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Christians: Do the little things really matter?
Of course there are many versions of Christianity that debate small, little points. My question is, do these small points really matter? For example, on another forum I saw a rather condescending response from a Christian against women who had short hair or men with long hair, stating that this was against biblical rules. Or some that speak out against women in leadership roles in the church or men as the head of the household. There are also arguments concerning the speaking of tongues in church, different types of water baptism, what music should or shouldn't be allowed, etc.
So my question is: Do these finer points really matter? If a woman is the pastor of a church, is said woman and all those in the congregation going to hell? If not, then why the issue? Do people who have long or short hair (depending on gender ) LESS of a Christian and if not, then why even bring it up? If some speak in tongues and others not, does this make them more or less Christians and more or less likely to enter the heaven of God?
Essentially if one has a personal relationship with God, believes in God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, why are these finer points even an issue? Do they really matter?
26 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
That is a very good question.
Frankly, I think it depends on the particular "doctrine" under debate.
Most of these debates stem from an imperfect understanding of scriptures. Unfortunately, a great many people are too lazy to read or study for themselves, and are content to assume that whatever their worship leaders tell them must, therefore, be true.
Some of these debates are obviously silly, like the length of the hair debate, or the debate over baptism. One pictures the Pearly Gates with Peter (or some lesser gate-keeper) standing there, inspecting people to make sure their hair is the proper length, or checking to see how wet they got at their baptism.
One of the most harmful debates, I think, involves Who Jesus actually is. I am constantly amazed at the numbers of people who call themselves Christians, and yet deny the Deity of Jesus Christ.
Some of these other debates you mentioned...well, much depends on whether the "doctrine" in question glorifies Jesus Christ, or not, I think.
For instance, do you think that either having an instrument in the church service or not having one either adds or detracts from the glory of God? Me, I like instrumental music...but, if the people can sing in harmony with one another (not all congregations can, unfortunately) acapella music also brings glory to God.
I'm a bit leery of the Charismatic movement. I wasn't really worried about the whole "tongues" thing, until I began to hear of people being "slain in the spirit" THAT scares me. How many do not realize what the term "slain" means? [shudders] The idea of men and women lining up at an altar to be "slain"...I can smell the brimstone all over that!
When I hear accusations that Christianity has oppressed women for centuries, I'm afraid I have to agree. I've heard from behind many a pulpit all about how wives are to be submissive to their husbands as unto Christ...but I have very seldom heard about how husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. So, I held a poll recently. Of course, every husband who answered me avowed that he certainly did love his wife, even as Christ loved the church. No problem there. Most of them even said that, if it came down to it, he would die for her. Maybe they would, but we aren't going to test them on it. Where I lost most of my husbands is when I asked them if they would be willing to wrap a towel around their waists, get on their knees, and wash their wives' feet...
Oh, well.
Women did both teach and preach in the Bible, even Paul salutes women who are "yoke fellows" with him.
It is not quite as easy to keep women in "silent subjugation" in the church as once it was...since we have also learned how to read...
Anyhow, some of these finer points do have an effect on the personal relationship with God. Some not so much. What affects the believer's personal relationship with God does matter.
It matters when our leaders get side tracked from teaching the truth about Jesus Christ, into some silly debate over the length of someone's hair, for example, because it matters that his belief affects someone else's relationship with God. It matters when we let these "finer points" become stumbling blocks along the narrow path, either for ourselves or for those we may influence.
At least, that is what I think.
Source(s): The Poor Widow's Two Cents Worth - KoshLv 51 decade ago
It's not any more Christianity than in any other major religion. It's fundamentalism - and it's an ugliness which is more a phenomenon of sociology and psychology than it is of the nature of any given religion.
You just see it a bit more in Christianity than some others because of the sheer size (and thus diversity) of Christianity. Yet it exists in Islam, Hinduism, even, to a lesser degree, Buddhism. Look at the schism between shia and sunni! Look at the Iranian regime ... despite the fact most Persians don't support fundamentalism. It all has to do with power over people; whether as a society, a government, a gender, a husband or an individual.
I don't know why some people have such a proclivity towards fundamentalistic thinking, especially the followers thereof (it's easy to understand the leaders who benefit directly)... and if you truly unravel that question, be sure to write a book and make a fortune.
But back to Christianity in conclusion....
It's all a matter of interpretation. Only the Laws of Moses from the Torah were hard and fast rules. Whether the Torah Law is kept or not... whether any saying is considered "law" or just "teaching"... how a given law is interpreted... all of that are the "small things" about which people could debate ad nauseam.
IMHO, those who get lost in the small details do so as surrogate for any real understanding.... and almost invariably use such dogma to chastize others than for any kind of self-improvement. Alas.
- mx. know it allLv 71 decade ago
Actually when you look at these "finer" points, they are so petty. Why would god mind, having a woman with short hair, or a man with long hair. I mean, Jesus had long hair, he was man, where does this come in between god and man and his worship? HOW? Tongues were given to men by god, so why would god mind men speaking to him in other tongues, where does it say in the bible that god only understands plain English? And how does speaking in different tongues related to going to heaven or hell?
You are right, everyone of us have a personal relationship with god, we all choose different paths to get to him, they are our only difference, but the end result is the same, we all SEEK HIM/HER? If people would just stop and think for a few min at these points, they will realize how pointless and silly everything sounds. Way to gods' heart is through personal karma, and the path you take to go to him should be your own personal choice, cause in the end we all go to him ALONE.
- 5 years ago
Well there are all kinds of judgements by people, but Jesus did say, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of heaven." Mark 10:14. Anyone who makes judgement against these children who ridicule and mock them are hypocrits, plain and simple. Jesus taught the word in simplicity, so that even a little child could understand it. Now children understand more than they are given credit for. There hearts are innocent and pure and they are able to process truth better than us hard hearted adults because life experiences change us in ways that can shut us off from truth. Often times people are here speaking against children learning the word of God, mostly atheist because they hate the word of God, they find it a joke, but, what they cannot do is remove from the hearts of those chosen by God, from child to the elderly what God has sanctioned from them. People can raise their children anyway they want and it is not for anyone to judge how someone christian or atheist teach their children as they grow. If God has chosen that child there will be nothing an atheist way of thinking and doing things to keep them from the love of the Master or the ark of safety when they are older and able to choose for themselves. It is not debateable, because it is about your opinion, and everyone has an opinion, but when it gets right down to where the rubber meets the road about children learning, what can you do to stop it? ranting and raving all over the internet will do nothing. You are not the parent of the christian child, so it really is not your business.
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- 1 decade ago
It really gets to the point of having a relationship with God. In any relationship there things that may seem small to one person and are a deal breaker to another. If you really care for that person you may adjust the small thing to you but the big thing to the other because the relationship is so valuable. As to our relationship with God the big issues are outlined in the Bible. Of course many try to twist things like hair length. Jesus made a good point that the 2 greatest commands are love God with you whole heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. There is of course more to pleasing God than our opinion of whole-souled devotion and that requires a study of the Bible. Next time someone comes to your door and offers to discuss the Bible take them up on it.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Yes they do matter... but it is in the motivation of the individual on most of the ones you cite.... The instruction in The Bible allows for some leeway in how individuals worship... but... there are also very specific instructions on some things... and those are not to be violated... women not to be "pastors" and preach and interpret in The Church... and that the husband is the head of the family... there are legitimate, and vital, leadership roles for women within The Church and individual congregations... just not as the head over the congregation as pastor, preacher, interpreter...
it is in the battling over the "little things" that even those of The True Church can weaken the witness of those of The Church.... and anything that is negative and impedes the commission of The Church is to be avoided.......... easier said than done in most cases.... The Church is composed of fallible mortals after all...
There is only One True Church... God is not interested in "versions"
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I often wondered that as well. The problem is that people want to make their faith fit their lifestyle rather than making their lifestyle fit their faith. If someone disagrees with something, he starts his own church. Simple.
From what I have seen, new denominations sprout up all the time. It's become more of a business venture than anything else. Unfortunately Christianity lacks that type of cohesion, and people make a big deal out of little things.
In Judaism, it's a little bit different. We have a wide variety of views, yet we still remain in the same community.
- G CLv 71 decade ago
Jesus said that "if you love me, you will keep my commandments." Not some of His commandments but all. We must go to a church that is like the first century church (that is the people, not the building) and remain faithful to the commands of the New Testament until death.
Women are not permitted to be over men in the church.
- 1 decade ago
Overall those little things don't matter. People shouldn't be so judgemental. Christians like that are really fundamental and legalistic. God wants us to live in freedom, not in bondgae.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Here is the only point that matters: Do you believe in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, and His resurrection?
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