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I have a few questions...?

I voted Yes on 8, but all this debate and controversies has got me thinking about what and why I believe what I do, in regards to gays.

I'm currently living overseas, in Germany. I don't know any gays or lesbians. So I'm asking the yahoo community questions that have come up.

1) Why is it that Christians need to respect and tolerate gays, but they don't have to do the same with us?

My family's car had a Yes on 8 sticker and someone took a permanent marker scribbled out Yes and wrote "bigot" on the car.

My sister-in-law's facebook page was constantly being spammed because of her views on prop 8

Someone also took down the Yes on 8 sign at my Uncle's house.

2) Why am I wrong, a bigot, or a homophobe; if I don't think being gay is moral?

I don't know any gays, but I don't think I'm afraid of them.

I'm not currently attending church, but even when I did I didn't just believe what was preach just cus it was preached. I checked what was said against what I, my heart, and what I believed the bible was saying. (I know people say people interpret the bible that way they want to) I have a key-word study bible so I can try to better understand what is being said.

There are a lot of "Christians" that don't treat gays the way Jesus would, and I'm sorry that they don't. I don't know any gays, but I will try to treat them like any other person.

Thank You for taking the time to answer.



birdgirl- I know that those incidents do not represent the views of all gays. However, there do seem to be quite a few people, gay and/or straight, that voice their option in that ways. Such as the post prop 8 protesters calling the Mormons bigots after.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) I as a Gay man respect everybody' opinions as long as those opinions do not contain or promote violence, racism,bigotry, homophobia etc.

    I am not looking for any religion or person to respect or tolerate me just because I am a gay man. Respect is earned and not awarded.

    2) If you believe that being gay is being immoral then that's your problem, not mine/ours

    I 'm not sure if you're looking for approval or disapproval here, and Heather don't be frightened by us, we don't bite (i'm not going there guys n dolls)

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you should pay any heed to the posts on here downing you for disagreeing with homosexuality or voting yes on prop 8. I totally agree with your view. You can disagree with other people's beliefs and ways of living and still have love and respect for them. Believing someone else's lifestyle is wrong is called having an opinion and it's something everyone is entitled to. It does not necessarily mean you are JUDGING anyone. It's an absurd line of reasoning for anyone to think that you are a bigot just because you don't agree with homosexuality. It certainly doesn't mean you hate gays or seek to hurt them. It angers me so much that the same people who preach tolerance and equality for all people and beliefs only hold that to be so as long as people agree with them and for the posters on here to lash out at you and say you are "judging" people or denying them their rights is unreasonable. You are judging an ACTION not a PERSON. Furthermore YOU did NOT take any rights away from anyone by votuing on prop 8. The state legislature of California is ultimately the one that passed that act. All the voters of either side did by voting the way they did was made their view on the subject known. That's what voting IS, voicing an opinion. I'm sure you respect the view of the opponents of prop 8 even though you may disagree and they should do the same for you. The people that took your uncle's sign, defaced your prop 8 sticker, and harrassed your sister's facebook hurt their cause more than they helped it. Actions like that don't change anybody's opinion about anything. All they do is reinforce that the idea that people don't have to have respect for beliefs that are not their own, which seems contradictory to what gay rights proponents stand for. You are right, there are people who are unkind to homosexuals and that is very wrong, but there is difference between tolerance and approval. Having respect for someones right to live a certain way does not mean you have to like or agree with it, and disagreeing with it doesn't mean you look down on them for it, it means you just have your own view on it, and that's fine. People have different opinions on everything including gay marriage. If you support it, that's your right to your belief, and if you don't, that's fine too. Either way, people should have respect for beliefs that differ from their own, but it doesn't mean they have to agree with them. So don't feel bad or let anyone else make you feel bad. You voted for an issue based on how you felt about it, just as everyone else did the same.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whether you think it is moral or should not be judging them. If you believe in the bible..the bible tells you not to judge others. It is between them and God, not you and them. It is not up to you to tell people who they can and cannot love and who they can and cannot marry..let God deal with it. Also, the bible tells you to love your neighbors and to basically be accepting or other people as ALL people were created equally by God. God does not love gay people any more of less than heterosexuals. Also, as far as someone marking your car..that does not represent ALL gay people. Most likely the person that did it was not even gay. You are making an assumption that ALL gays do not respect you because of one incident.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You may not agree with gay marriage and you may not approve of homosexuality, but please answer this: What right have you to dictate (by voting yes) how others live their lives when it has no affect on you whatever? How would you feel if there was a similar vote for being a Christian, and it got voted down because a whole load of atheists voted? You wouldn't think that was fair would you? The result in CA was wrong because, in a democracy, the majority cannot rule against a minority.

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  • JayBug
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    When you think you have to tell people how to act even though they aren't bothering you, you should expect them to get angry.

    Not too long ago, Christians made drinking alcohol illegal and marrying a different race illegal and finally gave up. If someone does something that you don't approve of, maybe don't stick your nose into their business.

  • 1 decade ago

    One Word DISCRIMINATION its not fair to hold a vote in a democracy where gay people are outnumbered 10 to 1 does that seem fair to you? You have your choice and vote what you do with it is your choice but, it still dosent make you a good person if you use it to discriminate on a smaller group of people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im sorry your question is way too F""ng long im sorry

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