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Nobama! asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Let's do an experiment?

It seems to me that people don't really understand the taxes that they pay. We automatically look for the net pay and glance over quickly the gross salary and deductions.

What would happen if, for one year, we received our gross salary and had to write out monthly checks for our taxes just like any other bill? Would this change the service we demand from government at all levels as we more acutely feel what we are paying?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do that already


    Only on a monthly basis


    I am retired military and the Coast Guard send out theirs on the 1st and SS on the 3rd


    So we get paid once a month and it is hard to do it for just that short time

    Come the middle of the month we are on the credit card


    And I remember back when I was a kid and worked on some farms where we lived


    The farmer got only 2 paychecks a year com harvest time and selling the stored grain or corn or soy bean for the seasons seed needed to plant


    And to make His paycheck last till next year got ta be hard


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've often thought that withholding tax is the greatest scam the govt has yet played on us. Gone is that first indignation when you get your first check & see how much fed & state taxes are taken out.

    I worked 1099 & had to pay out quarterly taxes. It's a real eye-opener to pay uncle Sam 5 figures every coupla months. Makes you realize how much the govt is really taking from you.

    A great idea. Should be done.

  • 1 decade ago

    If they had to write a check every month 1/2 the country would be in jail for tax evasion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The first thing that would happen is the Treasury would hire 10,000 collection agents to track down bounced and counterfeit checks.

    More to the point, long-term, I doubt it. We would get in the habit of writing our checks and not ask anyone to be accountable.

    Taking it one step beyond, if each American, young and old, was required to go to an IRS office on April 15 and sign a promissory note for my approximate $40,000 share of the national debt, would that help.

    If we had been asked to write checks/sign promissory notes for Iraq, would that have changed support for the war? If my promissory note was increased to pay for the Bush tax cuts, would I have supported that policy?

    The reality is the past election held the R's accountable for their actions of the past 8 years. Good for us.

    How come your screen name implies a failure to hold the R's accountable for their actions? If you are a union firefighter, I'm confident that if you consistently slept through alarms, resulting in property loss and death to fellow firefighters, even your union would agree to fire you. That is accountability. If you are accountable for your actions, why not the R's?

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  • 1 decade ago

    They don't understand budgets either, many people see that their incomes have gone up over the years and assume they are better off financially but they fail to notice that the cost of everything has gone up even more.

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