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How are you voting for this election?

Chuck Baldwin

Bob Barr

Ralph Nader

Barrack Obama

John McCain

Here's my answer:

Personally I am sticking with John McCain. I have more trust in him because of his experience and his perseverance (losing to Obama by so much in the polls but still believes he has a chance of winning) also Sarah Palin is not as bad as people is saying she is. Probably her biggest asset is conserving energy and finding ways to get cleaner, natural energy and digging oil in the coastal regions of the U.S rather then depending on foreign oil.

I believe the media has definitely influenced the public to vote for Obama more because they have said better things about him and been praising him more while McCain and Palin been made fun of (SNL Tina Fey) McCain is definitely more capable of running this country then Obama. Who do you think should be president? Why?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm going to Barack the Vote.

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard what you believe...The guys who are educated and have done research have found that McCain has only army experience outside of the Senate.

    Obama has work experience, Organizing experience, Rallying people together for a cause experience, Educational as a lawyer, Law experience, most probably cotton picking as well...what do you want in an experience...someone to go kill a lion and call that experience.

    Vote Obama and help bring the REAL Change not same-old...Look at McCain's election Staff...Carl Rove's is in there.. McCain looks like a tired old donut with a mini doughnut running around in circles!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    haha.. Obama supporters make me laugh.. i respect Obama, and i think he is intelligent and a good speaker.. but I am voting for McCain because i disagree with almost everything Obama says.. first off, McCain is in perfect health, lol, and he isnt going to "die in office" secondly, i love how all Obama supporters will say is "Obama is going to bring change! change, change, change.." thats all they say.. oh, and im not sure how experience as a lawyer qualifies you to be President.. You would think you want someone who has leadership experience, both in the Senate and especially as an officer in the military.. Obama will bring change, you are right, if he impliments all of his "proposed policies"(which he wont by the way) our country will take one more huge step towards socialism and "spreading the wealth".. open your eyes! dont let Obama kill Capitalism, no matter how smart and well spoken he may be!

    Source(s): McCain/Palin 08!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I can't vote because I am only 17, but if I could vote, I would totally go for Obama.

    McCain is too old and if he is elected, he will probably die in office.

    And the media says good things and praises Obama more because he has more to be praised about. John McCain is an ugly old fart and he has a horrible attitude.

    And plus, McCain is way to conservative.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i'm 60 and have voted in each substantial election because of the fact that I became 21 I do vote in the off 3 hundred and sixty 5 days senate and congress elections yet do no longer vote domestically for fairly some motives, specifically around right here it is a rubber stamp vote, incumbents win till the get previous or die. Levy's bypass regardless in the event that they're only or or no longer. So a vote in the interior reach elections is like balloting for Ralph Nadar in the presidential elections.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Barack Obama/ Joe Biden

  • 1 decade ago

    I wanted HIlary to win but i think its going to be the same Bull#$%

    With Al Gore And George Bush. McCain is going to win barely

    or Obama does win but then later is going to get shot (not trying to be funny).

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain was a POW. I respect him for that. But that man has problems, mental problems. I don't want him to lead the USA.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you all the way.

    Vote McCain '08!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hell yeah McCain! He speaks for real americans like me and you. If she wasn't already married, I'd ask Sarah Palin to marry me. She's some kind of woman! She sees things as they really are.

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