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Do you think Barack Hussein Obama is still a Muslim? ?

I watched the Interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC (On You Tube.) This was a direct quote from the interview,

Obama: "McCain hasn't talked much about my Muslim faith."

Stephanopoulos: "Christian faith"

Obama: "Christian Faith"

Gee, why did george feel a need to correct him?

When campaigning in Oregon, (also on You Tube broadcasted by NBC)

Obama: "It is wonderful to be here in Oregon.... I have now been in 57 states...(laughter from audience)

Obama is a member of the OIC, Organizarion for Islamic Communities. This community is comprised of 57 islamic states in the middle east. Google the info if you don't believe me,

Obama's symbol, the sun with the stripes under it, is designed after a common Muslim symbol and when you put them on top of each other, they match perfectly....

There is so much more than what the news media openly reported, but go to you tube and only check out my claims. Look at only the ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX network reports. Then tell me your opinion

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    of course I know he's a muslim.

    him being Pres isnt going to change the fact... unfortunately.

    After his little slip up, you know, when he was about to tell us about his muslim faith.. Im sure he had to try extra hard to convince everyone that he is a Christian. Sadly, everyone took the bait.

  • 1 decade ago

    AWWW the old news he is a muslim thing. He has repeatedly said he is a christian did you miss that memo. Ok let's say he is muslim for the sake of argument would that be a bad thing. Do you know ANYTHING about the muslim faith cause if you did maybe you would know only the extremist are the ones causing all the problems for the rest. The Muslim faith is actually mostly peaceful and about love for each other. No matter what his religion is it has nothing to do with his political policies. I mean look at Palin she is christian but is for the death penalty most people who are REAL christian would say that doesn't go together. BUT I understand her view. He is our president except it and maybe it's time to trust in your country don't you think with the CIA, Special Services, and FBI if this were true we would have heard about this in a big way. Don't let the name fool you he is a christian man.

  • 4 years ago

    What are you finding at? Your 2 hyperlinks are to the comparable website, and that's for a countrywide pollwhich consists of basically Obama and McCain. A greater precise national pollwould contain different applicants and that popular shows Obama with a 9.a million% lead. in spite of the undeniable fact that, we don't choose the president by employing prevalent vote, yet by employing electoral votes from each state. So, permit's look on the main present day polls for the guy states you point out: New Jersey: Obama 9% lead Pennsylvania: Obama 10% lead Maine: Obama 8% lead Michigan: Obama 8% lead As you will discover, those are solid leads. additionally, in accordance to the polls, Obama has a extensive lead over McCain in electoral votes (270 necessary to win the presidency): 273-one hundred sixty, with one 0 five too close to to call. at a similar time because it remains early interior the campaign, Obama is in an quite solid place. hence, your declare that he needs to %. Sen.Clinton for a working mate does not look to make experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely YES.....I have a DVD of the radical Muslims chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA".....and stating that their goal is to fly their Muslim flag over the capitol.....they were dancing in the streets in Iran when they heard that Obama won....the first time since 9/11.

    The Hamas leader stated on this video that Obama would be a very good president.

    He was raised as a young boy in the Muslim faith...there are pictures of him in Muslim attire when he is older....You cannot tell me that he is not a think it will come time....He'll play the people as he already has....and then he'll reveal his true self. You watch and see.

    I wrote on yahoo answers before the election how he will seize the 401K accounts (YOUR RETIREMENT!!!) The government will own it...and already yesterday I heard something on the radio about once that is done they will put it into Social Security...where you'll get a 3% return on the investment....adjusted of course with inflation which means you'll get less than 3%. The Americans were fools to have believed Obama's lies.. Politicians will SAY ANYTHING to get in office...,I can't believe the American people were so gullible.

    The are between 1/1/2 to 10 million radical Muslims LIVING IN THIS COUNTRY......they HATE THE U.S......He's THEIR leader....I think there is an the American people haven't got a clue about.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you know Muslims as I do I would say yes. The truth is that deep inside there still is the sentiment that his original faith was Muslim. Is he a Christian? I think we can say that he converted. Does it rule his life and actions? I would say no. All i can tell you for sure is that when it comes time to "deal" with Arab and Muslim nations his name Barack and his original faith Islam will play a huge role. Question is ... will it be to the advantage of the USA or that of those nations?

    Remains to been seen.

  • BARACK OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM. Godly when will people get it through their heads. And if he is what are you saying about muslim there are millions of muslims that live and voted in the united states Im sure they don't like when people talk about their religion in such a degrading manner. All muslim are not terrorist we have a right as american citizens to practice any religion we want, isn't that why the pilgrims came over here in the first place?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you know that there were 57 varieties of Heinz ketchup? And that Teresa Kerry, wife of John Kerry, is a heiress to the Heinz fortune? Did you know that John Kerry will probably be on Obama's staff? Did you further know that tomato has a similar spelling to potato, and that Dan Qualye couldn't spell potato? Did you know that ketchup originally came from China, who we now in debt up to our eyeballs?

    Why? Maybe China knows the true secrets of our ketchup masters. Dan Qualye tried to warn us, the clues were all there. Get out before it is too late.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why do you care, not even Abe Lincoln was considered a true Christian. His own wife said he's not a real Christian despite the fact that he had a strong belief in God. Drop the character assasinations already and grow up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's a Christian...get over it! He was raised a Christian and has always been a Christian. It is amazing how folks like you insist on demonizing him for something that isn't true. If you don't like his position on certain issues that's one thing but to attack him over a lie you heard just makes you look stupid.

  • Tony R
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It really doesn't matter what you say because president-elect Obama will be taking office next year.

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