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Lv 6
Angel asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Will Pennsylvania deliver to MCCAIN after being trashed by DEMS?

..yet shut down coal plants. PPL utility runs on coal.....


PPL=PA. Power and Light

Update 2:

i live in pa..allentown born in scranton.

ppl was my account with ibm

berwick pa. is the only nuclear plant

i have a total electric house

china and all other third world country can pollute but not us until we bridge

you are peeing in the wind..and how about your suv tailpipe stuffed up some joggers nose every day as you ride your a** to work...that's okay..right?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dont forget about Murtha's comments, and thats Obama's boy!! But hey you could always go cling to your bibles and guns!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many coal plants are already shut down under GWBush, Sr due to emission standards he approved. And McCain has a similar stand on the issue. You don't even live in PA do you? Coal produces immense amount of greenhouse gas, so it's time to look at other options.

    You have a total electric house? So you are just trying to find something to bash Obama about?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Pennsylvania will go McCain. Obama is going to shut down all the coal use and Pennsylvanians are smart people and will vote for McCain because they know Obama is going to raise their taxes and give THEIR money to the bums that don't like to work. No thanks.

  • Max50
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What Obama has said about them and Murtha.

    I think they pretty much slit their own throats.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not all of PPL runs on coal..they have nuclear, too.

    But PA is pretty damn racist...I think they'll vote against their own interests again rather than vote for the Black guy

  • 1 decade ago

    Not after McCain called western Pennsylvania racist.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mccain has ZERO chance to win PA...OBAMA will win PA by 10%...and obama wins OHIO by 4%...and obama wins Virginia by 4%...and OBAMA wins Florida by 2%.

    Mccain will be giving his consession speech by 11:00 PM EST tonight.

  • 1 decade ago

    PP&L may run on coal but just because it runs on coal doesn't mean we want it to continue to run on coal.

    Source(s): Pennsylvanian
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