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in the1930's when FDR used socialist ideas to create the TVA and jobs to end the depression,did it work? ?

why not now?

ecomonies run in cycles when it is up and strong it can support more company incentive based ideas but when it is stuggling as badly as was in the 1930's and today you need more worker community 'socialist' based ideas

an economy is like a tree with the workers as the roots. if you want a tree to grow you must feed it at the roots. strong roots make for stronger trees. once the roots get strong and firm the tree can gro big and strong!.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It took twelve years for the depression to end, about two times longer than it would have taken to fix itself naturally. Socialism doesnt work. We had the lowest unemployment rate in years with George Bush. Nobody will tell the truth about that. I think he did a great job considering the last two years were democratic run. People are beating down the doors to get in here daily for a reason. It's capitalism. Obama has a power kick going. We will never see America like it was again unless somebody resurfaces the conservative movement. It is very important to a lot of people to be free. I hope we get America back. I am in mourning at the huge blow to the head we have taken today. Actually I would say it was a blow to the back because we didnt even see it coming and we really dont know who Barrack Obama is. He has never been honest with us. SOCIALISM DOESNT WORK. PEOPLE DO.

  • 1 decade ago

    In some ways, FDR's New Deal policies did spur job creation and consumer confidence. However, despite the marginal increases in the state of the economy due to the New Deal, it was not until World War II, when military expenditures greatly increased, that the US economy really took off again. Thus, the real effects of the New Deal are debated by many historians and economists.

    What we do know is that the New Deal is that it did inspire hope in America, but left us a legacy of big government and budget deficits. In order to fund the New Deal and subsequent war expenditures, the US government used tactics such as massive borrowing and business regulation for, arguably, the first time in history. This has since paved the way for the big government expenditures and the budget deficit that we now have. Furthermore, anyone with basic economic knowledge knows that a large budget deficit drives up inflation, crowding out investment, and decreasing GDP in the long run (i.e. years and years down the road). The budget deficit can also be blamed for current trend of a weakening US dollar.

    Thus, the effects of FDR's New Deal (which some have dubbed socialist) policies are many and complex. We cannot say that they entirely helped dragged the US out of a depression, neither can we say that they did not help the situation.

    Source(s): Economics, Statistics Undergrad at Harvard
  • ozenne
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why each and every of the blame ought to fall on the President? a million. The President makes now regulations, Congress does! 2. The President levies no taxes or breaks, Congress does! 3. The President Spends no funds, Congress does! 4. The President makes no Treaties (NAFTA inc.), Congress does! 5. The President nominates Judges, Congress approves them! 6. The President Nominates his cabinet, Congress ought to approve them! 7. The President Nominates extreme score militia promotions, Congress ought to approve them! 8. The president does not make conflict, Congress does which incorporates the "Troop Surge" and all expenses! 9. The Congress and the splendid courtroom can declare themselves "In recess" and take a holiday. The White homestead and the President are constantly in "In consultation"! the place is the Lazy Congress? i will enable you recognize "With the Lobbyists"! they're the undertaking, actual right down to the pink meat barrel spending, Earmarks. The President can't even do this!

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer to your question is a matter of some debate. Some historians and economists will say that it did, Some will say that the Depression didn't really end until after the US entered WWII.

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