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does anyone know the laws on protecting our children in school?

my son got kicked in the "privates" today, and the yard duty said she didn't care. isn't there some law that states they have to protect our children? I'm going to talk to the principal in the morning, just wanted to be more informed.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to find out if the kick to your son's "privates" was an accident or an intentional assault. Either way, you can inform the principal that you feel the yard duty was in the wrong and should be chastised. You don't want people watching your children that "don't care" and neither do other parents!

    If the attack on your son was malicious, then you can ask the principal to take further actions against the child involved. This could be something like a formal apology letter or community service at the school (you know, helping to clean up the classrooms).

    Unfortunately, my 6-year-old stepson has gotten into some trouble. He hurt another child at school. Not only did he get punished at home, but he was suspended from the after care program at school. He got community service, and he had to write an apology letter to the boy and his parents.

    Make sure that you are asserting your rights as a parent. No one has the right to hurt your child. If they do, it is the school's responsibility to take the proper actions. They are responsible for your child when he is at the school. They shouldn't have people there that aren't in your child's best interest!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please report this to your principal immediately. There are laws protecting our children in school just as in other areas of society and action should be taken against the adult on duty who said she didn't care. There is a reason she's on yard duty and it's not just to improve the curb appeal.

    Good luck and God bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its something that happens. Its the life of being a male. The person on yard duty should have made sure your son was alright and sent the kicker to the office.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your son is the victim of assault. He is protected by the same laws that apply when he is not in school. Unfortunately, the school is not going to enforce these laws for you.

    Teachers belong to extremely powerful unions and their jobs are protected unless they, themselves break a law. Not caring about this assault is not against the law.

    If the principal does not take action, the best thing for you would be to file assault charges against the perpetrator.

    All the best.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well what happened? Was it another child? Maybe the person on duty just figured it was kids being kids and didn't think it was a big deal. Was your son in obvious pain?

  • 5 years ago

    i think of we ought to continually concentration extra on discipline of our young ones. Disciplined toddlers have been shown to have larger self esteems and do extra advantageous in the actual international. I additionally think of we ought to continually instill college gown codes. colleges are a place to assessment, to no longer carry a manner coach. in the event that all of them commence on the comparable point, there is way less for them to be bullied for. genuinely the 1st criticism of a college bully ought to be an automated suspension. 3 lawsuits and that they are out of school extra extra-curricular events that would attain a much wider selection of toddlers. discern involvement!!!!! Is an absolute ought to. to confirm that your new child to attend a definite college, then the discern ought to attend a collection amt. of instructor conferences consistent with 365 days. there'll continually be violence of a few kind, yet possibly if we commence with the youngsters themselves they gained't be the aggressors.

  • KitKat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    the laws vary by district. talk to your principal and file a police report, but remember that kids are still kids.

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