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Do you think Pres elect Obama will be able to reduce the national debt?

Or will all the programs he promised finally break the bank?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go look up Keynsian economics. The national debt isn't the problem right now. Our economy is sinking to a depth that will be unprecedented since the 1930's. We won't see the bottom for about 6 months but it is sliding and will slide sharply. We are going to see unemployment in the double digets (over 10%). Decreasing the interest rates by the fed to 1% haven't done anything to help the credit markets and they won't help either. We are heading toward economic dark times unfortunately. He will have to spend ALOT just to get our economy going again. Paying the National debt down won't happen until we are in good economic times again.

  • Noah H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The 'bank' is already broke. And these aren't 'programs' we're talking about. These are essential social and physical infrastructure problems that ONLY government can deal with. Private enterprise isn't going to move us from a 19th century oil and coal economy to a solar and wind economy because with out hurrying along the process it will always be too little and too late. The past eight years have been worse than wasted...they've been retro. The 'economy' will 'come back' when all of the debt is wrung out of the system and not one minute before. 'Jobs' will come back when there's essential work to be done and not a minute before. There are two ways to get the 'debt' under control...inflate the currency or repudiate the debt. A third way is raise to taxes. At the state and local level that will be the only way as states have no way to print money and for most states right now their credit is no good. Doing nothing will insure a third world status for most big cities and their populations. Obama's plan to stop at least one war and to invest money in infrastructure will put at least some people to work, or at least slow the slide to greater joblessness. At his point we don't even know how bad this situation is...the Bush Junta has been totally secretive on so many things I suspect the 'banking' and 'insurance' situation has a lot of details we may not learn about for a long time. Until we stop going into debt we'll never get out of debt, so that will be the first order of business. None of the solutions are going to pretty, painless or immediate. All I know the answer isn't lowering taxes for the 'rich' and deregulating industry....that trick never works!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    shall we are saying that someone has a mastercard and that they only about have it maxed out. properly, while the bill comes, it is so costly that the guy basically pays the interest just to maintain the bill creditors away. Now this person has a determination to make. He could end spending on the cardboard and proceed to pay the interest, till certainly one of those time that he's in a extra suited place to repay the bill. He could end spending and then scrimp and save to repay the bill thoroughly or he could spend extra and desire that the interest cost drops so as that he could nevertheless cope with to pay for to pay the interest and a great form of of the bill. What Obama is doing, equates to spending extra and hoping that the interest drops so as that American can nevertheless cope with to pay for to the pay the interest and a great form of of the debt. the frightening ingredient is that Obama is taking a extensive possibility, by fact if our economic device does not advance like he thinks it is going to, we is merely no longer waiting to repay the national debt. we are able to be in too deep. as quickly as we are no longer any further waiting to repay the interest cost each 3 hundred and sixty 5 days, meaning our bill starts off to advance whether we end borrowing. particular if the economic device grows we are able to be ok, yet how could Obama ever take certainly one of those possibility with our destiny? i contemplate whether human beings truly comprehend what that would propose for our usa and our grandchildren!

  • 1 decade ago

    No. He does not even have a plan to balance the budget. He even says the deficit will go up during his first term as president. You can not cut taxes and increase spending and balance the budget.

    The Democrats do not have one. Obama even admits the deficit will increase under him. The only way to do it is to cut government spending and that is something do Democrat will do.

    Last year the interest on the debt was 415 billion dollars. That is over 4 thousand dollars in taxes for a family of 4.

    Join us in fighting wasteful and unnecessary spending.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The really good part is we will get to see. I hope and expect he will before his second term ends. His programs will plump up the bank. Ending wars means less spending. New energy and the infrastructure build out will create millions of new jobs, and that means more revenue to pay down Bush's debt. Too many people have gotten used to a president without a clue, much less a plan, Obama is a different breed of cat.

  • TCSO
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Of course he can reduce the national debt. However, to do so, he'd had to either cut back on many campaign suggestions (I don't believe in political promises) or raise taxes so high that people start to pay each other under the table.

  • He won't break even but neither have the others. We have to worry about the deficit before we can start on the debt.

  • 1 decade ago

    He will LOWER the National debt! But raise our Taxes to do it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    His ideas suggest a $4.3 trillion dollar increase to the national debt. How do you think he is going to pay for all that crap he promised. Be prepared to have your federal raised.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It took us 8yrs to get into this mess. It is going to take more than one term to get out of this mess. It will take slow and steady progress. The $11 Trillion debt will not be paid off for generations.

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