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Lv 5
Jon asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

With Obama President what are your thoughts on?

all American come together.

Please read all before answering.

After reading over some of the stuff in here it seems the Dems are saying- He is the President so get over it.

I agree. He was legally elected using the process just like George Bush.

You expect me to fall in line behind Obama, I'm already there, ready to support and defend. Just one thing, when was the last time you fell in line behind our current president.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is the part where they say "Uh well that's different, cuz.....cuz....cuz he was a bad President." So in other words, their view of "supporting the President" really only applies if the President lines up with their views. Which is the whole point. Obama doesn't line up with our views, so....,

  • 1 decade ago

    This is to George B up there:

    Would you have gone a hair farther with that comment and I'd be reporting this to the secret service. Already reported to yahoo. It is people like him that put the reps at shame. I am a democrat but I respect everyone's views, AND YES I HAVE STOOD BEHIND MY PRESIDENT FOR THE LAST NOT-SO-GOOD-LOOKING 8 YEARS. It is a shame that we can't filter ignorant people out from this great website that used correctly is very useful.

  • 1 decade ago

    hitler was legally elected too, and the german nation fell in line behind him. if i remember correctally things didn't turn out so well

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