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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Old time republicans for Obama?

The old guard is endorsing Obama

Susan Eisenhower

Julie Nixon Eisenhower

CC Goldwater

Chris Buckley

Ron Reagan

Have we heard from the Bush twins yet?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    And let's not forget Colin Powell.

    There are some Republicans who are not ideologues - and they're all jumping ship.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is what we call JOB SECURITY! Obama will bring HUGE government. McCain will not. He will call out the "Good ol' Boys" and that scares them!


    Is your HEAT coal or gas? >> Sorry with Obama's plan you do not get either.

    Obama's tax Plan:

    Professional Athlete, Celebrity Entertainer- 1-10 Million they do not care what taxes are.



    Doctors ( specialists), Nurse Practitioners, Technical Engineers Around 100,000 - 250,000 a year. These are just a few of the people you choose to condemn.

    Make a point to know the candidate behind the media!

    Obama supporters want you to pay. It is about what you owe them. Share the wealth. Higher taxes, Cut the military spending, Kill our soldiers we will not need them anyway we will have a militia.More job loss, Tax 401k, Capitol Gains taxes, Inheritance tax ( for the sake of your kids do not write a will.. they will pay! ), Continue to buy oil from foreign Nations maybe we can all be friends! <sarcasm> Ignore the coal we are sitting on! Save the whales we can all live like tarzan ( Robinson Caruso did ok). Do not speak about religion or any other confrontational ideas. The Militia will get you!


    Perhaps they believe in job security.. for congress!

    McCain - Palin '08

    Drill baby Drill

    Clean Coal Tech!

    Nuclear Energy

    New technology and New Jobs!

    Cut the Pork and keep taxes low!

    Win the war and bring our Boys home Victorious So we do not have to go back again!

    Decrease our oil dependence on foreign war nations.

    Keep America a Democracy and Say no to Socialism!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Reagan has never been a Republican. Just shows how much you know about politics. Barry Goldwater support Mccain. Hes as liberal as all those you mentioned are Conservative.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All the regulars on the Washington party circuit who are afraid they will be uninvited to the parties if they don't jump on the popular guy's bandwagon.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Have you looked into the lives of these folks? They are soooooo way off base it isn't even funny! I am glad they are voting for Barack. It just proves how much of an idiot magnet he really is!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ron Reagan? LOL you nitwit he is and always has been a Liberal. You need help. Badly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is slick, has been dishing the same speech since he entered politics. No voting records to judge him by. He wants to show the black leaders how to play politics the white folks way, Clinton, Bush etc. lie and have no records to judge you by, distance yourself from your past and tell people who you are going to associate with ( that's easy, any con man can do that). Obama / Biden tell us, magically, what they are going to do, but never tell us how come they did not do all those magical thing before with their Democratic Majority. The Democrats Majority have 12% aproval while Obama has 55% does that sound odd? The crowd are punishing the USA and the hard working American people because of the recklessness amd stupidty of Mr. Bush and his gang. Obama has to prove himself 1st. before he becomes a president Electing him would be a grave mistake, because when the price of your pizza goes up, not only 5% pay the price increase but also the 95% Obama is promising to lower their taxes. His motto is tax the rich and let the rich tax the poor, a win win situation for the Democrates. Use your brains, stop and think, before you make a mistake. IF IT SOUNDS GOOD TO BE TRUE, PROBABLY IT IS.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nancy reagan endorsed mccain, what's your point?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just another example of spoiled, entitlement generation

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice try...not!

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