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karen f asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

How can i stop pulling my hair out?

I have had trichotillomania (look it up) for about 10 years now. I have a large bald patch on the back of my head and also pull out my pubic hairs. It mainly happens when I'm alone. I also chew the root if it comes out, and can sit with a hair in my mouth for hours. I mainly pull thick ones if I can find them. No matter what I try I can't seem to stop. I've tried tying it up, sitting on my hands, etc but when i'm working I suddenly realise I'm doing it. I've been to my GP and he told me not to be silly it's not a real condition and I can't afford to pay to go to a psychiatrist.

Any tips please from sufferers.


I'm a girl so a crew cut aint my thing. And it's not that I'm bored as I'm training to be a doctor and really busy with that, and have lots of hobbies. Also please don't make fun of me - I already cry myself to sleep enough as it is.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I used to have the same thing only with nail biting. I almost lost the tip of one of my fingers to infection when I was a kid. When I was in 5th grade I finally decided to stop. I'd tried everything, hot-pepper tasting nail polish, willpower, my mom even tried getting a professional to hypnotize me!

    And then one day, I started wearing gloves. I was just a little kid and man did I ever get teased. I wore moisturizing gloves around all the time, only taking them off to eat, or to take a bath. after a while, just looking at how long and pretty my nails were was enough to keep me from chewing them. I still have occasional relapses, but nothing so bad as it used to me.

    Try wearing gloves around, you won't be able to get a grip, especially if you use conditioner. Once the bald spot is gone, you'll reach up and feel long, silky, pretty hair and know how nice it looks, and you won't be able to bear to pull it out!

    As for pubic hair, you could either focus on it or just cut/shave it all off anyway. Tons of people do it.

    edit: or try wearing a hat. You can get nice comfy ones from the dollar store. I have like 100 different beanies. It'll also cover up the bald spot.

    To all the other commentors: Psychiatrists and psychologists get to the root of problems and diagnose medication. They stop people from doing things they do on purpose (cutting, suicide attempts,) and emotional issues (depression, aggression, etc.) It's not her mindset that's the problem, it's just a rootless, unconscious habit. Getting medical help probably won't do any good.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, I have the same problem as you, and its seems to get worse when I'm worried or stressed. Unlike you I tie my hair in knots with one hand,(obviously not my pubic hair!) and then either pull it out from the roots, quite a large chunk sometimes, or I rip the knot off leaving loads of split ends and different lengths of hair which becomes a nightmare when I go to get it cut. Luckily I have very thick hair but it is definitely thinner on one side. I also have the pubic hair problem but pull them out with tweezers and look at the roots, so you are not alone! Sometimes I find that worry beads help to keep your hands busy and also it helps when your hair is wet or tied up.

    I really dont think your GP should say that your being silly, because you are not the only one, I have a friend who also has a

    problem with the pubic hairs, and especially likes pulling out ingrown ones!

    I would go back to the GP, there may be some kind of anti-depressant or anti anxiety medication that could really help you, if you want to take medication. You dont say how long your hair is, or whether it thick or thin? I smoke so that occupies my hands quite a lot, although I dont suggest you start that!

    Try some worry beads, they have been used for centuries all over the middle east when they are thinking, chatting etc, so there must be something relaxing about playing with them.

    I hope there is something here that might help.

    Fellow sufferer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would not dream of making fun of you this condition is serious.And seeing as you are training to be a doctor i hope that you will have a better attitude and insight than your current one.To say your being silly is none other than cruel.I suffer from Trichotillomania myself and have done since the age of twelve ( I am now 35 ) being an hairstylist myself i have complete sympathy for you.I have read on this subject also and some say it is linked to OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder.Others say it is linked to some kind of stress and trauma.This obviously deeply affects your self esteem and confidence and i would go back to your doctor or get a second opinion about it.Prozac is fairly successful for OCD alongside therapy.I tend to mainly pull my hair out when stressed and strangely enough there is something really relieving about doing it until i am aware of the bald patches.I have always pulled my eyebrows out and have none at all.Then i go for my crown area creating unsightly bald patches that i have to desperately try to hide.But i will pull hair from just about anywhere this includes my pubic hair.This is no laughing matter and there is a root cause somewhere.You say you have tried everything to stop but nothing seems to work.Please Please seek advise so that you can feel happy.mittens or gloves and sitting on your hands wont work in the long term believe me ! Good Luck. UK

  • 5 years ago

    I have the same problem. Sans the bald spot. I stop when I realize how much hair is in my lap and I'm kinda horrified I keep doing that, I really don't realize I'm doing it. It's harder than it sounds but you have to find something else to direct your attention to. don't even let your hand go up to your head, even if you just want to rest your head on your head. Because before you know it, your hand will be in your hair and strands will start being pulled out. Why do you do it? I realized I do it out of annoyance. what helps me,a lot actually, is chewing gum. Kinda stress relief for me. Also keep your hair clipped away from your face. I usually start because I keep tucking hair behind my ear, and somehow that turns into me pulling at the hair... So now I use bobby pins to pull it back, sometimes into a bun so I can't get to the strands. Out of sight, out of mind. Maybe you can pull yours back into a low ponytail and use the pins to keep the hair over the bald spot. I hope this helps you a little and that you can find a solution. It's a tough habit to break, but mind over matter right? You can do it!

