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Regardless of who wins the election, how much of an impact racially has the election had on America?

I feel that no matter who wins, this election has shown that we've come a long way in the last 40 years regarding racial bias. Anyone agree or disagree?


Friendly Stranger... where are you when I need you? LOL

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that it has clarified things quite a bit. I heard a report yesterday saying that 80% of the "net generation" believed that interracial dating was acceptable.

    Just as social change follows the law [belief that children should be protected followed child labor laws] racial prejudice will be heavily eroded if Obama serves as President. I am afraid of the lone nut with a gun out there who gets within aiming range. This is America, and during the sixties we lost John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and George Wallace was paralyzed by a gunman.

    Not to mention Gerald Ford had Squeaky Frome take a shot at him and Sara Jane [?] also attempted to kill him. Ronald Reagan was wounded. That makes running for POTUS a little more dangerous than driving a cab in a large city.

    But, back to your Q: I believe that everyone has some prejudice; I try to not act out of mine. Yes, there are people who will never vote for a black person, I expect that they are more uncomfortable admitting that these days.

    Forty years ago, 1968, we were still working on integrating drinking fountains, lunch counters, city buses, trying to allow "Negroes" to vote. Southern sheriffs were using fire hoses and snarling dogs to oppose demonstrators. Three college students from Miami University in Ohio were killed because they were trying to register people to vote in Mississippi.

    For me, a spiritual experience is one that links person to person, or person to whatever is out there that is eternal. That is the meaning of the cross for me. The reason that I bring that up today is that for me, Election Day is a sacrament. It is how we confess our faith in democracy and our trust of our neighbors. I admit that I have wept several times today.

    I voted early, so I missed seeing my neighbors in line. I did take my next-door neighbor to the polling place and shared breakfast with him afterward. I know his mother, and I would expect that John, who is a Viet Nam vet and a retired Teamster, to be like his mother, a Democrat who declined to vote for president this time. He voted for Obama.

    Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is a terrible for of government. Unfortunately all other forms fo government are worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the election is pulling america apart everyone see's oboma as a black well he's also white, yes he's a half breed and america is to stupid over race to see it

  • I think in total, the election has brought us closer together rather than been divisive.

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