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Cost for central heating upgrade?

I currently have an oil boiler which heated radiators and could heat water, although water can also be heated by an immersion heating.

I am going to upgrade as follows and need for someone to give me an idea of cost. I have had a quotation from what I thought was a good company but it seems very high to me.

Supply and installation of Worcester Bosch 28i combi boiler with wireless programmer/room stat.

Pipe up from gas meter to boiler @10 metre run

The boiler will be sited right next to hot and cold water pipes, next to an electric socket and next to a drain so these aspects should be relatively easy.

There would need to be @6m pipe to connect into existing central heating pipework

Hot water tank needs to be removed

I want an existing small radiator in kitchen to be moved along the same wall @3 metres from current location

A new single radiator to be installed in a spare bedroom, the nearest supply pipes are @4 metres away

A new double radiator to be installed in main bedroom, the nearest supply pipes are @6m away.

I also asked for some existing pipes to be tidied up.

Oil boiler to be removed but I will arrange disposal

The quote I received was for £3,200 ( £3,800 inc VAT )

Would be great if someone was able to give me an idea of cost for each element.

Thanks in advance

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Boiler-£650.If its a green star add another £100.


    wireless room stat-£100

    Double rad-£60

    Single rad£30

    Auto bypass-£15

    Cleansing and anti corrosion chemicals£30

    TRV's and lock shields for new rads-£20

    Pipe and fitting-£150

    Sundries-Flux.solder,gas bottle,ptfe,wire wool screws plugs clips etc-£30.

    Electrics and condensate waste-£20

    + VAT =

    £1400-£1500 roughly.

    Labour for two men for 2 days can cost anything from £600-£1000 + VAT depending on the location.

    9/10 companies will take a mark up on the price of the materials as their discounts from the merchants can be anything from 20%-80% depending on what products they are buying.

    If you add the costs up and take off the installers wages which can be anything from £13-£20 per hour,again depending on the location,or they could be on a set price.

    Companies have to make a profit but the price is slightly excessive,get a few more quotes to ease your mind that you are not getting ripped off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends what part of the UK you live in as rates vary.

    The boiler will be about £670 - programmer etc no more than £150 - decent output double panel rad say £80 max - thermostatic rad valves say £15 max each - copper tube max £120.

    Various fittings say £75.....there you go, say £1300 for all the bits 'n pieces.

    You gotta ask yourself how long are these guys going to be there to earn the extra £1900 ?

    From what you have decribed it is all surface work and no removal of floorboards then there can't be more than five days work there for a lone operator.

    Ask how much they would do the job for on a labour only basis - i.e. you supply the materials, that should be interesting

    Source(s): Honest Joe - some say mug
  • 1 decade ago

    This applies to any trade you are wanting. Try web site called checkatrade, typed into any search engine will bring it up. Then type in your post code, so you get the ones local to you. All the people on here have been vetted, checked out for certificates, right qualifications and insurance etc and open to further monitoring. On the web site you can read other customer comments etc and the ratings of the companies. Checkatrade collect all their customer reports themselves and the companies do not see them.

    So this is about as near as you'll get to avoiding the cowboys.

    Have used the site often and always been happy with the people selected.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    climate your warmth is warm water or steam--a gas boiler is a lot more suitable efficient than an oil fired boiler. In both case you'll nevertheless opt for the chimeny. keep in ideas also the oil boiler will require more suitable upkeep too. Altho organic gas is intense priced--with each and every of the turmoil and pricing of oil--the oil ought to land up being way more suitable intense priced than the gas boiler to operate. it truly is already more suitable intense priced and could probable proceed to upward push swifter than the cost of organic gas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Id love to say you are getting done over , but I doubt if you are going to get an awful lot of the quote , you may ask them to re do the quote for you ,but if you have heard good things about this company then maybe it would be safer to go with them . I am assuming that your pipework is under the floorboards and the quote includes all making good

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think prices can be different, I don't now your central heating model, so maybe these sites will help you



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    3,000-5,000 dollars.

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