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is the brady effect just a cover for electronic voting fraud?

in 2000 and 2004 both kerry and gore were white.. yet where electronic voting was used.. exit polls indicated election fraud.. Only where electronic voting was used did the exit polls not match the results.

now is the brady effect disinformation being spread to cover this election .. so when mcain wins dispite exit polls indicating an obama win are ignored called unreliable etc... even when all the skewing of the results favor just one party?

a university of berkly study on a bush election indicated gore got ripped off over 100,000 votes due to electronic voting..

wouldnt unintentional errors in voting machines average out for both candidates? .. why did all errors favor only bush?


hehe the brady effect is not a dem term is it? it's a republican coined phrase... my point is.. we should call it the electronic voting effect.. not the brady effect.. kind of like the republicans call the repealing of 9 of the first 10 amendments to the constitution the "patriot act" just disinformation .. lies to attack the constitution and destroy it.

5 Answers

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bradley effect doesn't only hit blacks. What it means is if it is viewed as PC to vote for one candidate, for WHATEVER reason, sometimes people will pretend they did, when they didn't.

    However, I have no confidence in the machines.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, thought the liberals would wait until the voting and results came in until they started making excuses and screams of ripe offs, but evidently they are starting early, getting warmed up? This election will go until 6 Jan 09, when Congress calls it in accordance with the Constitution. To answer your question, NO, the brady effect is not a cover for voting fraud.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No application is suitable. besides the undeniable fact that it should be so configured as to leave tell memories of hacking. Now, i should keep in touch that my tampering ought to invalidate the vote tally of the finished gadget. The more suitable probable situation should be the gadget tallying up more suitable votes than think to be registered voters for the precinct. because of fraud. Or, there desires to be a thanks to guarantee the lifeless and duplicates, clones and "creatively generated" voters do no longer ensue. Or, like in Dallas county 4 years back. A Justice of the Peace gained by skill of registering his huge spread kinfolk. Having them vote as voters. All registered as residing in is grandma's 800 squaretoes humble domicile. That'd be about 24 human beings. would not take a lot to swing a small election.

  • 1 decade ago

    The bradley effect is the excuse they will use if they lose, They are prepping for a loss based on race. But this election isn't about race, It's about the white guilt vote. What about black people not voting for mccain because he is white?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the liberal loses, it's always fraud. Grow up.

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