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A question for those who believe that life begins at conception....?

Typically, people with such beliefs are pro-life in that they are against abortion.

What are your thoughts on IVF treatment? If life begins at conception then surely you should be against IVF? Afterall, many conceptions (the meeting of a sperm and egg) occur albeit out of the womb and many surplus end up being destroyed.


The "living lives without god" thing.... treating people for life threatening illnesses is surely doing the same thing?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You bring up a very good point. IVF does destroy many embryos. There is selective killing. These are potential humans. Therefore IVF cause abortions and would be considered Scripturally wrong.

  • 5 years ago

    I've studied the process of reproduction and seen the video images of what happens at the moment of conception. I've seen two those two microscopic cells merge and the spark that occurs the second it occurs and how in that single moment, before the first second of merging is over, it's already a single, new thing that begins to grow. Two cells become one, and then it splits and doesn't stop growing. It's more than just a blob of cells, it's a growing human encoded with all of the DNA it needs to be a person. Simple answer, though? To make it convenient to those who don't want children or don't want to be pregnant at a specific time, the real difference is that if the pregnancy is wanted, there is life at conception. If the pregnancy is unwanted, it's not life or compatible either until 26 weeks gestation or even birth.

  • 1 decade ago

    If life of a human being begins at conception, which I believe it does, then it's murder.

    Many times, the Bible talks about couples who were not able to have children. It says in these cases that God had closed up the womb of the female. When God does that, He does it for a reason. If IVF was available in the days of the Bible, I can just imagine what God would have said if for example, Abraham and Sarah had used it. Abraham had tried bypassing God's plan for them to have children by having a child through Hagar, Sarah's servant girl, rather then leave things in God's hands.

    That's what IVF does. It is man taking things out of God's hands and trying to do things without God.

    As you know, IVF is used many times to give babies to lesbian and gay couples. So, the use of IVF is just another way that people try to live lives without God. And I don't think God will be happy with that. I think it's wrong. I think it's a sin. And I think it's living a life apart from God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's funny how by just changing the word, that it makes one feel more comfortable

    Pro-choice is still Abortion

    Abortion is murder

    Life is a state that distinguishes organisms from non-living objects, such as non-life, and dead organisms.

    The consensus is that life is a characteristic of organisms that exhibit all or most of the following phenomena:

    Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.

    Organization: Being composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life.

    Metabolism: Consumption of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life.

    Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of synthesis than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter. The particular species begins to multiply and expand as the evolution continues to flourish.

    Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present.

    Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of higher animals. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun (Phototropism and chemotaxis.

    Reproduction: The ability to produce new organisms. Reproduction can be the division of one cell to form two new cells. Usually the term is applied to the production of a new individual (either asexually, from a single parent organism, or sexually, from at least two differing parent organisms), although strictly speaking it also describes the production of new cells in the process of growth

    Life begins at fertilization.

    For those who answer by saying a baby can not be born until it is developed in it's mother's womb is as ignorant to the fact that a full term baby can not survive if after being born, to just lay it down somewhere and watch it grow.

    Gospel According to Saint Matthew

    Chapter 25

    45 Then he shall answer them, saying: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me.

    Source(s): IVT and Abortion are both wrong
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why should christians be against it? Its creating life. I see nothing wrong with it, because some people are not able to have children, on their own, so they have the egg & sperm combine in a test tube and then have the baby implanted to raise and love.

    Maybe if the women who have abortions would stop and give the child up for adoption, then these people would not have to go through the financial hassles of IVF.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is very true, and very hard to answer. I think that the question needs to focus more on intent. I am pro life, with a few exceptions, and I think it needs decided case by case. If someone just doesn't want to deal with the repercussions of their actions, then I feel their actions are selfish and murderous. It is hard to compare those type of people with someone else who wants a baby so much, they are willing to undergo the pain and financial burden of IVF.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am against IVF and also against the death penalty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    While the whole "life begins at conception" is pretty lame from a humanistic perspective (do you really want to grant human rights to a clump of cells?), it is also factually incorrect: the sperm isn't dead, the egg isn't dead, and when they meet dead things don't suddenly produce life - life is an unbroken chain from the earliest ancestor to you.

    Source(s): Pro-choice.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think taalyn_1 has any idea what he's talking about.

    It's not OK for a woman to destroy one fetus, but it's OK for people to destroy more than that aslong as one survives?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes that's true and that's why im against it.many are killed in the hope of creating just one.that's why the Church opposes it too(Catholic)

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