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D'Antoni first game at the Garden and already cursing the fans?

First you beat last year's worst team by five points on your own court, then you lose by 29 points tonight. And given the history of Madison Square Garden, he has the nerve to come in here and curse the fans on opening night?

7 Answers

  • MC™
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    to me he has always been a good coach, but just a classless person, and a whiny little *****, I remember him freaking out when Phil Jackson called a timeout after he called one, and for whatever reason he just has to flip out.

    If you are a Knicks fan, you should actually be happy about D'antoni, cuz I caught the first 10 min of the Knicks vs the Heat game, and it was pretty fun to watch, it would been better if Knicks had a Steve Nash-type of Pg running the show, but you have to admit they were much more fun to watch than the Larry Brown or Isiah Thomas Knicks.

    Source(s): MC
  • 1 decade ago

    I know it looks terrible on paper, but games like this one are going to happen. There are going to be inconsistencies and lapses all through the season with this Knicks team. New, coach, new starting point guard, new offense, it's going to take time but I think they can have a much improved season compared to last year.

    So far it looks as if the separation of The Phoenix Suns and Mike D'Antoni has not fared well for either team's second game this season. I'm not sure what Mike's strategy for Stephon Marbury is, but putting him on the inactive list isn't helping anything. If Marbury wants to be normal and play ball he should let him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I never liked his coaching. And i don't think he's going to make a difference this year. Tops 30 Wins.

  • 1 decade ago

    knicks still sucks

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  • 1 decade ago Knicks...what a

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't prefer his coaching at all

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