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Lv 612,653 points

Friar Timothy

Favorite Answers16%
  • My Question ... Is this going to be a boxing match or a UFC-MAA fight ?

    I'd say Mayweather if its a boxing match but McGregor if its a UFC-MAA fight ! Both have their good points and bad points !

    1 AnswerBoxing4 years ago
  • Chicago kills bad guy, who is to blame ?

    So a bad guy steals a car, crashes into patrol cars trying to escape and then crashes into another patrol car, he then gets out and runs from the cops....he gets shot and ides ! AND people are protesting that he was a good guy, he had goals and was loved by his family and friends !!!!!! So my question is this guy is dead..........would he still be alive if he decided NOT to steal a car or drive into cops cars and then try to run away or is it all the cops fault ?

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • Is Hamas the problem ?

    I wonder if Israel and Palestine can live in peace if Hamas was not causing so many problems and starting the fighting every time things calm down ? I wonder why its the USA that is suppose to solve the problems on the other side of the world and not the local countries that have more to lose then the USA ? I would bet the civilians in that area would be happy to just stop the killing and just get on with life !

    7 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • Watch this then comment !?

    Ok, so we all know of the Zimmerman - Martin case ..... this will show a different side of what the media has given us. Please watch this then comment..............

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago
  • photo editing for Windows 7?

    I have MS Picture It on my XP computer and need a picture editing program for Win7. I really like Picture It as it lets me cut parts out of one picture and add it to another (moving heads from one body to another is great fun), the ones I have found cut rounds or squares but not free hand cut outs. Anyone have a idea on a decent photo/picture editor that dont cost a weeks pay ?

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • 1996 Tbird heater blend door?

    The heater blend door stopped working, no noise at all so looking for the fuse that powers it. I believe there is one in-line and not in fuse box. Any help or color of wire to follow ?

    1 AnswerFord9 years ago
  • Toilets or urinals and why ?

    If you were building your own home, would you place 2 toilets in the bathrooms or a toilet and a urinal ? A urinal would use less water and keep the ladies happier know that seat up or down stuff .... think about it before you answer !

    9 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • morals vs constitution?

    Does anyone else find it wrong that you can protest at a military funeral thanks to the constitution (freedom of speech) no matter how immoral it is while you can not get married if your gay because its morally wrong no matter if its protected by the constitution ?

    Oh ! And if the states can vote it illegal for gay marriage and if the federal judges support the ban on gay marriage then what would happen if states voted it illegal to protest at funerals ? Would the federal judges support what the voters voted in and say screw the constitution and freedom of speech ?

  • To strict believers ?

    As I understand it you believe that everything is made by God, that everything God creates is perfect and we are all made in Gods image.

    Is this right ?

    Well if that is the way you believe then why do so many believers change what God has created ?

    Why do so many believers color their hair, get piercings, have plastic surgery, paint the faces, etc ?

    Why are you trying to fix what your God created ?

    Do you think you can improve on your Gods work ?

    Do you get dressed up to go to church ?

    Do you think your God as a dress code ?

    Are you trying to impress others or your God ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would it be nice if America followed this ?

    Maybe America needs a boss with the marbles to do this !

    Australia will slash its migrant intake by 130,000 under a coalition government, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says in a News Ltd column.

    In an opinion column on Sunday, Mr Abbott said his cuts would mean Australia would accept no more than 170,000 immigrants a year.

    He said it would reduce Australia's annual population growth to 1.4 per cent from more than two per cent.

    "The immigration program should focus on immigrants who will make a contribution to our country and who are likely to be proud of their new nationality," Mr Abbott writes.

    He says Australians are concerned about the fast growing population and the pressure it is putting on cities that are choking on traffic.

    "An incoming coalition government would maintain skilled migration numbers within the 170,000 a year limit by cracking down on dubious applicants," he says.

    And in echoes of former prime minister John Howard, Mr Abbott said: "We will determine who comes to our country and the circumstances under which they come."

    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Is The Defense of Japan the US A's job today ?

    Is it time to stop providing the defense for Japan ?

    Japan, 3rd largest economy, spends .8% of GDP (gross domestic product) on defense (2006), External debt of $2.132 Trillion (2009), Rated at 151 in military spending in the world.....

    United States, 2nd largest economy, spends 4.06 GDP on defense (2005), External dept of $13.450 Trillion (2009), Rated at 25th in military spending in the world.....

    It looks to me that Japan can start spending and defending themselves and that the U.S. needs to back off and start taking better care of itself !

    Agree or disagree ?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Racial profiling always wrong ?

