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what to do about my (ex) girlfriend?

me and my gf broke up about a month ago. we just kept fighting all the time. she came back to me last week begging to come back. i thought it through, and decided not to. I'm seeing this new girl who i like a lot. i can't get the old feelings about my ex out of my head, i still love her, what do i do?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was in the same situation. I happened to be the new girlfriend. I think you should tell your new girlfriend, the truth. It will come back and bite you in the a**. Obvisiously, your stuck between both girls. Well it is not fair to the new girlfriend. If you want to be with the new girlfriend, you need to "CUT YOUR EX OUT COMPLETELY." But if you still got the ex in your life, means you ain't over her. For me, he hurts sooo bad when I found out. His ex kept begging him to go back and he still had feelings for her. I feel like I was the rebound!! Its been 3 years and I ain't over it. If you care about the new girl do what is right. Good luck. ----- LoL... this is the exact same situation... I could've sworn you were describing my boyfriends problem, three years ago.

    Well what my boyfriend did 3 years ago was completely shut her out. It was hard though because he still had feelings for her and she was very persistent. He was also tempted because she just wants him back and doesn't care that he will also be with me (b***h). She offered to share him with the new girlfriend (me). He thought about it..... but he said when they were together that fought everyday. So he decided it wasn't worth the stress again. So he cut her off...! Wouldn't talk to her or see her anymore. She finally got the picture and left.

    But when I find out about all of this ..... man it really hurts! It wasn't fair to me. I was the rebound and he shouldn't even have to think which of us he wanted, it should've been me from the beginning. But nope he had to think....

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You cannot "get" her to speak in confidence you. She will open up if she feels comfy - however sounds to me such as you men have a few problems which might be complicating your courting. The recommendation I could deliver is - do not be one million) too determined, or two) too pushy. Just be your self, have a well time along with her - however do not be all over the place her whatsoever. OK, she has this loopy inspiration that you just simplest wish her for intercourse; good, do not convey up intercourse in any respect, hold your fingers to your self, and benefit from the dialog. I'm no longer quite definite what her predicament is - I do not get it how can a woman be with anyone for 2 years, and be satisfied that this character is simplest along with her since of intercourse; that is simply foolish. It sounds to me like she, herself, does not realize what she desires - and it may be type of a damaging main issue for you, as you might get your center damaged very with ease. Just watch out, adequate. Good success.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If she hurt you and you where fighting all the time. maybe it was time for a split. You are probably in love with what you used to have, and not what you now have. Its hard to stop loving a person but it does get easy with time.

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