights have been pretty ugly.

    With the Capricorn girl, I have Saturn in my 12th house/beginning of 1st and Saturn conjunct my Ascendant (which is also Sagittarius) so I'm a pretty serious person, and I understand why she's so serious... We never judge each other based off of the seriousness we project when other people are always telling us to "lighten up" we know it's not that we're trying to be so serious, that's just our nature.

    With the Pisces guy, I have my Sun in the 12th house, 12th house rules Pisces and they are co-ruled by Jupiter. My ruling planet is Jupiter because I am a Sagittarius. We just connect on some other level of consciousness. We "vibe" off of each other a lot and have a very intuitive friendship. There have been several times where we haven't talked all day but one of us will text the other "Are you okay?" Or something like that, and the other will say "No..." And go on with whatever has been bad that day. So weird. He has Aries (or Gemini rising I can't remember which) so that's really compatible to my Sagittarius Sun. We can either be extremely sarcastic and fun together, or very very deep and serious in conversation. He just matches me in all ways. I've always called him my "mirror" and he goes "We're like the same person in two different bodies." It's true. But sometimes we get on each others nerves when we're being super honest and the other person doesn't want to hear it. Then we get over it in a few minutes. He's more emotional when I'm too logical, and I'm logical when he's way too emotional. We really balance each other out. I adore him 100% and I wouldn't trade him for the world or anything in it, ever.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Leo...

    I don't have a best friend...

    I've tried to be best friend with many different signs over the years...some have come close...

    Capricorn(female)- 10 years of being close friends ended because of her jealousy and user ways...I was blind to it for years and finally realized I didn't need to be loyal anymore

    Leo (female)- 3 years on and off...Leo (female) 12 years on and off...

    There can only be one Alpha-Leo....always me

    Several pisces males when I was in middle school and high school...but the friendship always ended because they wanted to be more than just friends (friends with benefits but no real relationship)

    So really, more power to anyone that has a best friend...I don't think I'm best friend material...LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pisces. I'm a capricorn. my ex-best friend was a scorpio. we talked everyday 3-4 times a day for a long time. then we weren't friends.

    But, i feel safe with my pisces friend. i can do or say anything i want, and i'm never judged. I didn't realize how much I needed that until we met.

    We do little he brings me presents when I least expect it, and writes me letters, ect. And i do the same for him.

    I was in a bad mood the other day, and he asked me , "Who stole your heart?"

    And we ran around pretending to search for my 'heart' for about 15 minutes...we're both adults,he'll be 36 in feb, lol...anyways, when he wasn't looking , I cut out a heart and put it on his desk. (we work together) He has a collection of all of the poems and notes I've written him inside of his desk.

    I gave him a Fun-Dip once, you know that candy? It was over a year ago, and he refuses to throw away the wrapper.

    We have a secret handshake, and nick names, and he calls me "love", and is always there for me.

    i feel like a little kid when we're together. He makes me smile.

  • 1 decade ago

    Two of my best friends are capricorns. They see past all of the fluff fluff in life that I try to consider and hone in on. (Its just my personality). They balance me out, help me think things through. I bring them a sense of imagination and spirituality and kindness, they bring me strength and informative reasoning and dicipline. We benefit each other well. Sometimes, since capricorns think they know everything, we get in little arguments. Also, I am a naturally good listener, and they "naturally" give good advice. Its a match that will last a lifetime if we want it to.

    Last bf: Taurus, and let me tell you......great sex! lol. We fell in love quickly and out of it after 2 years. This match wont always work obviously, but its great while it lasts.

    Mother: Gemini. Nuff said there. Shes the best mother though, honestly.

    Source(s): life.
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  • 1 decade ago

    My bff is a Libra born October 21st! :) She is fun and outgoing and we party hard and know each other very well!

    My other bff is a Cappy born Dec 25th! :) She is sweet sincere and analytical and a homemaker which appeals to my softer side!

    We all get along pretty well...I dont however mesh well with Leo women because they ALWAYS want to talk about themselves....ALWAYS!!! And I had an Aries friend who was sweet but selfish! :/

    I'm a Cancer July 21!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    best friend and boyfriend - Aquarius

    best gal-pals - Gemini and Libra

    best college roomate/friend - Virgo

    my sign - Gemini

    my ex best friends (twice) both girls - were Aries - didn't work out too well - they always think their right and I have a lot of Cancer influence which makes me a bit more emotional and sensitive but also pragmatic and stable than other Gem's - Aries ... just don't really get along with them - they're too aloof and fake (which is funny for a Gem to say!)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Cancer

    my best girlfriends are : Cancer ( my BFF) and Capricorn ( my opposite zodiac sign)

    my best guys are : Scorpio , Pisces

    good guy friends: Cancer and Taurus

    All compatible signs.

    Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer are water signs. ( We flow together)

    Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus are earth. ( We nurture each other, earth + water)

    I also get along very well with virgo

    Source(s): Female Cancer :]
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Pisces Sun and so is my best friend.

    there are other aspects that connect us as well even in Chinese astrology we go perfectly well..there's this special connection between us were we don't even have to explain to the other how we feel. He understands me an loves me unconditionally and I do the same for him. It just feels like I've known him from ages ago and we're still happy knowing each other..

    your welcome

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a Scorpio Aries.

    My best friend is another Scorpio.

    And my boyfriend is a Gemini.

    Scorpio the same as me, and Gemini -- my consecutive opposite of my Aries (meaning most compatible).

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm Aquarius and my best friend sign that I know of right now is Taurus, Aquarius and Virgo.

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