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is a real condition so your doctor needs a reality check, go and seek a 2nd opinion dont cut your hair off because that is defeating the object, seek professional medical help the samaritans could be a good way to go so you know there are also others out there like you.

    have you tried talking to friends and relitives about this problem as my sister used to hang around with a girl who did the hair pulling thing and my neighbour used to do it, its bordem and lonliness that also doesnt help.

    trying to get a hobby is a good idea but you cant do it 24/7 can you..

    Try a different doctor or if there is no luck go and seek advice from another surgery.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, it is a real condition so you need to change you GP to one that actually cares! If you find a doctor who cares, they should refer you to a psychiatrist, and it should be available on the NHS, although you might have a bit of waiting time.

    Depending on how old you are there should be counsellors available for you to talk to. Since your studying to be a doctor your university should have one.

    Secondly, try looking online for chat rooms for people who suffer from similar things. It might sound cheesy but things are often easier if you're not alone.

    Try fiddling with something else, such as a button, bracelet etc - just try to keep your hands busy whilst your studying.

    I know you've said it doesn't help, but tying your hair back whilst studying will keep it out of your face - and so it will be out of your mind.

    Hope this helps. Just try not to get too down about it (which i know is easier said than done)

  • 1 decade ago

    Try oiling your hair so that when you get a oily hair in your mouth will get you off the habit. Oiling will bring healthy hair and I am sure when you see long, soft smooth hair you will put the effort of stopping yourself from pulling.

    Plus after oiling apply Henna which is a good idea and that also for 45 minutes only because the scalp can absorb only for 15 to 20 minutes. You need to add 2 egg yolks and 4 table spoon of yoghurt and it should be like a cake batter and to achieve that add water after the yolk and yoghurt.

    As for oil it can be coconut oil or almond oil or there is a 100% natural lotion It is lotion which is a natural formula made of essential oils such as coconut, olive, avocado and Aragon (from the Atlas Mountains) with extracts from fresh fruits, green plants including rose petals, cinnamon sticks.

    Oils and extracts of fruits and green plants penetrate rapidly through the scalp, providing rich and deep nourishment to hair follicles and it gets strengthened. It is Ziravie, I used to but it in Spain but it is available on and the ID is hair-treatment.

    After henna and shampoo do make sure you use a conditioner

    Once you dedicate time towards your hair the habit of pulling will reduce.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi hon, first let me start by saying, it is a real condition, and your doctor sounds like he doesn't know what he is talking about. It is an OCD, an you can get medication for that. One thing that you can do as far as pulling out your head hair is to wear a wool hat. Put your hair up in a ponytail if it is longer, and tuck it up under the hat. This will keep it out of your reach, as well as drawing your attention to when you are doing it. A bandanna, or head scarf works just as well.

    Another thing you can try is keeping your hands busy. I use a rock. I like my rock smooth, but you might prefer it rougher, or lumpy or whatever. I keep it in my hand, roll it around, rub it etc. That keeps my hands busy, and also draws attention to when I reach up to pull out a hair, because your hands are busy.

    You need to change doctors, and get meds for OCD, and also to see someone about it. There are certain therapies that you could try that will help.

    Source(s): Have had trichotillomania for over 20 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    oh that's a shame. :(

    I get this too, kinda, i'm doing it now!! I play with my hair and chew it and pull it out and chew the roots sometimes. I'm not really bad at it though, i don't have a bald patch or anything. I really don't know how to stop either! whenever i realise i'm doing it, i try to stop. Just think about what you are doing and ask yourseld why you are doing it. That's what i do and the answer is usually "urmmm..." haha there is no answer so try to stop. :) x

  • aaaawwww you poor thing. maybe try chewing gum so you stop putting hair in your mouth. I have no idea what you could do but dont give up hope. Maybe your profession can help you out, you might meet a doctor tha will know about ocd's. I'ts gotta be an ocd and your doc is stupid. Try a print out of the page you found on the net and take it to the doc an see what he says then.x

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