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I voted for McCain, but I am happy that Obama won, so am I now a democrat or a republican?

I think we are finished in Iraq, I think we have spent more than enough money there and helped to train the Iraqi soldiers for long enough, and I think the soldiers in Iraq, our american soldiers, should come home now. I think that we have never finished looking for Osama Bin Laden and all of his followers and if you have read "The Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns, you would understand more clearly why we need to be in Afghanistan, so I would send more black ops and ground and air to help the wonderful Afghani people that are in constant danger from bot the Taliban and Al Queida. We need to take care of our vets that come home wounded either physically or mentally. Along with those things we need to focus on the economy and get it running again and work with other countries that are facing similar economic issues and put our heads together to solve this world wide economic problem. We need to preserve the sacrifice of marriage to the way God intended it to be with man and woman. We need to allow abortion in cases of incest or rape or birth defect but only in the first few weeks, not at long term unless the child is endangering the mother. This should be a guideline only and the woman should be able to make the ultimate decision within these guidelines. She should be required to have counsel to discuss the pros and cons, she should be required to discuss with a least two different view points, then she should be able to make her own decision. We should not permit the practice of cloning. Stem cell research should be done to assist paraplegics and others that this could help, but the next step, the step of cloning of animals and God forbid, the cloning of humans, should never, ever be permitted. Marriuana should not only be decriminalized, it should be made legal, the person should be able to chose for themselves, it is no different than alcohol. They should remove regulatory sales of alcohol and the person should be able to decide for themselves. When driving a vehicle or operating equipment, while on any place of employment or school, it should be against the law and then is when fines, imprisonment should take place. So, now that I have stated the way I feel about a few things, what am I now? Am I republican or democrat?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should become a republican, as a Democrat

    I say we need you to wake up the other side so we can have normal discourse again

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm glad you wised up and realized your vote was wasted, however you are accepting of Barack Obama as our 44th President, Now if they are more Kind-Hearted People like yourself the GOP would be a Better Party.

    2 Points for Good Sportmanship

  • 5 years ago

    not one of the Republicans are satisfied approximately it. And ninety days after nobama is sworn in, not one of the fool democrats who elected this carmel clown would be satisfied. we are on a sinking deliver with a fool taking the helm...

  • 1 decade ago

    most of your issues make you sound independent, however on some issues you lean right and others left! i would say a tad bit more democratic though, but mostly independent

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't feel the need to label yourself one or the other. Vote your conscience, do what you think is right and leave it at that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I voted Obama.

    Source(s): I'm a registered Independent.
  • 4E4A
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Neither, you are an idiot.

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