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McCain supporters, if you had to vote between Obama . . .?

and any other world leader who is currently in power, in which match up would you not vote for Obama.

Which world leader do you prefer over Obama and why?


I figured that I wouldn't get any real answers. My Republican friends, this lack of thoughtfulness detracts from every point that you try to make.

I love that someone put Canada's leader as a less Socialist option over Obama. Funny!

Update 2:

Bee Bee Boo- you win!

Update 3:

Chris- "wife is just so tasty" So true.

17 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I assume you're talking current world leaders, not past.

    And that is a tough questions since one of the reasons the current world leaders like Obama is because he is more like them in his values. And that, for me, is a problem because most of the world is rather socialist. Most of the world believes in a paternal government that 'takes care' of their people. Obama believes this too so they are of like minds.

    But America is and always has been unique in the world. Until recently, Americans did not see the government as being a virtual parent. Americans used to be self reliant and self sufficient with a healthy sense of personal responsibility. And these are the very characteristics that made the country great. Growing our government on the 'world model' will sap financial resources and prosperity from our economy. It will get to a point where our economy and the people can no longer afford the big government that they have helped to create. It may already be getting there. Around the world nations are going into debt to pay for their paternal approach. Universal health care in England and Australia are bankrupt even with, as is the case with Australia, taxes in the 60 percent range.

    I know this wasn't your question, but it is the reason behind my answer. I cant think of any world leader I would want over Obama because really, there is not much difference and that's a problem. That's a bad thing. I want an AMERICAN leader who believes in the AMERICAN ideals of small government and fiscal responsibility. A government that does not sap the prosperity out of the people but provides an environment where the people can create prosperity for themselves. Because America is unique, no world leader shares these values. And Obama shares theirs. In other words, he's as bad as they are. So, in essence, you're asking "Which world leader is not as bad as Obama?" I'm not satisfied with the least of the worst. We're America. We can do better. MUCH better.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Did you pay attention her say on a similar time as quickly as that Obama could be a sturdy president, even a satisfactory one? How approximately that he's able to steer on Day One? How a pair of sturdy Commander in chief? She suggested that Michelle could be a "sturdy" First woman. according to possibility no longer "great," yet a minimum of sturdy. All she instructed us is why SHE ran, why SHE is a Democrat, and why the party has to win. No how, no way, no McCain. isn't is a disgrace you're caught with Obama? it is your guy or woman damned fault, suckers. You made your guy or woman mattress. Now lie in it and VOTE for OBAMA. i'm going to confirm you in some years. Her supporters will vote for McCain or stay homestead.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is really not a world leader that I would pick over Obama because there is no leader that could compete with what our leaders have. It is hard to decide because no other country really runs like the US is ran and that is democraticly. Obama is considered a conservative to rest of the world becasue the rest of the nations are extremely liberal.

    I voted for McCain because I agreed with his ideas more then I agreed with Obama. But if it cam down to choosing a different world leader, I would pick Obama becasuse anyone else is far to liberal

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nicolas SARKOZY

    Because he is moving to the right instead of the left.

    We as a country cannot sustain growth and opportunity if we expect the government to provide our basic needs. Obama's policy of redistribution of wealth sounds great to those who will benefit from this policy now, but what about if any of these people are able to become "wealthy" under Obama's plan, do you think they will be happy when they find themselves having to give some of it back?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ralph Nader for president 2012!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ghandi, he was so cool, even dressed cooler, was never hot and truly was cooler than Obama, would have been groupies lining up all over the world for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is awesome. He is going to set it up so I don't have to pay back the biggest chunk of the $950 billion dollar bailout plan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa and yes that is his full name. B/c his wife is just so tastey

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Castro would be slightly less of a dictator and socialist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The leader of Iceland, as he has to be cooler than Obama

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