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Who is protesting prop 8 today in San Francisco?

It's today at 5:30pm from Market & 7th, to the Castro. It's to show that we are NOT giving up people's rights easily.

Prop 8 is discriminatory.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Prop 8 defines marriage PERIOD! All these protests just make you look like sore losers. They are pointless and will get you no where. it's over!

    I honestly think that the gay activists are the reason prop 8 passed. We are sick of the gay agenda being shoved down our throats!

    Source(s): PROP 8 PASSED!
  • 1 decade ago

    First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..........

    This is commonly called the separation of church and state !

    Chruches and religiuos people want all goverments to stay out of their business.

    Yet somehow the fact they are tax free is not involved in church and state debate !

    There are religions that have bigamy in there religious ways yet the goverment stops that.......why ?

    NOW the church and religious people have directed the goverment to enforce their ways by banning marriage between same sexes.

    Soooooooooooooo all these religious groups WANT the goverment to support the churchs ways and rules when its convenient to them and still WANT the goverment to stay out of the churches ways and rules when its convenient to them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If its just the word "marriage" that so many are worried about then how about changing the wording...........lets make all marriages and civil unions the same, with all the same rights and privileges no matter what its called and no matter if its same or different sexes. Then the religious anti-gay people can use the word "marriage" and we can come up with a new word for same sex civil unions.

    I'm still not sure if marriage is a religious or legal matter, if its religious then why is the goverment involved and if its a legal matter then why is religion involved ?

    I detest religion and religious people more every day !

    I live to far away to join the protest but I give my full support to them all !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I voted for prop 8, so no I won't be there.

    It's funny how when things don't go their way people call foul. You got Obama, quit your whining.

    ONE man + ONE woman = Marriage

    If gays can marry then why not polygamists? Or relatives?

    Choosing to live a lifestyle does not mean the majority needs to cater to you. The majority spoke and prop 8 passed. That's the way democracy works.

    All laws discriminate against SOMEONE

    Source(s): My Everyday Life... USMC INFANTRY WIFE
  • 1 decade ago

    this is how i see it. Marriage is a tie between MAN AND WOMAN..not man and man..not woman and was created for procreation...this country was founded under the church and bible...whether you believe in God or not i think once we take out "under God" from our pledge of allegiance and get the words "in God we trust"..then we allow gay marriage. If though there is no scientific proof..but people aren't just "born" gay..its not natural.. im more than positive there has been one or many traumatic experiences in their lives to change their view on their sexuality... and when people say well blacks and women are equal..well we were BORN black, white, hispanic, whatever and born women..we didn't choose to be choose to be gay... I'm glad YES on 8 passed!

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  • 1 decade ago

    You're not giving up anything. A "lifestyle" does not justify a "right". Everyone has the right to get a person of the opposite sex. Is it really that hard to understand?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The GAY MILITIA is protesting. They are the true hate mongers of America. They want to just throw millions of votes away.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO ON PROP. 8


    spread this around

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you see my cousin there tell him hi, he just got married last saturday

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I am guessing the gays are, that's who.

  • 1 decade ago

    who is protesting? people that understand American principles and the teachings of Jesus Christ

    p.s. the majority spoke in the south in the '50's too, keeping blacks away from whites in schools, on buses and in marriage

    Gay Marriage is INEVITABLE - sincerely, George Washington and Jesus Christ

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