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Can we join together with our thoughts on behalf of those in California?

Those who have taken to the streets to demand equality? The ones who demand they be defined by who they are rather than by the names given to the walls used to divide us? I wish the best for them, and I wish for myself their passion and courage.


Oberon: I can relate friend. I live in Tennessee. I feel like a little blue flee on a big red dog. Guess we got to remember, flees got a bite to 'em.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Joining together is a start. What we all need to do is start talking. No yeling, no blaming minority groups for prop 8's passage. This is not a matter of religion. This is not about the kids. This is about 2 consenting adults who are trying to make sure that their partner has the same benefits & provisions afforded to straight couples.

    When you go through the process for a marriage license, you have 2 options for your marriage to be validated:

    1. Have your marriage officiated by the state or notary

    2. Have your marriage officiated by your religious denomination. This option is limited by the rules of the religion (i.e., you don't follow/abide by their rules, you don't get married in that church).

    Both marriages are legit in the eyes of the state & for the people involved. Depending on your religious beliefs, at least ONE of those ceremonies is legit in the eyes of your Creator.

    In order for the couple to receive state benefits, the STATE paperwork has to be turned in to the STATE, regardless of who performs the ceremony. In other words, if you only get married in the Church & don't follow-up & do the appropriate state's paperwork, you don't receive the STATE benefits, but you are still married in the eyes of you Creator. Because of DOMA, the federal government doesn’t recognize same sex marriage/civil unions/domestic partnerships.

    It's still a marriage, whether state performed or religious. So, why are we arguing over semantics of the word marriage? There are some people who still argue that same sex marriage will lead to polygamy, polyandry, marrying another species/non human, marrying children OR your blood relatives. These are straw man & slippery slope fallicies. The last time I checked, we have laws against those other types of relationships. 2 consenting adults who want to legitimize their relationship & that aren't violating other laws should be able to get married. Period. Some states did have laws which criminalized consensual, same sex behavior between 2 adults in the privacy of their own home/private residence, but that was struck down by the US Supreme court in 2003, Lawrence vs Texas

    The differences between Domestic Partnerships (DPs) & Marriage, even with CA affording “the same rights & benefits of married people to DPs” are:

    • If Domestic Partnership truly afforded the same rights as married couples under California law, then any heterosexual couple of consensual age would be able to enter into Domestic Partnership if they so choose. Heterosexual couples cannot enter into a “Domestic Partnership” unless 1 member of the couple is at least 62yrs old. If 1 part of the Heterosexual couple is under age 62, that couple can’t get domestic partnerships, only marriage.

    • With marriage, you have the option of the marriage being public or confidential. DPs have to register with the state for any domestic partner benefits. This is PUBLIC RECORD, so there is no option for confidentiality.

    • domestic partners do not have the protection of any statute or constitutional provision passed by citizen initiative.

    So, all that to say this:

    The arguments for Prop 8 are rooted in fear of the unknow. the God that I know is all about love, not hate. LGBTQ folks have all of the qualities & characteristics (good AND bad) as the rest of society because we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS & they should be treated the same as anyone else based on how they treat their fellow man. We are just like anyone else struggling with the economy, paying ridiculous prices for gas, food, & in taxes, trying to balance work & family, & wanting to provide for our families the best way we know how.

    The steps to getting equality for marriage start with peaceful protesting and REALLY opening the communication on the STATE, not RELIGIOUS issue of marraige. Until the state gets out of issuing marriage licenses, the LGBTQ community & our allies must fight on.

    Source(s): Lawrence v Texas Supreme Court Case: CA Secretary of State FAQs about Domestic Partner Registry: CA Family Code covering Domestic Partners: CA Department of public Health for Issuing Marriage Licenses (updated since passage of Prop 8)
  • 1 decade ago

    I am in California, and my best friend is gay. When prop 8 passed, her girlfriend seriously broke down crying. I plan to do everything in my power to fix this horrible misdeed and help them. A few days ago there was a candle-light ceremony mourning the passing of prop 8, and on Saturday there will be a protest. I am going to make a few commercials and put them on, and participate in any events I can to aid my LGBTQ friends. Hating someone for being gay is equal to racism, segregation, keeping people from different religious backgrounds from getting married, not letting people with disabilities get married, not being able to marry someone because of their in-laws, etc. It's ridiculous and wrong and discrimination, and that is exactly what I devote my life to fighting. Hannah Shae for President 2028!

    Source(s): I encourage you to help in any way you can, too. :)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish the best for them as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sodomize Intolerance - Equal rights for all.

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    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm doing what I can here in the most conservative of states - TEXAS.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, we can. Ellen is fighting...

  • 1 decade ago

    Here are my thoughts: we voted you lost, get off the streets!

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