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Nobama! asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

A serious question about efficiency and effectiveness?

I spent a great deal of yesterday at the DMV and it got me thinking (what else can you do when standing in line for hours). Obviously government in some form is necessary. Obviously we are on the verge of more government in the next administration.

What does government do well? In other words, I am not asking about what do they have to do or are required to do. What does government run effectively and efficiently? What contacts do you have with government that are exceptional?


The sub-prime mortgages are in response to Clinton mandating a number of high-risk loans be given to create affordable housing. This was the only way to comply with the mandate.

Yes, Toyota and others aer doing fine. Their average salary is around $40 an hour. GM's average hourly wage is around $73 an hour. See any problems there?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I received a fairly decent public school education, which allowed me to continue on to receive undergraduate and graduate degrees (with the help of federal loans). I served in the military, which although there are private security forces, none are as far-reaching as the government-run military. I travel on roads and highway systems that probably wouldn't be as extensive if built privately. Are there potholes? Yes. But I've got cracks in the pavement of my own driveway, too. I can mail a letter across the country for $0.42. What else can you purchase for $0.42? The police / fire department / emergency personnel have always responded when I've called 911. I buy products and services that are monitored, regulated, licensed or approved by the government which meet certain standards. How many people want to eat at restaurants that haven't been inspected? Or work in unsafe conditions? Or take medications that haven't been approved? Or have surgery performed by an unlicensed doctor?

    The government may not be completely effective or efficient, but it takes care of 305 million Americans. Private companies may do a better job at handling small segments of the population, but they don't have the ability to handle the entire country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obviously you have not lived abroad. The US Govt is a model of excellence compared to most others. Not that that is saying much, I grant you. But it also much better than the private sector in many areas. For example, I "graduated" to Medicare last year and it is so, so much better than the insurance company who insured my health before and whose main objective was to find a way to avoid paying legitimate claims. This is borne out by the fact that most doctors in my area will accept traditional medicare, but not Medicare Advantage, which is run by private insurance companies and which BTW, costs the taxpayer rather more than regular Medicare.

    The DMV in my area works just fine. The lines are short or non-existent, the premises are pleasant and the employees are unfailingly friendly and helpful.

    The private sector invented sub-prime morgages which are now choking them and need the tax-payer bail them out.

    The American automobile industry is destroying wealth in astonishing amounts and must be given govt help. This didn't have to be, after all Toyota and BMW are doing okay.

    So, it is simplistic to say that the government does things badly and the private sector does things well. All are run by fallible Americans, some thing go well and some badly in either sector. A blind adherence to a doctrine of either laissez faire capitalism or one of pure socialism is not going to serve us well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You obviously don't care and just want to hear your own opinions reiterated. You would say no to Ed McMahon too. When something sounds too good to be true, you don't want to hear it. Government is good. Some taxes are good. Yet, you would be happy keeping things the same. But hey - at least when America is celebrating another great president years from now, you can stand up and say, "I had nothing to do with it!"

    Most people who ***** about the idea of any government are low-income, beer-drinking smokers. They will cost us tax-payers millions because they will be utililizing those government benifits the most. Yes, there are problems with the government, and that is why it needs to be fixed. So why then, would someone say NO to someone who was finally going to fix it???

    Source(s): A brain, a FBI badge and a law degree.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Despite the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of many government programs - including this one - I have to admit that I prefer to give them the benefit of a doubt when it comes to national security.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I work for the government, and our agency doesn't do anything effectively and efficiently. And this won't happen until government agencies take up the mindset of the private sector.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no positive contact with the federal government or the local government. They do nothing for us except inconvenience us and take our money and bully us around.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    prune juice works well on all internal blockages, if that fails phone a friend,

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