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Will GM be allowed to fail and will it take down the American auto industry?

GM says it will run out of money in the next couple of months. Ford had money on had to run until the end of next year, but with the 1930's era sales levels they are burning their cash at a much faster rate than anticipated and now say they have about 7 months of cash on hand ---not enough to reach their 2010 rollout of fuel efficient sporty new cars.

Th belief is if GM fails and creidtors will force the liquidation of their vehicles to recover their cash. This will futher damage Chrysler & Ford, likely forcing them under. For every factory worker, there are at least 7.5x as many people down the road (dealerships and whatnot)involved in new car sales. It is estimated at 10% of the total US workforce.

Should the government give the auto industry what they want? ($50B loan bailout) Should they give each manufacturer a different deal, depending on how much of a commitment they show to fuel efficiency improvements in new models? What is the answer?


NPR covered a bit of this one one of their news shows... What would happen if the automanufacturers were allowed to fail...15% increase on all cars, with the vast majority of that money going overseas. In the short term all automanufacturers would be impacted. A huge part of the components of used to assemble a car are manufactured by American small businesses. As much of 70% of their business comes from the American auto industry. It is likely those companies would fail. If that is the case part prices would skyrocket until new manufacturers came on line. Older cars would no longer have new parts, forcing Americans to buy the new more expensive forign cars. And that is just on the car/consumer end of the deal.

I am not a fan of American cars of the past, but letting the industry fail hits me as a huge, dangerous mistake.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've noticed that a few answers on this post actually *want* GM to fail, regardless of the bailout. Or some seem more curious at the possibility than those people- I'm biting my tongue to prevent insulting your intelligence.

    It's not a simple as the idea that "if they fail they fail". If GM goes under you'd better believe a large part of america will go with it. It's not just the car manufactures that suffer, its the sales industry- its the companies that produce the windshield wipers, the companies that produce the fiberglass, the companies that provide all of the raw materials that GM uses- leather, metals, etc. It's not as simple as 1 auto producer going under, but multiple large corporations that literally drive the american economy.

    Picture this: several large auto manufactures go under, as Politico suggested. 10% of the US workforce losing employment = over 15 million people who will not have an income. That's an additional 15 million people who will not purchase goods, or would draw income from the government. Less buying= more inflation, since companies everywhere would try to make up for the lack of sales. More inflation = less buying, since the price of goods would be so high. Less buying = more companies failing = more unemployment = less buying = more inflation = more failing companies = more unemployment = more foreclosures = more failing banks = more unemployment= endless cycle= depression.

    ...Meaning whether you like it or not, whether you're on the political left or the right, this will effect you and your family.

    undoubtedly those on the right are crying "NO BAILOUT! Look how AIG wasted our money!" And they're probably ignoring how the provisions in that bill that awarded "sweeteners" to CEO's were demanded by the Republicans in the House- and they continue to pray and hope for the collapse of a major american industry because in their "me"-centered logic that somehow won't effect them.

    Well, it's time we got away from the idea of the "me" economy that the right endorses, and started to focus on the "We" economy. We cannot allow a major American economic cornerstone to crumble before our eyes. This is a time for everyone to sacrifice a bit for our country.

  • logan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You fail to mention the jobs unrelated to the auto industry that will end if we don't help them. For every car that rolls off the line, 8-10 jobs in other Industries are reliant on it. $50 billion dollars is a drop in the bucket compared to what we will be paying if we let them go under.

    Unemployment, pensions, health care, taxes and so on. People have no idea how these three companies impact our economy as a whole. And for the better too. If they are allowed to go under, the negative impact will be devastating.

    'Did you get the memo"--- They are the "American" auto industry because they were founded here in America. They built this country and it's middle class.

    $75.00 an hour? Not quite. Maybe, if you are talking about working overtime and then sundays and holidays, maybe if we had a holiday every week. Add in benefits, maybe with all of that. But no, thats not quite being truthful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is a really tough call.

    GM is a huge company that produces a lot of jobs from the guy on the assembly line to the guy fixing the cars at the GM dealer to the guy making a simple nut at Acme Nuts.

    What are we to do?

    The answer is really much more complex and is tied into this:

    Look at the back of a dollar bill

    It says Federal Reserve System

    How many of you know that system is privately owned?

    How many of you know that the Federal Reserve System is controlled by a few banks and a handful of very rich people?

    How many of you know that the chairman of the Federal Reserve System is probably the most powerful man on the planet?

    The Federal Reserve System controls our money supply

    Prints our money

    Interest rates

    encourages you to be in debt

    lends money to our government while you the tax payer are paying interest on that debt.

    That our money is not backed by anything tangible, such as gold or silver, but only backed with a promise.

    In short, they control just about every aspect of your life, your money, your credit cards, your mortgage, your car loan, student loans, your retirment, etc.

    Including having their hands in getting us involved in money making wars.

    The smartest thing I ever did was chose to live debt free about 20 years ago. It is amazing how much of our money is eaten up by the Federal Reserve System, and how much more disposable income I had because I made the right choice.

    And more information about the federal reserve system:

    And this audio from Senator Ron Paul

    And video

    Other prespectives

    For more information about this and other important issues, download this:

    TVU Player

    Then I would tune into:

    Channel 68078

    Exposing 9/11, police state and tyranny

    Documentaries about 911 and other social issues over and over again.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO bail out! It will only be another waste of money. These workers make $75 an hour because of the unions and they need to just go into bankruptcy, restructure and come out better and more competitive with foreign auto makers. Americans should not be asked to invest in a failing company.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Will GM be allowed to fail and will it take down the American auto industry?

    Let is all pray so.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know, but if they do fail, it will cost america 2.5 million jobs.

    The loss of 2.5M jobs will cost america far more than $50B.

    The question is, will $50B actually rescue the company? Or are we throwing the money down the toilet to a company that will fail anyway/

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hopefully they will all be allowed to fail. But I must ask, what is the "American auto industry"? Do you count manufacturers like Honda, Toyota, Mercedes, Nissan and Mitsubishi in the "American auto industry"? Or are they simply ignored?

  • 5 years ago

    Excuse me? Wasn't Obama and friends that perpetuate the failure in the first place? Does Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ring a bell with you.....thanks democrats. Thanks also democrats for NAFTA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Companies should be allowed to fail for the same reason they should be allowed to succeed - for the same reason that the lion should be allowed to kill and eat the weakest, oldest gazelle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would be a disaster not to. And yes, I believe we should use the opportunity to require them to make clean, fuel efficient vehicles.

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