    I keep seeing where so many people say Racial profiling is wrong and illegal....well consider this >

    If I see a child molester having his way with your child, I call 9-11 and when the cops show up I tell them he was 6 foot tall and ran that way ! BUT....I never told the cops that he was a black guy and had a large Afro hair cut ! Do you think I did right by not telling the cops about that ? Now the cops will stop every 6 foot tall male, taking up so much time that could have been reduced if I told them everything ! Now remember that if I told them he was black or had a Afro hair do that is racial profiling !

    If your neighbor seen 2 guys running down the street caring your TV and computer, he could say they were males and wearing dark clothes and ran north up the street.....BUT....he could not say one was white and the other one looked Mexican ! After all that is racial profiling !

    You see where I'm going with this...........

    So tell me just how much your against racial profiling now !

    7 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Rights of illegals !?

    The Preamble to the United States Constitution starts with > "We the People of the United States", It does not start with "We the people of the world" ! I can not find one sentence in the Constitution where any illegal person on US soil has a right to "Civil Rights" or protection under our laws.

    Today we have many words that could easily be applied to anyone who enters the country illegally including terrorist. Laws such as criminal trespass laws apply to them along with so many other laws.

    I have been reading where some are worried about the local police forces stopping people and checking for ID's, anyone without the proper paperwork could be detained for possibly being here illegally !

    Well, its a law that everyone must carry ID and show it to law enforcement when asked. this applies to everyone, whites, blacks, Asians, little green men from Mars.....everyone ! If a person gets stopped by law enforcement and they have a ID, they can talk American good enuff to tell where they live, where they work, what their SS number is, etc then most times they will be told Sorry for the inconvenience and have a nice day, if they can not show ID and can not say where they were born (in the USA), if they can not say where they work or live or where they are going to or from....well maybe they get detained for good reason !

    I'm thinking the whole thing going on today about Arizona law enforcement arresting illegal and trespassing people is a good thing, sure some will be detained that should not be because they are just stupid and forgot their ID's but once its confirmed they are citizens of the USA, they will be let lose and will never forget their ID's again !

    So there ya go, someone show me where our constitution states that every living breathing person on this planet has certain civil rights guarantied by The Constitution of the United States of America and I will rethink my ways ! Till then I support Arizona and all law enforcement that do their job in catching and processing anyone who is violating our laws and are trespassing on American soil !

    1 AnswerImmigration1 decade ago
  • Whats Up celebrities ?

    Can anyone understand why celebrities are so anti-American ? I just watched KATHERINE HEIGL say she is adopting a child from Korea, Oprah builds schools in Africa, Brad and Angelina get their kids form who knows where and donates millions to other countries.

    HEY.......we have people in need here and we have children that need adopted !

    How about helping out OUR COUNTRY first ?

    Please don't say we should be helping out the poor countries and the rest of this world.....HOW ABOUT AMERICA FIRST ?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • CEO pay of big companies !?

    How many agree that the top pay in big companies like Ford, Chevy, the insurance and banking companies etc should have the top pay no higher then what the President of the USA gets ?

    The President gets $400,000 and a retirement pay of $193,400 per year and TAXED !

    Just think how much lower the cost of vehicles would be if the top dogs only got $400,000 and not $2 million plus plus plus ?

    Agree or disagree and why ?

    4 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Top female wrestlers !?

    Forget the covergirls and lets talk wrestlers. Who are the top 5 female wrestlers of all time ?

    I say Chyna, Luna Vachon, Fabulous Moolah, Wendi Richter and Sherri Martel !

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Stop GW and save the world ?

    Tell me, how many of you people really believe that if we stop using the worlds oil that we can save this would as we know it ? Do you really believe that the weather will settle down and stay one temp all years long ? Do you think the earth will stop shaking and we will no longer have earth quakes if we park our cars ? I have heard that today's young males are going crazy and shooting people and its caused by man made global warming....really ? So if we stop using oil, the world will be a perfect Shangri-la/ will be nice, rains will come and go just when they are supposed to, no more quakes, no more floods, no more hurricanes or tornadoes, flowers will bloom and trees will forever be green, etc etc etc.....and all it would take is for use nasty dreaded humans to give up our vehicles and toys ?

    I really want to know how anyone can believe that they are so powerfull that they can change the very climate of a planet,,,,,its not the sun or the moon or the universe....its all man caused ?

    Make ya wonder what the cavemen were eating that caused so many farts that they caused the first ICE AGE ! (They did not have motor vehicles remember)

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago