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What does Islam say about blood donation? ?

What is the reward for this charity?


It's silly to attack any ones religion. Everyone has the right to worship as they see fit. In the Quran, it says that muslims should leave Christians and Jews to their faith and not bother them. I beleive that Christianity and Judaism subscribe to similiar thoughts. It's funny. Christianity, Islam and Judaism have much more in common than not in common especially with all the other religions of the world. Wouldn't it be nice for the three religions to respect one another.

6 Answers

  • Velvet
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Blood donation isn't specifically mentioned, but all sorts of charity are encouraged in Islam.

    It's become so fashionable to pound on Islam, especially online with anonymity, that it's starting to annoy even me, a non-Muslim.

    Edit: Yes, they have a lot in common. One subject they all seem to agree on is intolerance towards each other. Isn't that cute?

  • Maryam
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    allowed and Liked...

    it is considered as Sadakah, which is giving others money or any of properties to help....

    Sadakah is very liked worship in Islam, Sadakah is rewarded both in life and afterlife...

    its reward in afterlife is unlimited. but in recent life, Sadakah can heal the ill, through out the evil, and help in responding to Duaa (prayer).

    I know a story about Sadakh, I shall tell u about...

    ( An elder man came to a worshiper and said: my son has sailed over a ship and Im afraid about him, I pray to Allah to bring him back to me. but what do u advise me to do so that my prayer is accepted?

    the worshiper said: go and do some Sadakha. the man quoted in disappointed: but I do not have but this Derham (10 pennies). the worshiper said: find a needy and give it to him. and so did the man.

    after a while his son came back to home. he said: Father, u will not believe what happened with us!. " what happened?" asked the father. the son answered: We were in the middle of a storm, most of the ship was filled with water, rain and wind go continuously, we start praying and read some Quran b/c we knew that we r dead. " then what?" asked the father. the son answered: " We heared a voice saying " o people of the ship, Sadakah was accepted and u will be saved", then the storm ended, the ship was out of water and we came back... so what happened father?.. )

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a Muslim, I am sickened by the bashing that goes on here. Some people should be ashamed of themselves. I do know that many of the modern scientific and medical advancements came from the Muslims. The father of modern scientific method was a Muslim. I know that charity is very important in Islam, I imagine giving blood would fall under charity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Allah says

    and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.

    Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets

    Our creed is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Day of Judgment, and Fate whether good or bad.

    Source(s): This sublime belief, which includes those great principles, bears numerous and useful types of fruits for whoever believes in it. Virtues of Belief in Allah: Belief in Allah, His names, and His attributes instills in the individual the love and glorification of Allah that result in his performing Allah's instructions and avoiding His prohibitions. These are the means of achieving ultimate happiness in this life and the hereafter for both the individual and the society: "Whoever, male or female, does righteous deed, while believing, We shall assuredly grant him a goodly life, and We shall reward them according to the best of their deeds" (16:97). Virtues of Belief in the Angels: Appreciating the dignity of Allah, His might, and His sovereignty. Gratitude toward Allah because He puts some of the angels in charge of His servants, recording their deeds and other things that benefit them. ¥ Love and admiration for the angels because of what they are doing, namely, worshipping Allah in the best possible manner and praying for the believers. Virtues of Belief in the Books: Appreciating Allah's mercy and care for His people in that He sent down a book to every nation for its guidance. Appreciating Allah's wisdom, for He revealed in these books to every nation that which suits them. The glorious Qur'an is the final book and it is suitable to all people at all times until the Day of Judgment. Showing gratitude for Allah's mercy in revealing these books. Virtues of Belief in the Messengers: Appreciating Allah's mercy and care for His people for sending them those great messengers to guide them to the straight path. Thanking Allah for this great favor. Loving and respecting the prophets and praising them in what they deserve, because they are Allah's messengers and His choice among His people. They worshipped Allah according to the best of their ability, conveyed His message to mankind, gave sincere advice to the people, and bore patiently whatever hurt they received. Virtues of Belief in the Day of Judgment: Endeavor to obey Allah to get the reward of that day and to avoid any disobedience to him for fear of His punishment. A consolation for the believer for whatever he misses of worldly enjoyment by what he hopes to gain of blessings and reward of the hereafter. Virtues of Belief in Fate and the Divine Decree: Dependence on Allah when doing any action, because both the cause and effect are the result of Allah's decree. Ease of mind and comfort, because when the individual knows that everything is by Allah's decree and that mishaps are going to take place anyway, his soul will be at ease and his heart will be satisfied with Allah's decree. No one has a more comfortable life, worry-free soul, and stronger confidence than a believer in fate. Freedom from arrogance when a goal is achieved, because this is a blessing from Allah through what He decreed of the causes of good and success. The individual should thank Allah for that and free himself from arrogance. Freedom from worry and boredom in case of failure or mishap, because that is by Allah's decree, the One who possesses the heavens and the Earth. Since that is going to happen anyway, the individual should be patient and hope for the reward from Allah. Allah points to the last two virtues in the following verse: "No misfortune can happen on earth or in yourselves but is recorded in a decree before We bring it into existence, that is really easy for Allah; that you may not grieve for what escapes you, nor rejoice in what has come to you. Allah does not love any vainglorious boaster" (57:22-3).
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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    interior the alleged words of P.T.. Barnum, "there's a sucker born each and every minute". i could placed a quote into each and every sought after and unknown atheist's mouth and say that "all religions are undesirable, if only because of the fact they seem to be a substitution of theory for certainty." look at it this style, we word human beings transforming into neo-Nazis, vegetarians, professional-lifers, professional-decision, anti-vaxers, or any style of issues. None of those "conversions" means that what they are "changing" to is authentic. added, the greater that any faith/philosophy/theory... claims that "sought after human beings" or great numbers of folk are changing, only exhibits that it has no longer something to do with actuality or certainty. Edit: on the different hand, whilst we glance at strongly Muslim worldwide places, we see a extensive abuse of human rights, i.e. women folk being whipped for what they placed on, 13 twelve months previous rape victims being stoned, demise threats against human beings drawing Mohammed after centuries of depictions of him, husbands beheading their different halves because of the fact they desire a divorce mutually as men can actual divorce their different halves, vacationer women folk required to "conceal up" even nonetheless they do no longer have confidence the rustic's faith. Granted, whilst we glance on the "salt of the earth" or basic Muslim that's no longer contain in any style of political means, they are no diverse than the equivalent individual in the different faith, yet whilst Islam will become in government or means, hardly does it fail to institute a barbaric, illiberal, misogynistic rule.

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably "haram" = forbidden as everything is "haram" in islam

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